A website for practicing German grammar using spaced repetition. Try it out.
Spaced repetition flash card software is helpful for learning vocabulary but it is not ideal for learning grammar. I decided to build a spaced repetition system for learning grammar rules that varies the content of the flash card for a given rule each time it is seen while keeping the content applicable for that rule.
- Deklination (Declension)
- Identify Gender
- Identify Case
- Identify Declension
- Konjugation (Conjugation)
- Topics TBD
- Wortstellung (Word Order)
- Topics TBD
- Spaced Repetition for Rules and Exceptions
- Progress Tracking For Signed In Users (Items Reviewed, Items Learned, Reviews Due)
- Responsive Design (Mobile Friendly)
- 5,000 Most Commonly Used German Nouns
- 44 Gender Rules Covering ~60% of the 5,000 Nouns
- Sample Sentences for Identifying Cases and Declension
- Automatic Detection of Obvious Cases in Sample Sentences
- Ability to Manually Confirm Ambiguous Cases in Sample Sentences
- Save Time Zone Information per User
- Future Work: Conjugation and Word Order
For the moment this project is not meant to be downloaded and installed. Instead a working version is available for use.
The code in this project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.