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Problem: How to create multiple line items in MoPub UI quickly?

  1. Login to MoPub UI
  2. Create a new application
  3. Create new ad-units associated to the new application
  4. Create new order
  5. Now under this new order we have to create multiple line items, 170 in total if Prebid's auto granularity is used, with increments of $0.05. First with rate $0.05 , second with rate $0.10, third with $0.15 and so on.


Here we are assuming that we have to create multiple line items with same configuration and only change is the Rate value


  1. Now we have to create the first line item in the sequence
  2. Open the developer toolbar of the Chrome browser
  3. Fill up the three step form of line item creation, enter priority, budget, enter the Rate as 0.05, daypart targeting, frequency caps, select ad-units, setup geo-targeting, connectivity, device and OS targetings, user targetings, keyword targetings. Please see for a step-by-step guide.
  4. Now before clicking the Save button, clear the Network panel in the developer toolbar.
  5. Now click the Save button.
  6. If your action was successful then you will see many calls executing in the network panel.
  7. Find the call in network panel ""
  8. Right-click on this call in Network panel, select option Copy -> Copy as cURL.
  9. Paste the copied content in a new text file on your computer, say line-item-creation-call.txt.
  10. The line-item-creation-call.txt will look as following. This is the API call made to create your first Line Item. If you execute this curl command with all given parameters then it will crteate a new Line Item in MoPub UI with exactly same properties. Now we just have to execute the following CURL command on Terminal by changing the Rate field as required.
curl '' -H 'origin:' -H 'accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9,zh-CN;q=0.8,zh;q=0.7' -H 'user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.121 Safari/537.36' -H 'x-csrftoken: qSpAW9s6MP9bn4kb2cF0sr1ic6EFM81jj7AXobAIjJ1vmKN8au5flLbmqV1hJasy' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'accept: */*' -H 'referer:' -H 'authority:' -H 'cookie: mp__mixpanel=%7B%22distinct_id%22%3A%20%221695a1d38e7360-0225d094; csrftoken=qSpAW9s6MP9bn4kb2cF0sr1ic6EFM81jj7AXobAIjJ1vmKN8au5flLbmqV1hJasy; sessionid=ewjhuret4eruw2vqp4wb6jn952ese33y;; mp_mixpanel__c=0' --data-binary '{"adUnitKeys":["9656e24ec144478ba22f8251fa7326fe"],"allocationPercentage":100,"bid":0.05,"budgetStrategy":"allatonce","budget":null,"budgetType":"unlimited","bidStrategy":"cpm","deviceTargeting":false,"dayPartTargeting":"alltime","end":null,"frequencyCapsEnabled":false,"includeConnectivityTargeting":"all","includeGeoTargeting":"all","keywords":["a = 1 AND b=1"],"name":"test 12","orderKey":"28f5037d7ed74c8b85f1aea55a3900b7","priority":12,"refreshInterval":0,"start":"2019-03-08T08:00:00.000Z","type":"network","targetAndroid":false,"minAndroidVersion":"1.5","maxAndroidVersion":"999","minIosVersion":"2.0","maxIosVersion":"999","targetIOS":"unchecked","targetIphone":false,"targetIpad":false,"targetIpod":false,"userAppsTargeting":"include","userAppsTargetingList":[],"enablePrivateKeywords":true,"networkType":"custom_native","disallowAutoCpm":false,"enableOverrides":true,"overrideFields":{"custom_event_class_name":"a.c.c","custom_event_class_data":"a.c.b.c"}}' --compressed

Python script

This simple Python script will read the given line-item-creation-call.txt file. The default setting is to use Prebid's auto price granularity, which is the only granularity level supported by OpenWrap SDK / MoPub integrations.

You will need to update following variables as needed and then execute Python script:

linItemNamePrefix = "Line Item Name " # here you need to put line item name prefix, line items will be generated as "Line Item Name ( 0.05 )" for bid value 0.05
fileName = "line-item-creation-call.txt" # name or path of the text file in which you have copied the Curl call of the line item which we need to refer; make sure it is created recently to have a valid csrf token


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