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Releases: esp-rs/esp-hal


24 Feb 19:07
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Please note that only changes to the esp-hal package are tracked in these release notes.

Migration Guide from v0.23.x to v1.0.0-beta.0

Driver stability

Unstable parts of esp-hal are gated behind the unstable feature. Previously, this feature
was enabled by default, but starting with this release, it is no longer the case.
The unstable feature itself is unstable, we might change the way we hide APIs without notice.
Unstable APIs are not covered by semver guarantees, they may be changed or removed at any time.

Please refer to the documentation to see which APIs are marked as unstable.

 esp-hal = { version = "1.0.0-beta.0" , features = [
+  "unstable"

Async drivers can no longer be sent between cores and executors

To work around this limitation, send the blocking driver, and configure it into Async mode
in the target context.

-async fn interrupt_driven_task(mut spi: Spi<'static, Async>) {
+async fn interrupt_driven_task(spi: Spi<'static, Blocking>) {
+    let mut spi = spi.into_async();

 let spi = Spi::new(...)
     // ...
-    .into_async();


RMT changes

Configurations structs now support the builder-lite pattern

The TxChannelConfig and RxChannelConfig structs now support the builder-lite pattern.
Thus, explicit initialization of all fields can be replaced by only the necessary setter methods:

  let mut channel = rmt
-         TxChannelConfig {
-             clk_divider: 1,
-             idle_output_level: false,
-             idle_output: false,
-             carrier_modulation: false,
-             carrier_high: 1,
-             carrier_low: 1,
-             carrier_level: false,
-         },
+          TxChannelConfig::default().with_clk_divider(1)

Some configuration fields now take gpio::Level instead of bool

Fields related to the carrier level in the channel configuration structs now
take the more descriptive gpio::Level type instead of a plain bool.

  let mut tx_channel = rmt
-             .with_idle_output_level(false)
+             .with_idle_output_level(Level::Low)
-             .with_carrier_level(true)
+             .with_carrier_level(Level::High)

  let mut rx_channel = rmt
-             .with_carrier_level(false),
+             .with_carrier_level(Level::Low),

PulseCode now uses gpio::Level instead of bool to specify output levels

The more descriptive gpio::Level enum is now used to specify output levels of PulseCode:

+ use esp_hal::gpio::Level;
- let code = PulseCode::new(true, 200, false, 50);
+ let code = PulseCode::new(Level::High, 200, Level::Low, 50);

Global driver changes

The _bytes postfix of driver methods that take a byte slice have been removed.

- uart0.write_bytes(b"Hello world!")?;
+ uart0.write(b"Hello world!")?;

The peripherals::Interrupts enum is no longer available. Users (mostly third party driver
developers) will need to use the PAC crates directly.

UART changes

Uart write is now blocking and return the number of bytes written. read will block until it fills at least one byte into the buffer with received bytes, use read_buffered_bytes to read the available bytes without blocking.


- uart.write(0x42).ok();
- let read = block!(;
+ let data: [u8; 1] = [0x42];
+ uart.write(&data).unwrap();
+ let mut byte = [0u8; 1];
+ byte).unwrap();

UART errors have been split into TxError and RxError.

read_* and write_* functions now return different types. In practice this means you no longer
need to check for RX errors that can't be returned by write_*.

The error type used by embedded-io has been updated to reflect this. A new IoError enum has been
added for embedded-io errors associated to the unsplit Uart driver. On Uart (but not UartRx
or UartTx) TX-related trait methods return IoError::Tx(TxError), while RX-related methods return

UART halves have their configuration split, too

Uart::Config structure now contains separate RxConfig and TxConfig:

- let config = Config::default().with_rx_fifo_full_threshold(30);
+ let config = Config::default()
+     .with_rx(RxConfig::default()
+       .with_fifo_full_threshold(30)
+ );

timer::wait is now blocking

- nb::block!(periodic.wait()).unwrap();
+ periodic.wait();

SPI Changes

spi::DataMode changed the meaning of DataMode::Single - it now means 3-wire SPI (using one data line).

Use DataMode::SingleTwoDataLines to get the previous behavior.

- DataMode::Single,
+ DataMode::SingleTwoDataLines,

Spi now offers both, with_mosi and with_sio0. Consider using with_sio for half-duplex SPI except for [DataMode::SingleTwoDataLines] or for a mixed-bus.

Removed flip-link Feature

The flip-link feature is removed and replaced by the ESP_HAL_CONFIG_FLIP_LINK option.


- esp-hal = { version = "0.23.0", features = ["flip-link"]}
+ esp-hal = "0.23.0"



Removed psram-quad/prsram-octal Feature

The features psram-quad/prsram-octal are replaced by a single psram feature and an additional config option (ESP_HAL_CONFIG_PSRAM_MODE).

ESP_HAL_CONFIG_PSRAM_MODE defaults to quad and (for ESP32-S3) also allows octal.


- esp-hal = { version = "0.23.0", features = ["psram-octal"]}
+ esp-hal = { version = "0.23.0", features = ["psram"]}



PARL_IO changes

Parallel IO now uses the newer DMA Move API.

Changes on the TX side

  let (_, _, tx_buffer, tx_descriptors) = dma_buffers!(0, 32000);
+ let mut dma_tx_buf = DmaTxBuf::new(tx_descriptors, tx_buffer).unwrap();

- let transfer = parl_io_tx.write_dma(&tx_buffer).unwrap();
- transfer.wait().unwrap();
+ let transfer = parl_io_tx.write(dma_tx_buf.len(), dma_tx_buf).unwrap();
+ (result, parl_io_tx, dma_tx_buf) = transfer.wait();
+ result.unwrap();

Changes on the RX side

  let (rx_buffer, rx_descriptors, _, _) = dma_buffers!(32000, 0);
+ let mut dma_rx_buf = DmaRxBuf::new(rx_descriptors, rx_buffer).unwrap();
- let transfer = parl_io_rx.read_dma(&mut rx_buffer).unwrap();
- transfer.wait().unwrap();
+ let transfer =, dma_rx_buf).unwrap();
+ (_, parl_io_rx, dma_rx_buf) = transfer.wait();

On the RX side, the EofMode is now decided at transfer time, rather than config time.

  • EofMode::ByteLen -> Some(<number of bytes to receive>)
  • EofMode::EnableSignal -> None

GPIO changes

GPIO drivers now take configuration structs.

- Input::new(peripherals.GPIO0, Pull::Up);
+ Input::new(peripherals.GPIO0, InputConfig::default().with_pull(Pull::Up));
- Output::new(peripherals.GPIO0, Level::Low);
+ Output::new(peripherals.GPIO0, Level::Low, OutputConfig::default());

The OutputOpenDrain driver has been removed. You can use Output instead with
DriveMode::OpenDrain. The input-related methods of OutputOpenDrain (level,
is_high, is_low) are available through the (unstable) Flex driver.

- OutputOpenDrain::new(peripherals.GPIO0, Level::Low);
+ Output::new(

AES DMA driver changes

AES now uses the newer DMA move API.

  let (output, rx_descriptors, input, tx_descriptors) = dma_buffers!(32000);
+ let mut output = DmaRxBuf::new(rx_descriptors, output).unwrap();
+ let mut input = DmaTxBuf::new(tx_descriptors, input).unwrap();

  let mut aes = Aes::new(peripherals.AES).with_dma(
-     rx_descriptors,
-     tx_descriptors,

  let transfer = aes
-         &input,
-         &mut output,
+         output.len().div_ceil(16), // Number of blocks
+         output,
+         input,
+     .map_err(|e| e.0)

I2C Changes

All async functions now include the _async postfix. Additionally the non-async functions are now available in async-mode.

- let result = i2c.write_read(0x77, &[0xaa], &mut data).await;
+ let result = i2c.write_read_async(0x77, &[0xaa], &mut data).await;

ADC Changes

The ADC driver has gained a new Async/Blocking mode parameter.
NOTE: Async support is only supported in ESP32C3 and ESP32C6 for now

- Adc<'d, ADC>
+ Adc<'d, ADC, Blocking>

time API changes

ESP-HAL no longer publicly exposes fugit and no longer exposes the concept of a tick.
This comes with a number of changes:

  • The RateExtU32 and similar traits are no longer used, which means .kHz() and similar suffix
    conversions are no longer available. A number of matching constru...
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15 Jan 17:21
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Please note that only changes to the esp-hal package are tracked in these release notes.

View the full 0.23.0 release notes


  • Fixed PriorityLock being ineffective with Priority::max() on RISC-V CPUs (#2964)


15 Jan 12:11
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Please note that only changes to the esp-hal package are tracked in these release notes.

Migration Guide

Starting with this release, unstable parts of esp-hal will be gated behind the unstable feature.
The unstable feature itself is unstable, we might change the way we hide APIs without notice.
Unstable APIs are not covered by semver guarantees, they may break even between patch releases.

Please refer to the documentation to see which APIs are marked as unstable.

DMA changes

Accessing channel objects

DMA channels are now available through the Peripherals struct, which is returned
by esp_hal::init(). The channels themselves have been renamed to match other peripheral singletons.

  • ESP32-C2, C3, C6, H2 and S3: channelX -> DMA_CHX
  • ESP32 and S2: spiXchannel -> DMA_SPIX, i2sXchannel -> DMA_I2SX
-let dma = Dma::new(peripherals.DMA);
-let channel = dma.channel2;
+let channel = peripherals.DMA_CH2;

Channel configuration changes

  • configure_for_async and configure have been removed
  • PDMA devices (ESP32, ESP32-S2) provide no channel configurability
  • GDMA devices provide set_priority to change DMA in/out channel priority
 let mut spi = Spi::new_with_config(
 // other setup
-.with_dma(dma_channel.configure(false, DmaPriority::Priority0));
 let mut spi = Spi::new_with_config(
 // other setup
-.with_dma(dma_channel.configure(false, DmaPriority::Priority1));

Burst mode configuration

Burst mode is now a property of buffers, instead of DMA channels. Configuration can be done by
calling set_burst_config on buffers that support it. The configuration options and the
corresponding BurstConfig type are device specfic.

Usability changes affecting applications

Individual channels are no longer wrapped in Channel, but they implement the DmaChannel trait.
This means that if you want to split them into an rx and a tx half (which is only supported on
the H2, C6 and S3 currently), you can't move out of the channel but instead you need to call
the split method.

-let tx = channel.tx;
+use esp_hal::dma::DmaChannel;
+let (rx, tx) = channel.split();

The Channel types remain available for use in peripheral drivers.

It is now simpler to work with DMA channels in generic contexts. esp-hal now provides convenience
traits and type aliasses to specify peripheral compatibility. The ChannelCreator types have been
removed, further simplifying use.

For example, previously you may have needed to write something like this to accept a DMA channel
in a generic function:

fn new_foo<'d, T>(
    dma_channel: ChannelCreator<2>, // It wasn't possible to accept a generic ChannelCreator.
    peripheral: impl Peripheral<P = T> + 'd,
    T: SomePeripheralInstance,
    ChannelCreator<2>: DmaChannelConvert<<T as DmaEligible>::Dma>,
    let dma_channel = dma_channel.configure_for_async(false, DmaPriority::Priority0);

    let driver = PeripheralDriver::new(peripheral, config).with_dma(dma_channel);

    // ...

From now on a similar, but more flexible implementation may look like:

fn new_foo<'d, T, CH>(
    dma_channel: impl Peripheral<P = CH> + 'd,
    peripheral: impl Peripheral<P = T> + 'd,
    T: SomePeripheralInstance,
    CH: DmaChannelFor<T>,
    // Optionally: dma_channel.set_priority(DmaPriority::Priority2);

    let driver = PeripheralDriver::new(peripheral, config).with_dma(dma_channel);

    // ...

Usability changes affecting third party peripheral drivers

If you are writing a driver and need to store a channel in a structure, you can use one of the
ChannelFor type aliasses.

 struct Aes<'d> {
-    channel: ChannelTx<'d, Blocking, <AES as DmaEligible>::Dma>,
+    channel: ChannelTx<'d, Blocking, PeripheralTxChannel<AES>>,

Timer changes

The low level timers, SystemTimer and TimerGroup are now "dumb". They contain no logic for operating modes or trait implementations (except the low level Timer trait).

Timer drivers - OneShotTimer & PeriodicTimer

Both drivers now have a Mode parameter. Both also type erase the underlying driver by default, call new_typed to retain the type.

- OneShotTimer<'static, systimer::Alarm>;
+ OneShotTimer<'static, Blocking>;
- PeriodicTimer<'static, systimer::Alarm>;
+ PeriodicTimer<'static, Blocking>;


let systimer = SystemTimer::new(peripherals.SYSTIMER);
- static UNIT0: StaticCell<SpecificUnit<'static, 0>> = StaticCell::new();
- let unit0 = UNIT0.init(systimer.unit0);
- let frozen_unit = FrozenUnit::new(unit0);
- let alarm0 = Alarm::new(systimer.comparator0, &frozen_unit);
- alarm0.set_period(1u32.secs());
+ let alarm0 = systimer.alarm0;
+ let mut timer = PeriodicTimer::new(alarm0);
+ timer.start(1u64.secs());


Timer group timers have been type erased.

- timg::Timer<timg::Timer0<crate::peripherals::TIMG0>, Blocking>
+ timg::Timer

ETM usage has changed

Timer dependant ETM events should be created prior to initializing the timer with the chosen driver.

let task = ...; // ETM task
let syst = SystemTimer::new(peripherals.SYSTIMER);
let alarm0 = syst.alarm0;
- alarm0.load_value(1u64.millis()).unwrap();
- alarm0.start();
- let event = Event::new(&mut alarm0);
+ let event = Event::new(&alarm0);
+ let timer = OneShotTimer::new(alarm0);
+ timer.schedule(1u64.millis()).unwrap();
let _configured_channel = channel0.setup(&event, &task);

PSRAM is now initialized automatically

Calling esp_hal::initialize will now configure PSRAM if either the quad-psram or octal-psram
is enabled. To retrieve the address and size of the initialized external memory, use
esp_hal::psram::psram_raw_parts, which returns a pointer and a length.

-let peripherals = esp_hal::init(esp_hal::Config::default());
-let (start, size) = esp_hal::psram::init_psram(peripherals.PSRAM, psram_config);
+let peripherals = esp_hal::init({
+    let mut config = esp_hal::Config::default();
+    config.psram = psram_config;
+    config
+let (start, size) = esp_hal::psram::psram_raw_parts(&peripherals.PSRAM, psram);

The usage of esp_alloc::psram_allocator! remains unchanged.

embedded-hal 0.2.* is not supported anymore.

As per rust-embedded/embedded-hal#640, our driver no longer implements traits from embedded-hal 0.2.x.
Analogs of all traits from the above mentioned version are available in embedded-hal 1.x.x

- use embedded_hal_02::can::Frame;
+ use embedded_can::Frame;
- use embedded_hal_02::digital::v2::OutputPin;
- use embedded_hal_02::digital::v2::ToggleableOutputPin;
+ use embedded_hal::digital::OutputPin;
+ use embedded_hal::digital::StatefulOutputPin;
- use embedded_hal_02::serial::{Read, Write};
+ use embedded_hal_nb::serial::{Read, Write};

You might also want to check the full official embedded-hal migration guide:

Interrupt related reshuffle

- use esp_hal::InterruptConfigurable;
+ use esp_hal::interrupt::InterruptConfigurable;
+ use esp_hal::interrupt::DEFAULT_INTERRUPT_HANDLER;

Driver constructors now take a configuration and are fallible

The old new_with_config constructor have been removed, and new constructors now always take
a configuration structure. They have also been updated to return a ConfigError if the configuration
is not compatible with the hardware.

-let mut spi = Spi::new_with_config(
+let mut spi = Spi::new(
     Config {
         frequency: 100.kHz(),
         mode: SpiMode::_0,
 let mut spi = Spi::new(
+    Config::default(),

Peripheral instance type parameters and new_typed constructors have been removed

Call new instead and remove the type parameters if you've used them.

-let mut spi: Spi<'lt, SPI2> = Spi::new_typed(..).unwrap();
+let mut spi: Spi<'lt> = Spi::new(..).unwrap();

LCD_CAM configuration changes

  • cam now has a Config strurct that contains frequency, bit/byte order, VSync filter options.
  • DPI, I8080: frequency has been moved into Config.
+let mut cam_config = cam::Config::default();
+cam_config.frequency = 1u32.MHz();
-    1u32.MHz(),
+    cam_config,

SpiDma now requires you specify the transfer length explicitly

  dma_tx_buf.set_length(5 /* or greater */);
- spi_dma.write(dma_tx_buf);
+ spi_dma.write(5, dma_tx_buf);
  dma_rx_buf.set_length(5 /* or greater */);
+, dma_rx_buf);
  dma_rx_buf.set_length(5 /* or greater */);
  dma_tx_buf.set_length(5 /* or greater */);
- spi_dma.transfer(dma_rx_buf, dma_tx_buf);
+ spi_dma.transfer(5, dma_rx_buf, 5, dma_tx_buf);

I2C Error changes

To avoid abbreviations and contractions (as per the esp-hal guidelines), some error variants have changed

- Error::ExecIncomplete
+ Error::ExecutionIncomplete
- Error::CommandNrExceeded
+ Error::CommandNumberExceeded
- Error::ExceedingFifo
+ Error::FifoExceeded
- Error::TimeOut
+ Error::Timeout
- Error::InvalidZeroLengt...
Read more


20 Nov 09:41
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Please note that only changes to the esp-hal package are tracked in these release notes.

Migration Guide

IO changes

GPIO pins are now accessible via Peripherals

 let peripherals = esp_hal::init(Default::default());
-let io = Io::new(peripherals.GPIO, peripherals.IOMUX);
-let pin = io.pins.gpio5;
+let pin = peripherals.GPIO5;

Io constructor changes

  • new_with_priority and new_no_bind_interrupts have been removed.
    Use set_priority to configure the GPIO interrupt priority.
    We no longer overwrite interrupt handlers set by user code during initialization.
  • new no longer takes peripherals.GPIO

Removed async-specific constructors

The following async-specific constuctors have been removed:

  • configure_for_async DMA channel constructors
  • TwaiConfiguration::new_async and TwaiConfiguration::new_async_no_transceiver
  • I2c::new_async
  • LcdCam::new_async
  • UsbSerialJtag::new_async
  • Rsa::new_async
  • Rmt::new_async
  • Uart::new_async, Uart::new_async_with_config
  • UartRx::new_async, UartRx::new_async_with_config
  • UartTx::new_async, UartTx::new_async_with_config

You can use the blocking counterparts, then call into_async on the returned peripheral instead.

-let mut config = twai::TwaiConfiguration::new_async(
+let mut config = twai::TwaiConfiguration::new(

Some drivers were implicitly configured to the asyncness of the DMA channel used to construct them.
This is no longer the case, and the following drivers will always be created in blocking mode:

  • i2s::master::I2s
  • spi::master::SpiDma and spi::master::SpiDmaBus

Peripheral types are now optional

You no longer have to specify the peripheral instance in the driver's type for the following

  • SPI (both master and slave)
  • I2S
  • I2C
  • TWAI
  • UART
-Spi<'static, SPI2, FullDuplexMode>
+Spi<'static, FullDuplexMode>

-SpiDma<'static, SPI2, HalfDuplexMode, Blocking>
+SpiDma<'static, HalfDuplexMode, Blocking>

-I2sTx<'static, I2S0, Async>
+I2sTx<'static, Async>

Note that you may still specify the instance if you need to. To do this, we provide _typed
versions of the constructors (for example: new_typed, new_half_duplex_typed). Please note that
the peripheral instance has been moved to the last generic parameter position.

let spi: Spi<'static, FullDuplexMode, SPI2> = Spi::new_typed(peripherals.SPI2, 1.MHz(), SpiMode::Mode0);

I2C changes

The I2C master driver and related types have been moved to esp_hal::i2c::master.

The with_timeout constructors have been removed. new and new_typed now take a Config struct
with the available configuration options.

  • The default configuration is now:
    • bus frequency: 100 kHz
    • timeout: about 10 bus clock cycles

The constructors no longer take pins. Use with_sda and with_scl instead.

-use esp_hal::i2c::I2c;
+use esp_hal::i2c::{Config, I2c};
-let i2c = I2c::new_with_timeout(peripherals.I2C0, io.pins.gpio4, io.pins.gpio5, 100.kHz(), timeout);
+    peripherals.I2C0,
+    {
+        let mut config = Config::default();
+        config.frequency = 100.kHz();
+        config.timeout = timeout;
+        config
+    },

The calculation of I2C timeout has changed

Previously, I2C timeouts were counted in increments of I2C peripheral clock cycles. This meant that
the configure value meant different lengths of time depending on the device. With this update, the
I2C configuration now expects the timeout value in number of bus clock cycles, which is consistent
between devices.

ESP32 and ESP32-S2 use an exact number of clock cycles for its timeout. Other MCUs, however, use
the 2^timeout value internally, and the HAL rounds up the timeout to the next appropriate value.

Changes to half-duplex SPI

The HalfDuplexMode and FullDuplexMode type parameters have been removed from SPI master and slave
drivers. It is now possible to execute half-duplex and full-duplex operations on the same SPI bus.

Driver construction

  • The Spi::new_half_duplex constructor has been removed. Use new (or new_typed) instead.
  • The with_pins methods have been removed. Use the individual with_* functions instead.
  • The with_mosi and with_miso functions now take input-output peripheral signals to support half-duplex mode.
- let mut spi = Spi::new_half_duplex(peripherals.SPI2, 100.kHz(), SpiMode::Mode0)
-     .with_pins(sck, mosi, miso, sio2, sio3, cs);
+ let mut spi = Spi::new(peripherals.SPI2, 100.kHz(), SpiMode::Mode0)
+     .with_sck(sck)
+     .with_cs(cs)
+     .with_mosi(mosi)
+     .with_miso(miso)
+     .with_sio2(sio2)
+     .with_sio3(sio3);

Transfer functions

The Spi<'_, SPI, HalfDuplexMode>::read and Spi<'_, SPI, HalfDuplexMode>::write functions have been replaced by
half_duplex_read and half_duplex_write.

 let mut data = [0u8; 2];
 let transfer = spi
-    .read(
+    .half_duplex_read(
         Command::Command8(0x90, SpiDataMode::Single),
         Address::Address24(0x000000, SpiDataMode::Single),
         &mut data,

 let transfer = spi
-    .write(
+    .half_duplex_write(
         Command::Command8(write as u16, command_data_mode),
             write as u32 | (write as u32) << 8 | (write as u32) << 16,

Slave-mode SPI

Driver construction

The constructors no longer accept pins. Use the with_pin_name setters instead.

 let mut spi = Spi::new(
-    sclk,
-    mosi,
-    miso,
-    cs,

UART event listening

The following functions have been removed:

  • listen_at_cmd
  • unlisten_at_cmd
  • listen_tx_done
  • unlisten_tx_done
  • listen_rx_fifo_full
  • unlisten_rx_fifo_full
  • at_cmd_interrupt_set
  • tx_done_interrupt_set
  • rx_fifo_full_interrupt_set
  • reset_at_cmd_interrupt
  • reset_tx_done_interrupt
  • reset_rx_fifo_full_interrupt

You can now use the UartInterrupt enum and the corresponding listen, unlisten, interrupts and clear_interrupts functions.

Use interrupts in place of <INTERRUPT>_interrupt_set and clear_interrupts in place of the old reset_ functions.


  • AtCmd
  • TxDone
  • RxFifoFull

Checking interrupt bits is now done using APIs provided by enumset. For example, to see if
a particular interrupt bit is set, use contains:


You can now listen/unlisten multiple interrupt bits at once:

+uart0.listen(UartInterrupt::AtCmd | UartConterrupt::RxFifoFull);

I2S changes

The I2S driver has been moved to i2s::master

-use esp_hal::i2s::{DataFormat, I2s, Standard};
+use esp_hal::i2s::master::{DataFormat, I2s, Standard};

Removed i2s traits

The following traits have been removed:

  • I2sWrite
  • I2sWriteDma
  • I2sRead
  • I2sReadDma
  • I2sWriteDmaAsync
  • I2sReadDmaAsync

You no longer have to import these to access their respective APIs. If you used these traits
in your functions as generic parameters, you can use the I2s type directly instead.

For example:

-fn foo(i2s: &mut impl I2sWrite) {
+fn foo(i2s: &mut I2s<'_, I2S0, Blocking>) {
     // ...

DMA related changes

Circular DMA transfer's available returns Result<usize, DmaError> now

In case of any error you should drop the transfer and restart it.

     loop {
-        let avail = transfer.available();
+        let avail = match transfer.available() {
+            Ok(avail) => avail,
+            Err(_) => {
+                core::mem::drop(transfer);
+                transfer = i2s_tx.write_dma_circular(&tx_buffer).unwrap();
+                continue;
+            },
+        };

Channel, ChannelRx and ChannelTx types have changed

  • Channel's Async/Blocking mode has been moved before the channel instance parameter.
  • ChannelRx and ChannelTx have gained a new Async/Blocking mode parameter.
-Channel<'d, DmaChannel0, Async>
+Channel<'d, Async, DmaChannel0>

-ChannelRx<'d, DmaChannel0>
+ChannelRx<'d, Async, DmaChannel0>

-ChannelTx<'d, DmaChannel0>
+ChannelTx<'d, Async, DmaChannel0>

Removed peripheral_input and into_peripheral_output from GPIO pin types

Creating peripheral interconnect signals now consume the GPIO pin used for the connection.

The previous signal function have been replaced by split. This change affects the following APIs:

  • GpioPin
  • AnyPin
-let input_signal = gpioN.peripheral_input();
-let output_signal = gpioN.into_peripheral_output();
+let (input_signal, output_signal) = gpioN.split();

into_peripheral_output, split (for output pins only) and peripheral_input have been added to
the GPIO drivers (Input, Output, OutputOpenDrain and Flex) instead.

ETM changes

  • The types are no longer prefixed with GpioEtm, TimerEtm or SysTimerEtm. You can still use
    import aliasses in case you ...
Read more


16 Oct 08:57
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Please note that only changes to the esp-hal package are tracked in these release notes.



  • Restored blocking embedded_hal compatibility for async I2C driver (#2343)


10 Oct 11:13
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Please note that only changes to the esp-hal package are tracked in these release notes.

Migration Guides



  • Introduce traits for the DMA buffer objects (#1976, #2213)
  • Implement embedded-hal output pin traits for NoPin (#2019, #2133)
  • Added esp_hal::init to simplify HAL initialisation (#1970, #1999)
  • Added GpioPin::degrade to create ErasePins easily. Same for AnyPin by accident. (#2075)
  • Added missing functions to Flex: unlisten, is_interrupt_set, wakeup_enable, wait_for_high, wait_for_low, wait_for_rising_edge, wait_for_falling_edge, wait_for_any_edge. (#2075)
  • Flex now implements Wait. (#2075)
  • Added sleep and wakeup support for esp32c2 (#1922)
  • Input, Output, OutputOpenDrain and Flex now implement Peripheral. (#2094)
  • Previously unavailable memory is available via .dram2_uninit section (#2079)
  • You can now use Input, Output, OutputOpenDrain and Flex pins as EXTI and RTCIO wakeup sources (#2095)
  • Added Rtc::set_current_time to allow setting RTC time, and Rtc::current_time to getting RTC time while taking into account boot time (#1883)
  • Added APIs to allow connecting signals through the GPIO matrix. (#2128)
  • Allow I8080 transfers to be cancelled on the spot (#2191)
  • Implement TryFrom<u32> for ledc::timer::config::Duty (#1984)
  • Expose RtcClock::get_xtal_freq and RtcClock::get_slow_freq publically for all chips (#2183)
  • TWAI support for ESP32-H2 (#2199)
  • Make DmaDescriptor methods public (#2237)
  • Added a way to configure watchdogs in esp_hal::init (#2180)
  • Introduce DmaRxStreamBuf (#2242)
  • Implement embedded_hal_async::delay::DelayNs for TIMGx timers (#2084)
  • Added Efuse::read_bit (#2259)
  • Limited SPI slave support for ESP32 (Modes 1 and 3 only) (#2278)
  • Added Rtc::disable_rom_message_printing (S3 and H2 only) (#2280)
  • Added esp_hal::time::{Duration, Instant} (#2304)


  • Bump MSRV to 1.79.0 (#1971)
  • Make saving and restoring SHA digest state an explicit operation (#2049)
  • Reordered RX-TX pairs in all APIs to be consistent (#2074)
  • Make saving and restoring SHA digest state an explicit operation (#2049)
  • Delay::new() is now a const function (#1999)
  • Input, Output, OutputOpenDrain and Flex are now type-erased by default. Use the new new_typed constructor to keep using the ZST pin types. (#2075)
  • To avoid confusion with the Rtc::current_time wall clock time APIs, we've renamed esp_hal::time::current_time to esp_hal::time::now. (#2091)
  • Renamed touch::Continous to touch::Continuous. (#2094)
  • Faster SHA (#2112)
  • The (previously undocumented) ErasedPin enum has been replaced with the ErasedPin struct. (#2094)
  • Renamed and merged Rtc::get_time_us and Rtc::get_time_ms into Rtc::time_since_boot (#1883)
  • ESP32: Added support for touch sensing on GPIO32 and 33 (#2109)
  • Removed gpio pin generics from I8080 driver type. (#2171)
  • I8080 driver now decides bus width at transfer time rather than construction time. (#2171)
  • Migrate the I8080 driver to a move based API (#2191)
  • Replaced AnyPin with InputSignal and OutputSignal and renamed ErasedPin to AnyPin (#2128)
  • Replaced the ErasedTimer enum with the AnyTimer struct. (#2144)
  • Camera and AesDma now support erasing the DMA channel type (#2258)
  • Changed the parameters of Spi::with_pins to no longer be optional (#2133)
  • Renamed DummyPin to NoPin and removed all internal logic from it. (#2133)
  • The NO_PIN constant has been removed. (#2133)
  • Allow handling interrupts while trying to lock critical section on multi-core chips. (#2197)
  • Migrate Camera to a move based API (#2242).
  • Removed the PS-RAM related features, replaced by quad-psram/octal-psram, init_psram takes a configuration parameter, it's now possible to auto-detect PS-RAM size (#2178)
  • EspTwaiFrame constructors now accept any type that converts into esp_hal::twai::Id (#2207)
  • Change DmaTxBuf to support PSRAM on esp32s3 (#2161)
  • I2c transaction is now also available as a inherent function, lift size limit on write,read and write_read (#2262)
  • SPI transactions are now cancelled if the transfer object (or async Future) is dropped. (#2216)
  • The DMA channel types have been removed from peripherals (#2261)
  • I2C driver renamed to I2c (#2320)


  • SHA driver can now be safely used in multiple contexts concurrently (#2049)
  • Fixed an issue with DMA transfers potentially not waking up the correct async task (#2065)
  • Fixed an issue with LCD_CAM i8080 where it would send double the clocks in 16bit mode (#2085)
  • Fix i2c embedded-hal transaction (#2028)
  • Fix some inconsistencies in DMA interrupt bits (#2169)
  • Fix SPI DMA alternating write and read for ESP32 and ESP32-S2 (#2131)
  • Fix I2C ending up in a state when only re-creating the peripheral makes it useable again (#2141)
  • Fix SpiBus::transfer transferring data twice in some cases (#2159)
  • Fixed UART freezing when using RcFast clock source on ESP32-C2/C3 (#2170)
  • I2S: on ESP32 and ESP32-S2 data is now output to the right (WS=1) channel first. (#2194)
  • SPI: Fixed an issue where unexpected data was written outside of the read buffer (#2179)
  • SPI: Fixed an issue where wait has returned before the DMA has finished writing the memory (#2179)
  • SPI: Fixed an issue where repeated calls to dma_transfer may end up looping indefinitely (#2179)
  • SPI: Fixed an issue that prevented correctly reading the first byte in a transaction (#2179)
  • SPI: ESP32: Send address with correct data mode even when no data is sent. (#2231)
  • SPI: ESP32: Allow using QSPI mode on SPI3. (#2245)
  • PARL_IO: Fixed an issue that caused garbage to be output at the start of some requests (#2211)
  • TWAI on ESP32 (#2207)
  • TWAI should no longer panic when receiving a non-compliant frame (#2255)
  • OneShotTimer: fixed delay_nanos behaviour (#2256)
  • Fixed unsoundness around Efuse (#2259)


  • Removed digest::Digest implementation from SHA (#2049)
  • Removed NoPinType in favour of DummyPin. (#2068)
  • Removed the async, embedded-hal-02, embedded-hal, embedded-io, embedded-io-async, and ufmt features (#2070)
  • Removed the GpioN type aliasses. Use GpioPin<N> instead. (#2073)
  • Removed Peripherals::take. Use esp_hal::init to obtain Peripherals (#1999)
  • Removed AnyInputOnlyPin in favour of AnyPin. (#2071)
  • Removed the following functions from GpioPin: is_high, is_low, set_high, set_low, set_state, is_set_high, is_set_low, toggle. (#2094)
  • Removed Rtc::get_time_raw (#1883)
  • Removed _with_default_pins UART constructors (#2132)
  • Removed transfer methods send, send_dma and send_dma_async from I8080 (#2191)
  • Removed uart::{DefaultRxPin, DefaultTxPin} (#2132)
  • Removed PcntSource and PcntInputConfig. (#2134)
  • Removed the place-spi-driver-in-ram feature, this is now enabled via esp-config (#2156)
  • Removed esp_hal::spi::slave::prelude (#2260)
  • Removed esp_hal::spi::slave::WithDmaSpiN traits (#2260)
  • The WithDmaAes trait has been removed (#2261)
  • The I2s::new_i2s1 constructor has been removed (#2261)


30 Aug 11:32
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This is a patch release to fix a compilation issue, to view the full migration guide see the v0.20.0 release


  • A build issue when including doc comment prelude (#2040)


29 Aug 19:52
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Please note that only changes to the esp-hal package are tracked in these release notes.

Migration Guide

Peripheral driver constructors don't take InterruptHandlers anymore

Some peripherals used to take the interrupt handler via constructor. We have now unified this behaviour so that all peripherals use the same set_interrupt_handler method. We also have a new trait to abstract over this, InterruptConfigurable.

- Peripheral::new(/* params */, handler)
+ peripheral.set_interrupt_handler(handler);

OneShotTimer and PeriodicTimer structs now use PeripheralRef

This was something we missed on the initial impl. The migration is quite simple, there is a new lifetime parameter to contend with.

- OneShotTimer<ErasedTimer>;
+ OneShotTimer<'static, ErasedTimer>;

DMA buffer changes and SpiDma changes

To allow efficient queuing of DMA requests, we've changed how the DMA is interacted with. #1856 introduces new wrapper types DmaTxBuf, DmaRxBuf and DmaTxRxBuf. These are currently light wrappers around slices and descriptors, but allows us to do more complex checks for future devices and peripherals. Thanks to these changes, we have been able to remove the FlashSafeDma wrapper too.

let (tx_buffer, tx_descriptors, rx_buffer, rx_descriptors) = dma_buffers!(32000);
+ let mut dma_tx_buf = DmaTxBuf::new(tx_descriptors, tx_buffer).unwrap();
+ let mut dma_rx_buf = DmaRxBuf::new(rx_descriptors, rx_buffer).unwrap();

We've also decoupled the DMA buffers and descriptors from the SpiDma struct itself, this means the end user can manage the queuing of DMA requests for more efficient operation. If you don't wish to manage this yourself and want to use the embedded_hal::spi::* traits, it's simple enough to opt back into the HAL buffer management like so.

let mut spi = Spi::new(peripherals.SPI2, 100.kHz(), SpiMode::Mode0, &clocks)
        .with_pins(Some(sclk), Some(mosi), Some(miso), Some(cs))
        .with_dma(dma_channel.configure_for_async(false, DmaPriority::Priority0))
+       .with_buffers(dma_tx_buf, dma_rx_buf);

We also added inherent methods onto SpiDmaBus, which due to the way type inference works may introduce breaking changes if you were using the async API. You may need to fully qualify the trait method or call the new inherent _async methods.

- spi.transfer_in_place(&mut buf).await?;
+ spi.transfer_in_place_async(&mut buf).await?;

SystemTimer changes

  • The type signature of both SysTimer and Alarm has been changed to allow for creation of alarms in either Blocking or Async separately. We have provided a convenience method to create all alarms in the same mode, just as it behaved before this release.
- let syst = SystemTimer::new_async(peripherals.SYSTIMER);
+ let syst = SystemTimer::new(peripherals.SYSTIMER);
+ let alarms = syst.split_async::<esp_hal::timer::systimer::Target>()
  • SystemTimer::TICKS_PER_SECOND has been replaced by SystemTimer::ticks_per_second().

Sha state is now stored outside the Sha peripheral

The state is now stored separately to allow multiple Sha operations concurrently.

- sha.update(remaining).unwrap();
+ let mut sha1 = Sha1::new();
+ Sha::update(&mut sha1, remaining).unwrap();

Remove fn free(self) from HMAC

The fn free(self) method is no longer available, in favour of the PeripheralRef API.

RSA modular multiplication

RsaModularMultiplication has been consolidated for all targets.

ESP32 changes

 let r = compute_r(&BIGNUM_3);
 let mut mod_multi =
     RsaModularMultiplication::<Op512, Blocking>::new(
         &mut ctx.rsa,
+        BIGNUM_1.as_words(), // Operand A
         BIGNUM_3.as_words(), // Modulus
+        r.as_words(),
-mod_multi.start_step1(BIGNUM_1.as_words(), r.as_words()); // Operand A
-mod_multi.start_step2(BIGNUM_2.as_words()); // Operand B
+mod_multi.start_modular_multiplication(BIGNUM_2.as_words()); // Operand B
 mod_multi.read_results(&mut outbuf);

Non-ESP32 changes

 let r = compute_r(&BIGNUM_3);
 let mut mod_multi =
     RsaModularMultiplication::<operand_sizes::Op512, esp_hal::Blocking>::new(
         &mut ctx.rsa,
         BIGNUM_1.as_words(), // Operand A
-        BIGNUM_2.as_words(), // Operand B
         BIGNUM_3.as_words(), // Modulus
+        r.as_words(),
+mod_multi.start_modular_multiplication(BIGNUM_2.as_words()); // Operand B
 mod_multi.read_results(&mut outbuf);

Simpler way to initialise embassy and esp-wifi

You no longer have to spell out a bunch of type conversions, to initialize esp-wifi or embassy with a single timer. We provide conversions for TimerGroup times as well as SysTimer alarms.

Note that if you need to pass multiple timers to embassy, you will still need to do the conversions yourself.

AnyPin, AnyInputOnyPin and DummyPin are now accessible from gpio directly

- use esp_hal::gpio::any_pin::AnyPin;
- - use esp_hal::gpio::dummy_pin::DummyPin;
+ use esp_hal::gpio::AnyPin;
+ use esp_hal::gpio::DummyPin;

Initialising embassy

let timg0 = TimerGroup::new(peripherals.TIMG0, &clocks);
-let timer0: ErasedTimer = timg0.timer0.into();
-let timers = [OneShotTimer::new(timer0)];
-let timers = mk_static!([OneShotTimer<ErasedTimer>; 1], timers);
-esp_hal_embassy::init(&clocks, timers);
+esp_hal_embassy::init(&clocks, timg0.timer0);
let systimer = SystemTimer::new(peripherals.SYSTIMER).split::<Target>();
-let alarm0: ErasedTimer = systimer.alarm0.into();
-let timers = [OneShotTimer::new(alarm0)];
-let timers = mk_static!([OneShotTimer<ErasedTimer>; 1], timers);
-esp_hal_embassy::init(&clocks, timers);
+esp_hal_embassy::init(&clocks, systimer.alarm0);

Initializing esp-wifi

let timg0 = TimerGroup::new(peripherals.TIMG0, &clocks);
-let timer0: ErasedTimer = timg0.timer0.into();
-let timer = PeriodicTimer::new(timer0);

let init = initialize(
-   timer,
+   timg0.timer0,
let systimer = esp_hal::timer::systimer::SystemTimer::new(peripherals.SYSTIMER).split::<esp_hal::timer::systimer::Target>();
-let alarm0: ErasedTimer = systimer.alarm0.into();
-let alarm = PeriodicTimer::new(alarm0);

let init = initialize(
-   alarm,
+   systimer.alarm0,

Floating point support

Floating point operations in interrupt contexts are no longer allowed by default. If you experience Cp0Disabled panics, you should try enabling the float-save-restore feature on xtensa-lx-rt.



  • Introduce DMA buffer objects (#1856, #1985)
  • Added new Io::new_no_bind_interrupt constructor (#1861)
  • Added touch pad support for esp32 (#1873, #1956)
  • Allow configuration of period updating method for MCPWM timers (#1898)
  • Add self-testing mode for TWAI peripheral. (#1929)
  • Added a PeripheralClockControl::reset to the driver constructors where missing (#1893)
  • Added digest::Digest implementation to SHA (#1908)
  • Added debugger::debugger_connected. (#1961)
  • DMA: don't require Sealed to implement ReadBuffer and WriteBuffer (#1921)
  • Allow DMA to/from psram for esp32s3 (#1827)
  • Added missing methods to SpiDmaBus (#2016).
  • PARL_IO use ReadBuffer and WriteBuffer for Async DMA (#1996)


  • Peripheral driver constructors don't take InterruptHandlers anymore. Use set_interrupt_handler to explicitly set the interrupt handler now. (#1819)
  • Migrate SPI driver to use DMA buffer objects (#1856, #1985)
  • Use the peripheral ref pattern for OneShotTimer and PeriodicTimer (#1855)
  • Improve SYSTIMER API (#1871)
  • SHA driver now use specific structs for the hashing algorithm instead of a parameter. (#1908)
  • Remove fn free(self) in HMAC which goes against esp-hal API guidelines (#1972)
  • AnyPin, AnyInputOnyPin and DummyPin are now accessible from gpio module (#1918)
  • Changed the RSA modular multiplication API to be consistent across devices (#2002)


  • Improve error detection in the I2C driver (#1847)
  • Fix I2S async-tx (#1833)
  • Fix PARL_IO async-rx (#1851)
  • SPI: Clear DMA interrupts before (not after) DMA starts (#1859)
  • SPI: disable and re-enable MISO and MOSI in start_transfer_dma, start_read_bytes_dma and start_write_bytes_dma accordingly (#1894)
  • TWAI: GPIO pins are not configured as input and output (#1906)
  • ESP32C6: Make ADC usable after TRNG deinicialization (#1945)
  • We should no longer generate 1GB .elf files for ESP32C2 and ESP32C3 (#1962)
  • Reset peripherals in driver constructors where missing (#1893, #1961)
  • Fixed ESP32-S2 systimer interrupts (#1979)
  • Software interrupt 3 is no longer available when it is required by esp-hal-embassy. (#2011)
  • ESP32: Fixed async RSA (#2002)


  • This package no longer re-exports the esp_hal_procmacros::main macro (#1828)
  • The AesFlavour trait no longer has the ENCRYPT_MODE/DECRYPT_MODE associated constants (#1849)
  • Removed FlashSafeDma (#1856)
  • Remove redundant WithDmaSpi traits (#1975)
  • IsFullDuplex and IsHalfDuplex traits (#1985)


15 Jul 22:45
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Please note that only changes to the esp-hal package are tracked in these release notes.

Migration Guide

Coming Soon™️ (sorry, I forgot to write it 😅)



  • uart: Added with_cts/with_rtss methods to configure CTS, and RTS pins (#1592)
  • uart: Constructors now require TX and RX pins (#1592)
  • uart: Added Uart::new_with_default_pins constructor (#1592)
  • uart: Added UartTx and UartRx constructors (#1592)
  • Add Flex / AnyFlex GPIO pin driver (#1659)
  • Add new DmaError::UnsupportedMemoryRegion - used memory regions are checked when preparing a transfer now (#1670)
  • Add DmaTransactionTxOwned, DmaTransactionRxOwned, DmaTransactionTxRxOwned, functions to do owning transfers added to SPI half-duplex (#1672)
  • uart: Implement embedded_io::ReadReady for Uart and UartRx (#1702)
  • ESP32-S3: Expose optional HSYNC input in LCD_CAM (#1707)
  • ESP32-C6: Support lp-core as wake-up source (#1723)
  • Add support for GPIO wake-up source (#1724)
  • gpio: add DummyPin (#1769)
  • dma: add Mem2Mem to support memory to memory transfer (#1738)
  • Add uart wake source (#1727)
  • #[ram(persistent)] option to replace the unsound uninitialized option (#1677)
  • uart: Make rx_timeout optional in Config struct (#1759)
  • Add interrupt related functions to PeriodicTimer/OneShotTimer, added ErasedTimer (#1753)
  • Added blocking read_bytes method to Uart and UartRx (#1784)


  • ESP32-S3: Fix DMA waiting check in LCD_CAM (#1707)
  • TIMG: Fix interrupt handler setup (#1714)
  • Fix sleep_light for ESP32-C6 (#1720)
  • ROM Functions: Fix address of ets_update_cpu_frequency_rom (#1722)
  • Fix regi2c_* functions for esp32h2 (#1737)
  • Improved #[ram(zeroed)] soundness by adding a bytemuck::Zeroable type bound (#1677)
  • EESP32-S2 / ESP32-S3: Fix UsbDm and UsbDp for Gpio19 and Gpio20
  • Fix reading/writing small buffers via SPI master async dma (#1760)
  • Remove unnecessary delay in rtc_ctnl (#1794)


  • Refactor Dac1/Dac2 drivers into a single Dac driver (#1661)
  • esp-hal-embassy: make executor code optional (but default) again
  • Improved interrupt latency on RISC-V based chips (#1679)
  • esp_wifi::initialize no longer requires running maximum CPU clock, instead check it runs above 80MHz. (#1688)
  • Move DMA descriptors from DMA Channel to each individual peripheral driver. (#1719)
  • Support DMA chunk sizes other than the default 4092 (#1758)
  • Improved interrupt latency on Xtensa based chips (#1735)
  • Improve PCNT api (#1765)


  • uart: Removed configure_pins methods (#1592)
  • Removed DmaError::Exhausted error by improving the implementation of the pop function (#1664)
  • Unsound #[ram(uninitialized)] option in favor of the new persistent option (#1677)


04 Jun 16:35
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Please note that only changes to the esp-hal package are tracked in these release notes.

Migration Guide


We have removed the SystemExt trait, meaning that the SYSTEM peripheral no longer has a split() method. Instead, we now instantiate a new SystemControl struct:

use esp_hal::{peripherals::Peripherals, system::SystemControl, clock::ClockControl};

let peripherals = Peripherals::take();
let system = SystemControl::new(peripherals.SYSTEM);
let clocks = ClockControl::boot_defaults(system.clock_control).freeze();


There have been a number of changes to the various timer drivers in esp-hal, notable the reorganization of their modules. While previously we had systimer (SYSTIMER) and timer (TIMGx) modules, these have been combined into a common module, and are now available at timer::systimer and timer::timg0 respectively.

Additionally, there have been some minor changes in API relating to the introduction of the timer::Timer trait; these should be mostly straight forward to resolve, refer to the documentation.


The GPIO system has been reworked to remove into_X methods, in favour of a concrete pin type.

Old into_X method New type
output Output
output open drain OutputOpenDrain
input Input

For example code such as io.pins.gpio18.into_push_pull_output() should be replaced with Output::new(io.pins.gpio18) for each respective case. To see more discussion and examples for this change, see the RFC and implementation PR.


As of this release, support for [Embassy] has been extracted from esp-hal into its own package, esp-hal-embassy. This is nearly a drop-in replacement, only a few small changes are required.

First, add the new dependency to your Cargo.toml:

esp-hal-embassy = { version = "0.1.0", features = [
    "time-timg0",            # Compatible with all chips
    # "time-systimer-16mhz", # Compatible with all chips except ESP32 and ESP32-S2
    # "time-systimer-80mhz", # Compatible with ESP32-S2 only
] }

Note that in previous version, the time-systimer-* features were incorrectly named time-systick-*; this has now been rectified. Additionally, as of this release it is no longer required to select an executor via its Cargo feature; both the thread-mode and interrupt-mode executors are now available by default.

Next, simply replace any references to the esp_hal::embassy module and its children with the esp_hal_embassy package instead. This can likely be accomplished with a simple search-and-replace in your text editor.



  • i2c: implement I2C:transaction for embedded-hal and embedded-hal-async (#1505)
  • spi: implement with_bit_order (#1537)
  • ESP32-PICO-V3-02: Initial support (#1155)
  • time::current_time API (#1503)
  • ESP32-S3: Add LCD_CAM Camera driver (#1483)
  • embassy-usb support (#1517)
  • SPI Slave support for ESP32-S2 (#1562)
  • Add new generic OneShotTimer and PeriodicTimer drivers, plus new Timer trait which is implemented for TIMGx and SYSTIMER (#1570)


  • i2c: i2c1_handler used I2C0 register block by mistake (#1487)
  • Removed ESP32 specific code for resolutions > 16 bit in ledc embedded_hal::pwm max_duty_cycle function. (#1441)
  • Fixed division by zero in ledc embedded_hal::pwm set_duty_cycle function and converted to set_duty_hw instead of set_duty to eliminate loss of granularity. (#1441)
  • Embassy examples now build on stable (#1485)
  • Fix delay on esp32h2 (#1535)
  • spi: fix dma wrong mode when using eh1 blocking api (#1541)
  • uart: make uart::UartRx::read_byte public (#1547)
  • Fix async serial-usb-jtag (#1561)
  • Feeding RWDT now actually works (#1645)


  • Removed unneeded generic parameters on Usb (#1469)
  • Created virtual peripherals for CPU control and radio clocks, rather than splitting them from SYSTEM (#1428)
  • IO, ADC, DAC, RTC*, LEDC, PWM and PCNT drivers have been converted to camel case format (#1473)
  • RNG is no longer TRNG, the CryptoRng implementation has been removed. To track this being re-added see #1499 (#1498)
  • Make software interrupts shareable (#1500)
  • The SystemParts struct has been renamed to SystemControl, and now has a constructor which takes the SYSTEM peripheral (#1495)
  • Timer abstraction: refactor systimer and timer modules into a common timer module (#1527)
  • Removed the embassy-executor-thread and embassy-executor-interrupt features, they are now enabled by default when embassy is enabled. (#1485)
  • Software interrupt 3 is now used instead of software interrupt 0 on the thread aware executor on multicore systems (#1485)
  • Timer abstraction: refactor systimer and timer modules into a common timer module (#1527)
  • Refactoring of GPIO module, have drivers for Input,Output,OutputOpenDrain, all drivers setup their GPIOs correctly (#1542)
  • DMA transactions are now found in the dma module (#1550)
  • Remove unnecessary generics from PARL_IO driver (#1545)
  • Use Level enum in GPIO constructors instead of plain bools (#1574)
  • rmt: make ChannelCreator public (#1597)


  • Removed the SystemExt trait (#1495)
  • Removed the GpioExt trait (#1496)
  • Embassy support (and all related features) has been removed, now available in the esp-hal-embassy package instead (#1595)