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Merge pull request #4165 from esl/mongoose_cets_discovery_rdbms-impro…
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Fix bug in mongoose_cets_discovery_rdbms when node removes itself from the discovery_nodes table
Reassign node_ids starting from 1
  • Loading branch information
arcusfelis authored Nov 14, 2023
2 parents fc6ce64 + 42a2d30 commit 42c7274
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Showing 2 changed files with 213 additions and 111 deletions.
200 changes: 150 additions & 50 deletions big_tests/tests/cets_disco_SUITE.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,8 @@

-import(distributed_helper, [mim/0, mim2/0, rpc/4]).

%% Suite configuration
Expand All @@ -20,19 +22,16 @@ file_cases() ->

rdbms_cases() ->

suite() ->
distributed_helper:require_rpc_nodes([mim, mim2]) ++ escalus:suite().
distributed_helper:require_rpc_nodes([mim, mim2]).

%% Init & teardown
init_per_suite(Config) ->

end_per_suite(Config) ->

init_per_group(rdbms, Config) ->
case not ct_helper:is_ct_running()
Expand All @@ -46,17 +45,11 @@ init_per_group(_, Config) ->
end_per_group(_, Config) ->

init_per_testcase(rdbms_backend_supports_auto_cleaning = CaseName, Config) ->
mock_timestamp(mim(), month_ago()) ++
escalus:init_per_testcase(CaseName, Config);
init_per_testcase(CaseName, Config) ->
escalus:init_per_testcase(CaseName, Config).
init_per_testcase(_CaseName, Config) -> Config.

end_per_testcase(rdbms_backend_supports_auto_cleaning = CaseName, Config) ->
escalus:end_per_testcase(CaseName, Config);
end_per_testcase(CaseName, Config) ->
escalus:end_per_testcase(CaseName, Config).
end_per_testcase(_CaseName, Config) ->

%% Test cases
Expand All @@ -67,51 +60,139 @@ file_backend(Config) ->
Opts = #{disco_file => Path},
State = rpc(mim(), cets_discovery_file, init, [Opts]),
{{ok, Nodes}, _} = rpc(mim(), cets_discovery_file, get_nodes, [State]),
['node1@localhost', 'node2@otherhost'] = lists:sort(Nodes).
?assertEqual(lists:sort(['node1@localhost', 'node2@otherhost']), lists:sort(Nodes)).

rdbms_backend(_Config) ->
CN = <<"big_test">>,
CN = random_cluster_name(?FUNCTION_NAME),
Opts1 = #{cluster_name => CN, node_name_to_insert => <<"test1">>},
Opts2 = #{cluster_name => CN, node_name_to_insert => <<"test2">>},

State1 = disco_init(mim(), Opts1),
disco_get_nodes(mim(), State1),
{{ok, Nodes1_2}, State1_2} = disco_get_nodes(mim(), State1),
?assertMatch(#{last_query_info := #{already_registered := false}}, State1_2),
?assertEqual([], Nodes1_2),

%% "test2" node can see "test1" on initial registration
State2 = disco_init(mim2(), Opts2),
{{ok, Nodes}, State2_2} = disco_get_nodes(mim2(), State2),
%% "test2" node can see "test1"
true = lists:member(test1, Nodes),
{{ok, _}, State2_3} = disco_get_nodes(mim2(), State2_2),
%% Check that we follow the right code branch
#{last_query_info := #{already_registered := true}} = State2_3.

rdbms_backend_supports_auto_cleaning(Config) ->
CN = <<"big_test2">>,
{{ok, Nodes2_2}, State2_2} = disco_get_nodes(mim2(), State2),
?assertMatch(#{last_query_info := #{already_registered := false}}, State2_2),
?assertEqual([test1], Nodes2_2),

%% "test2" node can see "test1" on update
{{ok, Nodes2_3}, State2_3} = disco_get_nodes(mim2(), State2_2),
?assertEqual(lists:sort([test1, test2]), lists:sort(Nodes2_3)),
?assertMatch(#{last_query_info := #{already_registered := true}}, State2_3).

rdbms_backend_supports_auto_cleaning(_Config) ->
Timestamp = month_ago(),
mock_timestamp(mim(), Timestamp),
CN = random_cluster_name(?FUNCTION_NAME),
Opts1 = #{cluster_name => CN, node_name_to_insert => <<"test1">>},
Opts2 = #{cluster_name => CN, node_name_to_insert => <<"test2">>},

%% test1 row is written with an old (mocked) timestamp
State1 = disco_init(mim(), Opts1),
{_, State1_2} = disco_get_nodes(mim(), State1),
{{ok, Nodes1}, State1_3} = disco_get_nodes(mim(), State1_2),
Timestamp = proplists:get_value(mocked_timestamp, Config),
#{last_query_info := #{timestamp := Timestamp}} = State1_3,
%% It is in DB
true = lists:member(test1, Nodes1),
{{ok, Nodes1_2}, State1_2} = disco_get_nodes(mim(), State1),
{{ok, Nodes1_3}, State1_3} = disco_get_nodes(mim(), State1_2),
?assertEqual([], Nodes1_2),
?assertEqual([test1], Nodes1_3),
?assertMatch(#{last_query_info := #{timestamp := Timestamp}}, State1_2),
?assertMatch(#{last_query_info := #{timestamp := Timestamp}}, State1_3),

%% test2 would clean test1 registration
%% We don't mock on mim2 node, so timestamps would differ
State2 = disco_init(mim2(), Opts2),
{{ok, Nodes2}, State2_2} = disco_get_nodes(mim2(), State2),
false = lists:member(test1, Nodes2),
#{last_query_info := #{run_cleaning_result := {removed, [test1]}}} = State2_2.
{{ok, Nodes2_2}, State2_2} = disco_get_nodes(mim2(), State2),
?assertEqual([], Nodes2_2),
?assertMatch(#{last_query_info := #{run_cleaning_result := {removed, [<<"test1">>]}}},
{{ok, Nodes2_3}, State2_3} = disco_get_nodes(mim2(), State2),
?assertEqual([test2], Nodes2_3),
#{last_query_info := #{last_rows := SelectedRows}} = State2_3,
?assertMatch(1, length(SelectedRows)).

rdbms_backend_node_doesnt_remove_itself(_Config) ->
Timestamp = month_ago(),
mock_timestamp(mim(), Timestamp),
CN = random_cluster_name(?FUNCTION_NAME),
Opts1 = #{cluster_name => CN, node_name_to_insert => <<"test1">>},
Opts2 = #{cluster_name => CN, node_name_to_insert => <<"test2">>},

%% test1 row is written with an old (mocked) timestamp
State1 = disco_init(mim(), Opts1),
{{ok, Nodes1_2}, State1_2} = disco_get_nodes(mim(), State1),
?assertEqual([], Nodes1_2),
?assertMatch(#{last_query_info := #{timestamp := Timestamp}}, State1_2),

%% test1 row is not removed and timestamp is updated
{{ok, Nodes1_3}, State1_3} = disco_get_nodes(mim(), State1_2),
?assertNotMatch(#{last_query_info := #{timestamp := Timestamp}}, State1_3),
?assertMatch(#{last_query_info := #{run_cleaning_result := {removed, []}}},
?assertEqual([test1], Nodes1_3),

State2 = disco_init(mim2(), Opts2),
{{ok, Nodes2_2}, State2_2} = disco_get_nodes(mim2(), State2),
?assertEqual([test1], Nodes2_2),
?assertMatch(#{last_query_info := #{run_cleaning_result := {removed, []}}},

rdbms_backend_db_queries(_Config) ->
CN = random_cluster_name(?FUNCTION_NAME),
TS = rpc(mim(), mongoose_rdbms_timestamp, select, []),
TS2 = TS + 100,

%% insertion fails if node name or node num is already added for the cluster
?assertEqual({updated, 1}, insert_new(CN, <<"test1">>, TS, 1)),
?assertMatch({error, _}, insert_new(CN, <<"test1">>, TS, 1)),
?assertMatch({error, _}, insert_new(CN, <<"test1">>, TS, 2)),
?assertMatch({error, _}, insert_new(CN, <<"test2">>, TS, 1)),
?assertEqual({updated, 1}, insert_new(CN, <<"test2">>, TS, 2)),

%% update of the timestamp works correctly
{selected, SelectedNodes1} = select(CN),
?assertEqual(lists:sort([{<<"test1">>, 1, TS}, {<<"test2">>, 2, TS}]),
?assertEqual({updated, 1}, update_existing(CN, <<"test1">>, TS2)),
{selected, SelectedNodes2} = select(CN),
?assertEqual(lists:sort([{<<"test1">>, 1, TS2}, {<<"test2">>, 2, TS}]),

%% node removal work correctly
?assertEqual({updated, 1}, delete_node_from_db(CN, <<"test1">>)),
?assertEqual({selected, [{<<"test2">>, 2, TS}]}, select(CN)).

%% Helpers

disco_init(Node, Opts) ->
rpc(Node, mongoose_cets_discovery_rdbms, init, [Opts]).
State = rpc(Node, mongoose_cets_discovery_rdbms, init, [Opts]),
log_disco_request(?FUNCTION_NAME, Node, Opts, State),

disco_get_nodes(Node, State) ->
rpc(Node, mongoose_cets_discovery_rdbms, get_nodes, [State]).
NewState = rpc(Node, mongoose_cets_discovery_rdbms, get_nodes, [State]),
log_disco_request(?FUNCTION_NAME, Node, State, NewState),

log_disco_request(disco_init, Node, #{cluster_name := CN} = Opts, State) ->
ct:log("[0] disco_init(~p,~n" ++
" ~p) =~n" ++
" ~p",
[Node, Opts, State]),
erlang:put({disco, Node, CN}, 1);
log_disco_request(disco_get_nodes, Node, #{cluster_name := CN} = OldState, NewState) ->
N = case erlang:get({disco, Node, CN}) of
undefined -> 1;
Int when is_integer(Int) -> Int
ct:log("[~p] disco_get_nodes(~p,~n" ++
" ~p) =~n" ++
" ~p",
[N, Node, OldState, NewState]),
erlang:put({disco, Node, CN}, N+1).

timestamp() ->
Expand All @@ -123,15 +204,34 @@ mock_timestamp(Node, Timestamp) ->
ok = rpc(Node, meck, new, [mongoose_rdbms_timestamp, [passthrough, no_link]]),
ok = rpc(Node, meck, expect, [mongoose_rdbms_timestamp, select, 0, Timestamp]),
%% Ensure that we mock
EnsureMocked = fun() ->
Timestamp = rpc(Node, mongoose_rdbms_timestamp, select, [])
[{ensure_mocked, EnsureMocked}, {mocked_timestamp, Timestamp}].

ensure_mocked(Config) ->
EnsureMocked = proplists:get_value(ensure_mocked, Config),
Timestamp = rpc(Node, mongoose_rdbms_timestamp, select, []).

unmock_timestamp(Node) ->
ok = rpc(Node, meck, unload, [mongoose_rdbms_timestamp]).

unmock(Node) ->
rpc(Node, meck, unload, []).

random_cluster_name(CaseName) ->
Rand = rpc(mim(), mongoose_bin, gen_from_crypto, []),
<<"big_test_", (atom_to_binary(CaseName))/binary, "_", Rand/binary>>.

insert_new(CN, BinNode, TS, NodeNum) ->
Ret = rpc(mim(), mongoose_cets_discovery_rdbms, insert_new, [CN, BinNode, TS, NodeNum]),
ct:log("insert_new(~p, ~p, ~p, ~p) = ~p", [CN, BinNode, TS, NodeNum, Ret]),

select(CN) ->
Ret = rpc(mim(), mongoose_cets_discovery_rdbms, select, [CN]),
ct:log("select(~p) = ~p", [CN, Ret]),

update_existing(CN, BinNode, TS) ->
Ret = rpc(mim(), mongoose_cets_discovery_rdbms, update_existing, [CN, BinNode, TS]),
ct:log("select(~p, ~p, ~p) = ~p", [CN, BinNode, TS, Ret]),

delete_node_from_db(CN, BinNode) ->
Ret = rpc(mim(), mongoose_cets_discovery_rdbms, delete_node_from_db, [CN, BinNode]),
ct:log("delete_node_from_db(~p, ~p) = ~p", [CN, BinNode, Ret]),

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