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Kotlin/Native + GNU gettext demo

This program demonstrates how to use GNU gettext package for Kotlin/Native program internationalization and localization. Supported locales: English, Russian. Supported platform: Linux only for now, but porting to Windows/macOS is possible. What program do: translate user-specified natural number to cardinal numeral in Japanese language. Input can be specified as command line argument or through stdin. GNOME Terminal screenshot

Translations scripts

To create or update translations you can use two scripts in scripts subdirectory:


Localized strings stored in po/en_US/jnt.po and po/ru_RU/jnt.po files. Those files can be edit with any text editor like Sublime Text or with some specialized po-file editor. When edit is complete mo-files should be generated and properly deployed (done by update script).


Just open the project in IntelliJ IDEA, either community or paid edition. Or use Gradle build task:

./gradlew build

Run program

Locale can be specified using LANG environment variable. Program can take natural number as command line argument:

LANG=en_US.UTF-8 build/bin/native/debugExecutable/JapaneseNumeralTranslator.kexe 120
LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8 build/bin/native/debugExecutable/JapaneseNumeralTranslator.kexe 120

Or it will be requested from stdin if no argument was specified:

LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8 build/bin/native/debugExecutable/JapaneseNumeralTranslator.kexe
LANG=en_US.UTF-8 build/bin/native/debugExecutable/JapaneseNumeralTranslator.kexe

Run unit tests

Use Gradle check task:

./gradlew check