Our study on relationship between timing and discounting
To cite this work: Lukinova, E., & Erlich, J. C. Association of the altered sense of time in the seconds-to-minute range with intertemporal choices across time-horizons (in prep, following pre-registration at OSF: https://osf.io/vaqf8, available at PsyArXiv https://psyarxiv.com/ut5ms).
The src folder contains the code to run the tasks (in task) and also code that will generate the main figures (in analysis.).
The data folder contains anonymized choice data from our subjects.
The media folder contains movies demonstrating the tasks.
The figures folder contains high quality PDFs of the individual delay discounting fits and the individual timing figures (Figure S1 and Figure S2, respectively). Also, if you run the src/analysis/master.m script it will put figures in this folder.