This a c library with a function recopilation for string manipulation
#define strempty(str)
Returns 1 if the string is empty.
#define strew(str,ch)
Returns 1 if the string ends with 'ch'.
#define strsw(str,ch)
Returns 1 if the string starts with 'ch'.
#define strfpos(str,substr)
Returns the position of the first occurrence of a string.
#define strlpos(str,substr)
Returns the position of the first occurrence of a string.
#define strinsl(str,substr)
Inserts a substring to the left of the string.
#define strinsr(str,substr)
Inserts a substring to the right of the string.
#define strrst(str)
Sets 0 in all index.
#define strtolwr(str)
Converts uppercase to lowercase.
#define strtoopp(str)
Converts lowercase to uppercase and uppercase to lowercase respectively.
#define strtoupr(str)
Converts lowercase to uppercase.
#define strtrim(str)
Removes spaces that are to the right and left of the string.
#define strtriml(str)
Removes spaces that are to the left of the string.
#define strtrimr(str)
Removes spaces that are to the right of the string.
#define strrvrs(str)
Reverses the position of the characters in the string.
void strchins(char* str,int x,const char ch )
Inserts a character in a specific point.
void strchinsl(char* str,const char ch)
Inserts a character to the left of the string.
void strchinsr(char* str,const char ch)
Inserts a character to the right of the string.
int strcount(const char *str, const char *word)
Returns the number of times a substring appears.
void strins(char* str,int x,const char* substr)
Inserts a substring in a specific point.
int strposlr(const char *str,const char *substr, int i)
Returns the first position of a substring analyzing it from left to right, starting from the incident 'i'.
int strposrl(char *str,const char *substr, int i)
Returns the first position of a substring analyzing it from right to left, starting from the incident 'i'.
char strrem(char* str, int i)
Removes the character from a string that is in a specific index.
void strrep(char *str,const char *a,const char *b)
Replaces a substring with another substring.
void strfrep(char *str,const char *a,const char *b)
Replaces the first occurrence of the substring with another substring
void strlrep(char *str,const char *a,const char *b)
Replaces the last occurrence of the substring with another substring.
int strsplit(const char *str,const char *sep,const int w, char **arr)
Separates a string based on a separator and save the result in a matrix. And return the number of substrings that resulted from that separation returns.