Authorization library for Synrc Erlang Stack
- WebSocket Application Server for Enterprises n2o
- Abstract Term Database kvs
- SMTP server and client gen_smtp
- Unicode eXtention ux
Open you project and modify dependency section in file rebar.config
{deps, [
{eauth, ".*", {git, "git://", {tag, "master"} }}
Open you project and setup basic settings in file sys.config
{eauth, [
{smtp_login,<<"[email protected]">>},
All config fields you can find in eauth/include/eauth.hrl
file, just translate names to lowercase.
eauth:signin(Mail :: binary(), Passwd :: binary()) -> {error, Error} | {ok, User}.
Error :: login_required | password_required | wrong_password | user_not_found
User :: #user{}
, seeeauth/include/eauth_user.hrl
- Snippet:
case eauth:signin(wf:q(login),wf:q(passwd)) of
{ok,#user{id=Uid}=User} -> wf:user(Uid);
{error,Error} -> wf:warning(?MODULE,"Error signin: ~p",[Error])
eauth:activate(Key :: binary) -> {error,activation_not_found} | {ok,{Mail,PasswordHash,Salt}}.
Mail2 :: binary()
PasswordHash :: binary()
Salt :: binary()
- Snippet:
case eauth:activate(Key) of
{error,activation_not_found} -> skip;
{ok,{Mail,PasswordHash,Salt}} ->
wf:info(?MODULE,"New user created ~p",[Uid])
eauth:join(Mail,JoinMessageFun) -> {error, {Error, Mail2}} | {ok, Mail2)}.
Error :: network_error | already_registered | wait_activation | wrong_email
Mail2 :: binary()
- Snippet:
Status=eauth:join(Mail,fun(Password,Key) ->
Body=["<h1>Thanks you for registering</h1><p>You password: ",wf:html_encode(Password),"</p>",
"<p>Finishing registration link: <a href=\"",ActivateUrl,"\">",wf:html_encode(ActivateUrl),"</a></p>"],
eauth:reset(Mail,resetMessage) -> {error, Error} | {ok,{PasswordHash, Salt}}
Error :: user_deleted | user_not_found
PasswordHash :: binary()
Salt :: binary()
- Snippet:
ResetMessageFun=fun(Password) ->
Subject="Reset password",
Body=["<h1>You password has been resetting</h1><p>You password: ",wf:html_encode(Password),"</p>"],
case eauth:reset(Mail,ResetMessageFun) of
{error,_} -> ok;
{ok,{PasswordHash,Salt}} ->
case kvs:index(user,email,Mail) of
[#user{}=User] -> kvs:put(User#user{password=PasswordHash,salt=Salt});
_ -> skip
Use -include_lib("eauth/include/eauth_user.hrl").
in you project for define #user{}
eauth_user:get() -> #user{} | undefined
– Get session user from databaseeauth_user:user() -> #user{} | undefined
– Get user from stateeauth_user:user(User) -> User
– Write user to stateeauth_user:is_alive(#user{} | any()) -> true | false
– Check for non-deleted user
By default, user (in state) stored in process state.
You can override this if want store user in custom state.
Just setup function_state
and function_state_user
in sys.config
as {Mod,Fun}
function_state() -> State % get custom state
function_state(State) -> State % write custom state
function_state_user(State) -> User % get from custom state
function_state_user(State,User) -> State % write to custom state