A PHP executable on Docker, to run PHP scripts on the fly with php-cli
Create the container and remove it immediately after the script execution
To test particular PHP versions, configurations, extensions and build processes
7.4-large: includes exact same libraries as used in the Quoteguy web app, notably libraries for dynamic image generation
docker build -f Dockerfile.7-4-large \ -t php-cli:7.4-large \ .
To create a permanent Bash alias:
(create if does not exist) -
alias php1='docker container run --rm -v $(pwd):/app/ --user $(id -u):$(id -g) php-cli:7.4-large'
Save and close the file
Activate alias by executing
source ~/.bash_aliases
Just go to the directory with your code and run:
docker container run --rm -v $(pwd):/app/ --user $(id -u):$(id -g) php-cli:7.4-large test.php
or with the alias:
php test.php
will remove the container after execution -
-v $(pwd):/app/
will mount the current directory as volume -
is the image -
is the command which will be executed after the container is created -
is the script to execute -
In general we want file outputs to have the same permission as the local user $USER. Hence the
--user $(id -u):$(id -g)
option. -
Ensure the directory where you want to write on the host has permissions 0777.