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Emmanuel Mathot edited this page Mar 18, 2024 · 15 revisions

Getting started ⚡️

Test Site Preparation

The Test Suite and the Test Scenarios are executed from a Test Site which can be any computer anywhere.

Software requirements

For running this Test Suite properly, you only need docker installed. The getting started guide on Docker has detailed instructions for setting up Docker on Mac, Linux and Windows.

Once you are done installing Docker, test your Docker installation by running the following:

$ docker run hello-world

Hello from Docker.
This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.

Using the Test Suite container

It is higly recommended to use the Test Suite from a container to ensure benchmark isolation as we do in this benchmark. The Test Suite is packaged and delivered as a Docker image ready to run Test Scenarios.

You can either

👷‍♀️ Build and deploy your own Test Suite


🚢 Use the latest release version available on Docker Hub as

Pull the latest version of the image with this command

$ docker pull

latest: Pulling from
af4b0a2388c6: Already exists
c62fd00f9e96: Pulling fs layer
6689ef7e656b: Pulling fs layer
Status: Downloaded newer image for

In this guide, we assume using a locally packaged Test Suite so we will refer to as the docker image. Please substitute with your image tag.

Prepare the Test Suite configuration (config.yaml)

In this Getting Started Guide, we will copy the sample configuration file that is ready to be used. The only necessary step is to set the credentials with yours.


A detailed description of all the configuration elements are available in the Configure the Test Suite page.

First download the config.sample.yaml to your working directory as config.yaml

For instance, we will set the credentials for the CDSE.

CDSE uses the username and the password that you set at the registration of the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem.

Edit the downloaded config.yaml and find the cdse section in service_providers node. Change the username:password string by your username and password.

    max_catalogue_thread: 1
    max_download_thread: 2
      credentials: username:password

If you have an account that allows you to use cloud resources, you can set the cloud access and account settings for the remote tests scenarios. This configuration is dsescribed in the Test Suite configuration compute section.

🎉 Your are now ready for the next step:

⏭️ Run your first Test Scenario