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Retrospectives: 20210407

Nils Magne Lunde edited this page May 6, 2021 · 3 revisions

Participants: Birte Thornquist, Nicholas Haggerty, Nils Magne Lunde, Sven Van Steenis, Victor Nystad, Wenche Tollevsen

😠 Mad

  • Snow ( Sven, 1 Up Vote )
  • Religion! Who is this god person anyway… ( Victor Nystad, 1 Up Vote )
  • Modern star trek ( Sven )

😢 Sad

  • When an issue is moved to implementation review and need more design shall we create new discover/design issues? ( Birte Thornquist )
  • The little daises died in the blizzard ( Victor Nystad )
  • Have not quite master the level of specification of the design ( Birte Thornquist )
  • (lack of) Typescript in Sanity ( Nils Magne Lunde )
  • What are tests? Haven't done much on testing yet (just some dummy unit tests) ( Nils Magne Lunde )
  • Lack of Zen in Zenhub.
    • Zenhub is a bit too complicated for my taste. User stories are great but hard to know where something belongs sometimes..
    • Lack of flow in the board.
    • Struggling with the board a bit.
    • The board is not working great. User stories are to general and end up stayin on the board for too long.
    • Issues are staying too long in the review status ( Nils Magne Lunde )
  • How to have expectations on progress with part time workers ( Wenche Tollevsen )
  • Everyone not always in sync when it comes to prioritizations and what to work on ( Nils Magne Lunde )
  • Still alot of unknowns. Localisation / tagging / archiving +++ ( Nicholas Haggerty )
  • Feel like I have quite a bit of this in my head that hasn't made it to Birte or user story(s) ( Nicholas Haggerty )
  • Don’t feel I’ve been successful in fully communicating the fluid design concept ( Victor Nystad )
  • Still lack of physical meetings ( Nils Magne Lunde )
  • Don't want to bother people on "wrong" days - makes me forget things or just skipping things ( Wenche Tollevsen )
  • Lack a proper definition of done. -> Decide on how to ensure that task is done before put into review [ Status: Open, Responsible: Nils Magne Lunde ] ( Wenche Tollevsen, 1 Up Vote )

😃 Glad

  • Good review-discussions ( Birte Thornquist )
  • Issues are done ( Birte Thornquist )
  • Finally able to see the web page on an external real URL ( Wenche Tollevsen )
  • Progress ( Sven )
  • We are closing issues :D ( Nils Magne Lunde )
  • Fun to work with typography and fluid design ( Victor Nystad )
  • Very happy with the teams progress now we are in Sanity ( Nicholas Haggerty )
  • Great to have actual pages ( Victor Nystad )
  • Great to see that we (Kalyan) is on track with the archived pages ( Victor Nystad, 1 Up Vote )
  • We have an A-Z solution up and running ( Nils Magne Lunde )
  • Home office ( Sven )
  • Dialog with Sanity ( Wenche Tollevsen )
  • Managed to get a few days at the office ( Nils Magne Lunde )
  • Technical fot i bakken successful so far ( Wenche Tollevsen )
  • Maybe just maybe..... localisation could become a simpler proposition ( Nicholas Haggerty )
  • Slack and automations - easy to see what the (technical) status is ( Nils Magne Lunde )

☑️ Action items

  • Not notified when build fails. -> Set up integration between Radix and Slack [ Status: Rejected, Responsible: Not Assigned ] ( Wenche Tollevsen )
  • Find a better workflow user stories tasks etc [ Status: In Progress, Responsible: Nils Magne Lunde ] ( Nils Magne Lunde )
  • Reorganize the board (use separate boards filters or what not) to make it simpler to use [ Status: In Progress, Responsible: Nils Magne Lunde ] ( Nils Magne Lunde )
  • Schedule a virtual kick-off/social event after work hours [ Status: Done, Responsible: Not Assigned ] ( Nils Magne Lunde )