A rebar3 plugin for installing OTP applications
This plugin makes it possible to restore the OTP bundle as it looked
before OTP-20, i.e. the applications that have been moved out of the
OTP repository can be installed into /usr/local/lib/erlang/lib/
or any other suitable place where erl
can find them again.
The decoupled applications are proper rebar3
applications, but since
they are used in legacy project, this plugin is provided to allow
continued use without converting the projects to using rebar3
The plugin is implemented in the otp
$ rebar3 compile
rebar3 otp install [<app>] [-r <repo>] [-v <version>] [-t <tag>]
[-r <ref>] [-b <branch>] [-o <target>]
<app> The application to install. If not given, the application
found in the current directory is installed.
-r, --repo Git repository to fetch application from. Default is the
official erlang/OTP repository for the given application.
-v, --version Application version. Default is the latest from master
-t, --tag Git tag for application. Default is the latest from
master branch.
-r, --ref Git ref for application. Default is the latest from
master branch.
-b, --branch Git branch for application. Default is master.
-o, --target Directory where the apps shall be installed. A
subdirectory named erlang will be created under the given
target directory. Default is $HOME/.local/lib.
--nodeps Install only the primary application, no dependecies.
Add the plugin to your rebar config (typically your global config $HOME/.config/rebar3/rebar.config):
{plugins, [{rebar3_otp_install_plugin,
{git, "[email protected]:erlang/rebar3_otp_install_plugin.git",
{tag, "0.1"}}}
Then just call your plugin directly in any directory:
$ rebar3 otp install typer -v 0.9.13
===> Compiling rebar3_otp_install_plugin
===> Verifying dependencies...
===> Verifying dependencies...
===> Fetching typer ({git,"[email protected]:erlang/typer.git",
===> Fetching rebar3_appup_plugin ({pkg,<<"rebar3_appup_plugin">>,
===> Downloaded package, caching at ....
===> Compiling rebar3_appup_plugin
===> Compiling rebar3_otpdoc_plugin
===> Compiling typer
===> Compiling typer.appup.src
===> Building escript...
===> Installing applications: [typer]
or inside a OTP application directory:
$ rebar3 otp install
===> Verifying dependencies...
===> Compiling typer
===> Compiling typer.appup.src
===> Building escript...
===> Installing application from current project
===> Installing applications: [typer]
Make sure that you start your erlang node with additional paths to installed libs and executables.