Sample code created to demonstrate my issue #7689 with Service Bus Node.js SDK for a bug that locked the receiver when the internet was unavailable for long periods of time.
✅ This bug has since been fixed by Microsoft
az servicebus namespace create -n '<namespace>' -g '<group>' -l '<location>' --sku Basic
az servicebus queue create -n '<name>' --namespace-name '<namespace>' -g '<group>'
az servicebus namespace authorization-rule keys list \
-n RootManageSharedAccessKey -g '<group>' --namespace-name '<namespace>' \
--query primaryConnectionString -o tsv
Create .env
and fill with environment values:
cp config/sample.env .env
Run it:
yarn install
yarn run dequeue
Now disconnect your computer from the internet and wait at least 1:20
Reconnect to the internet and add messages to confirm it continues to operate:
yarn run enqueue
All messages should be consumed.