Insert gif or link to demo
Contributions are always welcome!
for ways to get started.
Please adhere to this project's code of conduct
Create a new branch with your proposed lesson idea
Observe the following format for lesson creation. If you are unfamiliar with mermaidJS, I encourage you to visit their online editor
title: 'Lesson 1\nGit Basics',
icon: 'BsGithub',
description: 'Learn the basics of Git and how to set up an account.',
'In this lesson, we will...',
objectives: [
'Understand the purpose of Git and GitHub',
'Learn the differences between Git and GitHub',
'Discover the benefits of using Git and GitHub',
'Set up a GitHub account',
content: [
sectionTitle: 'What is Git?',
'Git is a distributed version...',
sectionTitle: 'What is GitHub?',
'GitHub is a web-based platform...',
sectionTitle: 'Why use Git and GitHub?',
'Using Git and GitHub can help developers...',
sectionTitle: 'Setting up Git and GitHub accounts',
"To get started with Git and GitHub...",
exercises: [
exerciseTitle: 'Create a GitHub account',
"If you haven't already, sign up...",
chartDefinition: `
(Version Control)
::icon(fa fa-github)
)) diff((
)) push((
(Remote Repository)
::icon(fa fa-cloud)
{{Issues & PRs}}
))Pull Requests((
{{Teams & Orgs}}
))Code Review((
{{CI/CD & Actions}}
))GitHub Actions((
{{Webhooks & Apps}}
Add your lesson to the array located in /pages/lessons/lessonData.js
Submit a Pull Request.
git clone
cd gitty
npm install
This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
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- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
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