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Airflow on Minikube and GKE

1. Purpose

A working infrastructure installation of Apache Airflow on Minikube (locally) and GKE.

The key objective is to have local code (Dags, Tasks, Kubernetes objects) as similar as possible to that running in GKE.

We assume that we will run Airflow in GKE (Composer) in Kubernetes executor mode, using exclusively the KubernetesPodOperator. Therefore we do the same in the local Minikube environment.


  • Test task reading/ writing into a DB, create airflow-test DB

  • Deploy to GKE

  • Publish on Github

  • Papermill working example

3. Local Minikube environment

3.1. Prerequisites

  • A working Minikube installation with a Virtualbox VM back-end - See

  • Provide ample resources, we suggest 6 vCPU and 8GB of RAM: minikube start --driver=virtualbox --cpus 6 --memory 8192

  • Helm (v3) installed on host - See

  • A DB server running on host (PostgreSQL or MySQL). The host is seen as from within the Minikube cluster.

3.2. Architecture

architecture local

The Airflow containers (Webserver, Scheduler, Worker) all:

  • Mount the Dags volumes as hostPath mounts (read-only)

  • Mount the Logs permanent volume (write)

  • Connect to the Airflow DB (write)

The Task execution containers:

  • Mount the Dags folder, where we store the Python task executables (read-only)

  • Mount the Data volume, for file input/output (read/ write)

  • Executes a Python script

4. Data persistence

Airflow persists data for DAGs, logs and data. The setup will differ in a local and in a cloud environments. Here we describe how we manage persistent data in the local Minikube context.

4.1. DAGs

We mount bind the local airflow folder to the Minikube VM:

sudo mount --bind /opt/data/projects /home/projects.

The Airflow project folder /opt/data/projects/airflow-gke is viewable from within the Minikube VM node as /hosthome/projects/airflow-gke, and will be used to make the git working directory where DAGs and task code immediately available to the Airflow execution environment in read-only mode.

When you execute a DAG, the code in the project working directory is used. Airflow does not cache DAGs.

In a cloud environment the DAG code will typically be pulled from a git repo.

4.2. Data

Convention: Each project (e.g. example1) has its own data directory data/{{project}}. Worker pods mount this data directory to read and write data files.

We mount bind a data folder to the Minikube VM: sudo mount --bind /opt/data/storage-buckets/airflow /home/storage-buckets/airflow.

To ensure that the same code runs locally and on GKE to read/write files, we use the Python fs-gcsfs file system abstraction library:

  • Locally the file system driver will be 'local file system'

  • In a cloud environment the file system driver will be cloud object storage, such as GCP Cloud Storage.

4.3. Logs

This is the output of Workers, includes boilerplate Worker container logging and application-specific logging (such as the output of the return statement of a task function).

Log persistence require a Kubernetes Persistent Volume and Claim. They can’t be hostPath mounts. The PV is shared (read-only) by Airflow and Workers.

Using a home mounted folder such as /hosthome/airflow/logs doesn’t work. Containers don’t get write permission on such folder as they’re mounted onto a PV, so we must use a "native" Minikube host folder, such as /data/airflow-logs.

Anyway these logs are best viewed from the Airflow UI, associated to each task execution. So it doesn’t matter much that we can’t access them from the host file system.

In the local shell:
# Create the VM node mount point:
minikube ssh
sudo mkdir /data/airflow-logs
sudo chown 50000 airflow-logs
sudo chmod 0777 airflow-logs
# Exit SSH
# Create airflow nmespace if not exists
kubectl create namespace airflow
# Create the Logs PV
kubectl apply -f k8s/log-pv.yml

In a cloud environment logs will typically be handled by a Kubernetes managed service.

5. Deploying Airflow

5.1. Secrets

To generate a Fernet key:

python -c "from cryptography import Fernet; print(Fernet.generate_key().decode())"

e.g.: kkEDrWqDYFuMlJiMBUHdmXbWBQ1fmFwrEPWBDAUikpc=

This key is used by Helm to:

  • Create a Kubernetes secret airflow-fernet-key

  • To mount this secret on all Airflow containers

To generate a Kubernetes secret:

In the local shell:
# Create the VM node mount point:
kubectl apply -f k8s/secrets.example1.local.yml

5.2. Kubernetes deployments

We deploy the official Helm chart

In the local shell:
# Add repo
helm repo add apache-airflow
# Configurations available
helm show values apache-airflow/airflow > airflow/values.DIST.yaml
# Deploy the Helm chart
helm upgrade -f airflow/values.yaml --install airflow apache-airflow/airflow -n airflow --create-namespace --debug
# Port forwarding for the Web UI (default port 8080 on host is already in use, so using 8090 instead)
kubectl port-forward svc/airflow-webserver 8090:8080 -n airflow
# Launch UI:
minikube service airflow-webserver -n airflow

You can log into the Web UI using admin:admin

To change in configuration in values.yaml, run the helm chart again and restart the port forwarding as above.

6. Worker Docker images

We create a library of predefined Docker image types under folder images, eg pandas-basic. These images create predefined Miniconda environments with suitable libraries for generic purposes, such as:

  • Pandas dataframe transformation for ETLs

  • Tensorflow model training

  • Geopandas GIS dataframe transformation

  • etc.

Add additional dependencies to an image’s environment.yml as needed and rebuild the image.

To build a new version of an image:

In the local shell:
eval $(minikube docker-env)
export TAG="0.0.2"
docker build -t "pandas-basic:${TAG}" images/pandas-basic
# To exec into container for testing purposes (eg installing new Python package):
docker run -it --name testco "pandas-basic:${TAG}" bash

Images can be slow to build due to conda package resolution. The trick is to specify package semantic versions such as - pandas=1.4 instead of just - pandas. This is good practice anyway to ensure maximum environment reproducibility.

Miniconda is handy because one would typically develop tasks' Python code in Jupyter notebooks, which use conda packaging and environment management.

Dockerhub native Python images can be used instead of Miniconda.

7. Dag and Task design

7.1. Environment variables

There are two ways to pass environment variables to Worker pods:

  1. Using the env_vars argument to the KubernetesPodOperator. This in turn creates environment variables in the execution pod

  2. Using Kubernetes ConfigMaps, which create environment variables. Probably the better option in most cases

In the local shell:
kubectl apply -f k8s/configmap.example1.local.yml

7.2. Helper functions

To make the DAG code simpler and shorter we created helper functions in a Python package dags/common/utils to generate:

  • Volume mounts (DAGs and data)

  • ConfigMaps mounts to environment variables

  • Secrets mounts to environment variables

These helper functions rely on the following naming conventions:

  • Each project has zero or one configmap; the configmap’s name should be the project name (e.g. example1)

  • Each project has zero or one secret; the secret’s name should be the project name (e.g. example1)

8. References

8.1. Airflow


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