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@christianacca christianacca released this 31 Dec 18:53

<a name"4.0.0">

4.0.0 (2016-12-31)

Bug Fixes

  • ngTableParams: parameters method returns incorrect object (3ca6852d)


  • NgTableParams: nested paramater values never undefined (8f5461fc)
  • ngTableFilterConfig: nested options never undefined (09664284)
  • ngTableSettings: nested options never undefined (6e810ba6)

Breaking Changes

NgTableParams.parameters: any param value supplied as undefined will now be ignored

Instead of undefined you will need to supply a suitable value as described below:

  • count, page - 0
  • filter, group, sorting - an empty object to remove existing values


NgTableFilterConfigProvider.setConfig: any config value supplied as undefined will now be ignored

Instead of undefined you will need to supply a suitable value as described below:

  • aliasUrls - an empty object to reset configuration back to using filter templates supplied by the ng-table library


  • Split TableInputAttributes interface into base and specialized interfaces


  • Drop the I prefix from interface names


  • ISettings: replaced with Settings class and a type alias of SettingsPartial
  • Settings.interceptors, Settings.counts: arrays are cloned therefore any changes to the array will not be recognised
  • settings(newSettings): any setting value supplied as undefined will now be ignored.

Instead of a undefined you will need to supply a suitable value as described below:

  • counts - an empty array to prevent the page size buttons rendering
  • filterOptions.filterDelay - 0 to remove the debounce delay
  • filterOptions.filterDelayThreshold - null so that a dataset of any size will have a filterDelay applied
  • groupOptions.sortDirection - '' so that grouped columns are NOT sorted by default
  • groupOptions.isExpanded - false so that each grouped set of rows are collapsed by default
  • paginationMaxBlocks, paginationMinBlocks - 0
