Excel Filler is a Word+Char Convolutional Neural Network that accurately classifies text in one or more input columns of an Excel file and writes the predicted class in an output column. Both input and output columns can be indicated by the user.
Please notice that the code works well with pytorch 0.3.0.post4, while I have experienced problems with other versions.
You are welcome to use and help to improve the code.
Suppose you have an Excel file with two or more textual columns. One or more of these columns are fully filled, while one or more of them are only partially filled.
An example (see: example.xlsx) can be an Excel file containing Region, City and Country. Suppose that for Region and City you have thousands of filled rows, while for Country you only have few hundred filled ones. Given this situation, you can train Excel Filler to learn the association between the existing combinations of Region, City and Country, and --- on this basis --- predict the countries of the remaining Region-City pairs.
The insertion of character embedding is meant to allow users to apply Excel Filler also on non-word fields (e.g. bar-codes).
Because the system will learn on the existing Region-City-Country combinations, it is important to notice that at the prediction time it will infer the new combinations (i.e. it will classify the Region-City pairs) only on the basis of what it has experienced during training. This means, in other words, that it will classify the Region-City pairs only according to any of the Countries that it has seen during training time.
Excel Filler consists in a Word+Char Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), which is a neural technique that is simultaneously fast to train and highly accurate. When appropriately tuned, this system can predict --- for any input column(s) --- a class, among those observed during training.
The system loads the input and output columns indicated by the user from an Excel file. It processes the contained text and runs a machine learning method to learn the existing combinations and predict the missing ones.
As any other machine learning method, Excel Filler needs to go through training, validation and testing, before it can be actually used for predictions. You can switch these modalities by simply calling the program in the following way:
python main.py --mode train --excel_file excel_path --embedding_file embedding_path --input_columns col1,col2 --output_columns col3,col4
python main.py --mode train --excel_file excel_path --embedding_file embedding_path --input_columns col1,col2 --output_columns col3,col4
python main.py --mode train --excel_file excel_path --embedding_file embedding_path --input_columns col1,col2 --output_columns col3,col4
While all input columns are processed together, the system loops among the output columns. The loop includes all the three modes (i.e. train, test, predict). In the 'predict' mode, for each output column it will generate an excel file containing all the existing columns plus a new column with the predictions. The file names clearly describe the predicted column and the source file.
For more information about Convolutional Neural Network, please read this nice article from Adit Deshpande.
The system includes a large range of hyper parameters that the user might want to set. Those that might need more attention are mode, gpu, class_balance, char, epochs, batch_size, char_emb_dims.
>>> python main.py --help
Usage: main.py [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--mode=MODE save the mode (train, test, predict)
-d, --debug if True, print debug information
-g, --gpu if True, use the GPU
-b, --class_balance if True, use class balance
-r, --char if True, use character embeddings too
-f EXCEL_FILE, --excel_file=EXCEL_FILE
excel file to be used for Training/Prediciton
embedding file to be used
input columns in format: x1,x2...,xN
output columns in format: x1,x2...,xN
-s MODEL_PATH, --model_path=MODEL_PATH
folder in which the model is (going to be) saved
-n MODEL_NAME, --model_name=MODEL_NAME
model name as it is (going to be) saved
tuning metric
objective function
--init_lr=INIT_LR save the initial learning rate
--epochs=EPOCHS save the number of epochs
save the batch size
--patience=PATIENCE save the patience before cutting the learning rate
--emb_dims=EMB_DIMS save the embedding dimension
save the char embedding dimension
save the number of hidden dimensions for TextCNN
save the number of layers
--dropout=DROPOUT save the dropout probability
save the weight decay
save the number of filters
--filters=FILTERS save the list of filters in format x1,x2...,xN
save the number of classes in the output
save the maximum number of words to use from the input
save the maximum number of chars to use for every word
save the relative size of the training set
--dev_size=DEV_SIZE save the relative size of the dev set
save the relative size of the test set
save the number of workers