This extension add supporting to the PyLSP to Zed.
Go to Zed's extension manager and search for vale. Click install.
Install the pylsp inside your virtual env:
Basic Support:
pip install python-lsp-server
With All Dependencies:
pip install "python-lsp-server[all]"
This will expose the command pylsp on your PATH. Confirm that installation succeeded by running pylsp --help.
If the respective dependencies are found, the following optional providers will be enabled:
Rope for Completions and renaming
Pyflakes linter to detect various errors
McCabe linter for complexity checking
pycodestyle linter for style checking
pydocstyle linter for docstring style checking (disabled by default)
autopep8 for code formatting
YAPF for code formatting (preferred over autopep8)
flake8 for error checking (disabled by default)
pylint for code linting (disabled by default)
"languages": {
"Python": {
"language_servers": ["pyright", "pylsp"]
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License Apache 2.0