CS 48 Repo Trello: https://trello.com/invite/b/jZlqlUs6/6d86dc614c78040d4e15ca54b032a7fc/cs-48-project
CARE is an iOS compatible fitness app that pairs with an Apple Watch. Using real-time heart rate data from the Apple Watch, CARE provides cues to the user on when to increase or decrease exercise intensity during their workout. The app also actively watches out for anomalies in heart rate, and suggests fixes for health and exercise routines. It can provide insights into the relationship between activity level and other metrics like sleep patterns and heart rate while exercising, predicting which factors can lead to better REM sleep. All of this is displayed to the user in overlain graphs.
- Learned Swift
- Completed UI for Iphone and Apple Watch interfaces
- Explored Xcode and its functionalities
- Researched libraries for graphing data points
- Figured out how to access health data and Apple Watch sensors
- Found volunteers to share their health data
- Notify user best times to workout during the day to optimize workout/calories burned.
- Give user insights on bringing an abnormal resting heart rate back to normal.
- Ekta Shahani - Heart rate and Workout analysis
- Richa Wadaskar - Activity Level and Sleep Analysis
- Anu Polisetty - Visualizations and Project Design
- Aditya Nadkarni - Heart rate and Workout analysis
- Cindy Lu - Design, Activity Level and Sleep Analysis
Run to seed health simulator: https://github.com/eshahani7/project-care-seeding