Releases: equinor/template-fastapi-react
Releases · equinor/template-fastapi-react
template-fastapi-react: v1.5.0
1.5.0 (2024-07-22)
- add auth (a201f13)
- add axios (88448c2)
- add equinor design system (b96d4da)
- add equinor typeface (53a7423)
- add eslint to pre-commit (20c872d)
- Add extra checks to pre-commit and run safety in venv (27a6cbe)
- add flake8, safety and pytests to pre-commit (1917997)
- Add info popover with version (28aa513), closes #154
- add mypy type checking to pre-commit (437cedd)
- add OpenCensusRequestLoggingMiddleware middleware (b9c035b)
- add Popover component (c8964bd)
- add prettier (b1ce63a)
- add react context to handle todo state (510e470)
- add reusable IconButton component (f933e30)
- allow each user to have their own todos (9456ab8)
- autogenerate release changelog (e463ae2)
- build and push images in ci (477ad85)
- create-react-app with typescript and equinor icons (2cfa523)
- expand and visualize auth states (51c9870)
- init todo example (8beaf08)
- official nginx image running unprivileged (fab0c14)
- pre-commit in CI from pre-commit-config.yaml (5d806b5)
- pre-commit: Add autoflake to pre-commits (8d97b34), closes #31
- replace exception handling (35ae0ef)
- replace prettier and eslint with biome (afe2cb9)
- response decorator takes Response type as parameter (9a7f228)
- reusable gh actions workflows (d557ebc)
- show changelog in documentation (6da9b86)
- standardized ErrorResponse model (c09e4dc)
- tutorial on authentication (fd789c0)
- web: clear input on add-todo (d61adc1)
- web: visualize loading state better (6a6ab81)
Bug Fixes
- add error handling of version file fetch (a4f6889)
- add missing decorators (54fd2f8)
- add missing dependency without causing infinite loop of rerendering (8f5c01d)
- add required additional dependecies to eslint pre-commit env (cca8509)
- add types to fixtures (0528e5b)
- add venv (d682b08)
- api: handle lists in create_response (333f7d4)
- api: make health-check return PlainTextResponse (12d5169)
- api: raise MissingPrivilegeException when relevant (0c55af3)
- api: raise MissingPrivilegeException when relevant (613cc42)
- api: remove empty default pydantic field in models (0424282)
- cast variable that cannot be undefined to boolean (372f781)
- delete non existing item should return 404 (4341416)
- dev: env_file in docker-compose.override.yml (PR #39) (2aa80bd)
- disable pull (de2d045)
- docs reference out of date (bd4cc8d)
- duplicated pre-commit hook (a21f5a6)
- extras typing is not always dict[str,str] (7ba0694)
- fix mypy errors (d9543c1)
- fix pytest_plugin import error (b521819)
- lock cryptography dependency since a bad new release. Set authentication scheme to allow for no tokens. Exclude some file from pre-commit (ea6a931)
- make authentication work again (3e8da0f)
- make todo title required, not optional (bc8dab6)
- make useTodos simpler to use (e8f0a18)
- move Response decorator to controllers (bd36b4a)
- only allow users to delete their own todos (1cf1e7a)
- only run safety hook once (bc33372)
- poetry command (ccbb2e1)
- pre-commit (5192d0e)
- python-version (a934109)
- ran api again (afa8158)
- ran generator (19ff51b)
- remove /api as root path. ([208ceb9](208ceb98dcf2...
1.4.0 (2023-03-01)
Bug Fixes
- add error handling of version file fetch (a4f6889)
- api: handle lists in create_response (333f7d4)
- api: make health-check return PlainTextResponse (12d5169)
- api: remove empty default pydantic field in models (0424282)
- remove /api as root path. (208ceb9)
- replace deprecated output definition (c53b003)
- Upgrade pre-commits (bd8f110)
Build System
- add typescript plugin (83ade0c)
- ci/cd: update flake8 repo location (e6953ad)
- enable scripts to build necessary packages (YN0007) (f1cf2c3)
- missing peer dependencies (YN0002) (9e8981d)
- set yarn version (afb5834)
Miscellaneous Chores
- Add yarn upgrade-interactive (91d998f)
- api: return Pydantic model instead of dict (427a963)
- ignore diffs on yarn plugins (78017e5)
- remove empty catch (0264cb5)
- remove redundant conditional (925d5b4)
- type CommitInfo (2179e13)
- Update all web packages (a193af5)
- update dependencies (fb2cf50)
- update sdks (385a55e)
- upgrade versions (bc9f6a3)
- upgrade versions (041f78e)
Code Refactoring
- api: replace response_class with return type annotations (b1fa3bd)
- ci: extract ghcr login into separat step (0d90fe0)
- ci: remove crazy-max external action (b41990d)
- create empty yarn.lock (39050e7)
- separate responsibilities by moving useEffect to a custom hook (cc33a5d)
- workflow: Fix linting errors (8ea9f69)
- workflow: rename and restructure workflows (f08fffa)
Continuous Integration
- Add rollback workflow (b1cca70), closes #153
- allow publishing multiple tags at once (4c5d867), closes #153
- bump pre-commit hooks (9a0cea7)
- change oauth redurect url to radix playground (655c55f)
- Change version logging format on build (49ca893), closes #154
- correct permissions (6d9d563)
- Fix bug in publish docs (a696a33)
- Include all commit types in changelog (73cfaaa)
- login as the service principal to request an access token (fabe3b4)
- pass tag name to publish-image workflow (dcedc16), closes #153
- remove secret as input to reusable workflow (1ec6cbb)
- specify playground context (142bc13)
1.3.0 (2022-11-11)
- allow each user to have their own todos (9456ab8)
Bug Fixes
- add missing dependency without causing infinite loop of rerendering (8f5c01d)
- api: raise MissingPrivilegeException when relevant (0c55af3)
- api: raise MissingPrivilegeException when relevant (613cc42)
- make todo title required, not optional (bc8dab6)
- only allow users to delete their own todos (1cf1e7a)
- test suite (31da3f7)
- tests: fix up integration tests with per-user todos (b7cc0ca)
1.0.0 (2022-09-07)
- add auth (a201f13)
- add axios (88448c2)
- add equinor design system (b96d4da)
- add equinor typeface (53a7423)
- add eslint to pre-commit (20c872d)
- Add extra checks to pre-commit and run safety in venv (27a6cbe)
- add flake8, safety and pytests to pre-commit (1917997)
- add mypy type checking to pre-commit (437cedd)
- add prettier (b1ce63a)
- autogenerate release changelog (e463ae2)
- build and push images in ci (477ad85)
- create-react-app with typescript and equinor icons (2cfa523)
- init todo example (8beaf08)
- official nginx image running unprivileged (fab0c14)
- pre-commit in CI from pre-commit-config.yaml (5d806b5)
- pre-commit: Add autoflake to pre-commits (8d97b34), closes #31
- response decorator takes Response type as parameter (9a7f228)
- reusable gh actions workflows (d557ebc)
- show changelog in documentation (6da9b86)
- tutorial on authentication (fd789c0)
Bug Fixes
- add missing decorators (54fd2f8)
- add required additional dependecies to eslint pre-commit env (cca8509)
- add venv (d682b08)
- cast variable that cannot be undefined to boolean (372f781)
- dev: env_file in docker-compose.override.yml (PR #39) (2aa80bd)
- disable pull (de2d045)
- duplicated pre-commit hook (a21f5a6)
- fix mypy errors (d9543c1)
- fix pytest_plugin import error (b521819)
- lock cryptography dependency since a bad new release. Set authentication scheme to allow for no tokens. Exclude some file from pre-commit (ea6a931)
- move Response decorator to controllers (bd36b4a)
- only run safety hook once (bc33372)
- poetry command (ccbb2e1)
- pre-commit (5192d0e)
- python-version (a934109)
- remove (a500444)
- set correct base path for docs (0dda0b2)
- set correct type on todo local state (2a4020c)
- turn off eslint rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with prettier (d6beaf7)
- typo (fb557b8)
- use const on variable that is never reassigned (9f7c543)
- web: correct base path (a3872d5)
- yarn build again (dfc48fd)