The tool will extract some data from Office 365 by using PowerShell cmdlets in the background.
At this point in time, the tool will likely not be suitable for large tenants.
The retrieval and display of the data may take longer than expected, but improving the performance is a top priority! We're working on it!
The tool is using / needs the following to run successfully.
- Microsoft Azure AD Module for Windows PowerShell (Msol cmdlets)
Right now, we are not using the Azure AD PowerShell for Graph module, but we will gradualy make the transition to the AzureAD cmdlets, and this will be communicated in due course. - Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant
- SharePoint Online Management Shell module
We are not currently using SharePoint PowerShell PnP, but that will be coming soon to enhance the tool! - Skype for Business Online module
- Microsoft Teams module
The tool should be used by Office 365 Global Admins.
Further enhancements will surely make it available for other admins (EXO, SPO, etc...), and this will be communicated in due time. -
The Execution Policy can be set to "Unrestricted" or "RemoteSigned" for release 0.1.1.
This is an important subject, and if you are not able to change the policy for security reasons, we completely understand. We will work on it as soon as possible. -
Skype for Business Online will require the WinRM service to be started. Therefore, the tool will attempt to start this service if it's not.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is not yet supported, but actively working on it.
This tool has only been tested on Windows 10 at this point time.
If you use PowerShell regularly to manage your Office 365 tenant, then you should be good to go. If not, have a look at the common issues.
For the tool to run correctly, you need the following:
assembly folder
This folder contains all the .dll necessary for the tool -
images folder
This folder contains a few images used in the tool -
resources folder
This folder contains icons from MahApps used in the tool -
MainWindow.xaml file
This file contains all the elements for the graphical part -
O365DataRetriever.ps1 file
This file contains the PowerShell script with bindings to the xaml file
Download the necessary files and folders (see above) to a location of your choice.
Open a PowerShell window (console or ISE) with admin rights, and navigate to this location.
Launch the tool by running
- Once the tool is visible, on the top right corner, enter your O365 Global Admin account + password, then click on "Connect" (or press "Enter" on your keyboard)
- Wait for a few seconds for the data to be retrieved and displayed.
Have a look at this short video on How To Install & Run the O365 Data Retriever tool
You can also go to the Report Issues page, or use the @veronicageek / @O365DataR accounts on Twitter for the time being.
Remember though, always be respectful please.