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⚠️ No new features! This repository is here for legacy purposes. Use react-use-async-fn instead for a better experience.

React Hook for async tasks

Perform async tasks like calling your API and manage them through react hooks


Using NPM:

npm i react-use-async-hook

Using yarn:

yarn add react-use-async-hook


This hooks takes the following options:

  • task: (required) A function which gets performs the async task.
  • dataLoader: (optional) A function which extracts the required data from the async task. For example, we may not need the whole response object from the API response, but just the data that is returned by the API.
  • initialData: (optional, defaults to null) The place holder data to be used in place of the original data until the data is fetched from the async task.
  • executeOnLoad: (optional, defaults to true) Should the task execute every time with the useEffect hook is executed.
  • autoExecute: Alias for executeOnLoad. If both are given, this is ignored.
  • onError: (optional) This function is called when an error occurs. The default behavior just logs to the console.
  • executeOnChange: (optional, defaults to true) If true, Execute the task if either of dataLoader, onError, task change. The execution behavior for various combinations are described below.
executeOnLoad executeOnChange Behavior
true true executes on load and executes on task change
true false executes on load and doesn't execute on task change
false true doesn't executes on load, executes on task change
false false doesn't executes on load, doesn't execute on task change

This hook return an object containing:

  • data: The data that is returned by the async task. This is obtained by passing this value to the dataLoader.
  • loading: Boolean indicating if the async task is still in progress.
  • error: The error that occurred during the async task.
  • taskResult: The whole returned value from the async task.
  • execute: A function that can be called to execute the task when ever needed.


import useAsync from 'react-use-async'

function List (props){
  const makeAPICall = useCallback((page)=>{
      // Simulated API call
      return new Promise((resolve) => {
          setTimeout(() => {
                  data: [1,2,3],
          }, 3000);
  }, []);

  let {
      data, loading, error, execute: refresh
  } = useAsync({
      task: makeAPICall,
      dataLoader: useCallback((response) => {
      }, []),
      initialData: useMemo(()=>([]), []),

  return (
          loading ? (
          ) : (
              <button type="button" onClick={() => refresh(1)}>Refresh</button>
              { => <div key={x}>{x}</div>)}


Managed state for async tasks







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