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hevm: fix threading of state in updates
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zoep committed Jan 24, 2024
1 parent 567b25d commit 3142a8b
Showing 1 changed file with 27 additions and 23 deletions.
50 changes: 27 additions & 23 deletions src/Act/HEVM.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ getCaller = do
translateConstructor :: BS.ByteString -> Constructor -> ActM ([EVM.Expr EVM.End], Calldata, Sig)
translateConstructor bytecode (Constructor _ iface preconds _ _ upds) = do
preconds' <- mapM (toProp initmap) preconds
cmap <- applyUpdates upds initmap
cmap <- applyUpdates initmap initmap upds
fresh <- getFresh
pure $ ([EVM.Success (snd calldata <> preconds' <> symAddrCnstr fresh) mempty (EVM.ConcreteBuf bytecode) cmap], calldata, ifaceToSig iface)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,31 +186,31 @@ translateBehv cmap (Behaviour _ _ _ preconds caseconds _ upds ret) = do
preconds' <- mapM (toProp cmap) preconds
caseconds' <- mapM (toProp cmap) caseconds
ret' <- returnsToExpr cmap ret
store <- applyUpdates upds cmap
store <- applyUpdates cmap cmap upds
pure $ EVM.Success (preconds' <> caseconds') mempty ret' store

applyUpdates :: [StorageUpdate] -> ContractMap -> ActM ContractMap
applyUpdates upds initmap = foldM (flip applyUpdate) initmap upds
applyUpdates :: ContractMap -> ContractMap -> [StorageUpdate] -> ActM ContractMap
applyUpdates readMap writeMap upds = foldM (applyUpdate readMap) writeMap upds

applyUpdate :: StorageUpdate -> ContractMap -> ActM ContractMap
applyUpdate (Update typ (Item _ _ ref) e) cmap = do
caddr' <- baseAddr cmap ref
offset <- refOffset cmap ref
let contract = fromMaybe (error "Internal error: contract not found") $ M.lookup caddr' cmap
applyUpdate :: ContractMap -> ContractMap -> StorageUpdate -> ActM ContractMap
applyUpdate readMap writeMap (Update typ (Item _ _ ref) e) = do
caddr' <- baseAddr readMap ref
offset <- refOffset readMap ref
let contract = fromMaybe (error "Internal error: contract not found") $ M.lookup caddr' writeMap
case typ of
SInteger -> do
e' <- toExpr cmap e
pure $ M.insert caddr' (updateStorage (EVM.SStore offset e') contract) cmap
e' <- toExpr readMap e
pure $ M.insert caddr' (updateStorage (EVM.SStore offset e') contract) writeMap
SBoolean -> do
e' <- toExpr cmap e
pure $ M.insert caddr' (updateStorage (EVM.SStore offset e') contract) cmap
e' <- toExpr readMap e
pure $ M.insert caddr' (updateStorage (EVM.SStore offset e') contract) writeMap
SByteStr -> error "Bytestrings not supported"
SContract -> do
fresh <- getFreshIncr
let freshAddr = EVM.SymAddr $ "freshSymAddr" <> (T.pack $ show fresh)
cmap' <- localCaddr freshAddr $ createContract cmap freshAddr e
pure $ M.insert caddr' (updateNonce (updateStorage (EVM.SStore offset (EVM.WAddr freshAddr)) contract)) cmap'
writeMap' <- localCaddr freshAddr $ createContract readMap writeMap freshAddr e
pure $ M.insert caddr' (updateNonce (updateStorage (EVM.SStore offset (EVM.WAddr freshAddr)) contract)) writeMap'

updateStorage :: (EVM.Expr EVM.Storage -> EVM.Expr EVM.Storage) -> EVM.Expr EVM.EContract -> EVM.Expr EVM.EContract
Expand All @@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ applyUpdate (Update typ (Item _ _ ref) e) cmap = do
updateNonce c@(EVM.C _ _ _ Nothing) = c
updateNonce (EVM.GVar _) = error "Internal error: contract cannot be a global variable"

createContract :: ContractMap -> EVM.Expr EVM.EAddr -> Exp AContract -> ActM ContractMap
createContract cmap freshAddr (Create _ cid args) = do
createContract :: ContractMap -> ContractMap -> EVM.Expr EVM.EAddr -> Exp AContract -> ActM ContractMap
createContract readMap writeMap freshAddr (Create _ cid args) = do
codemap <- getCodemap
case M.lookup cid codemap of
Just (Contract (Constructor _ iface _ _ _ upds) _, _, bytecode) -> do
Expand All @@ -235,9 +235,9 @@ createContract cmap freshAddr (Create _ cid args) = do
let subst = makeSubstMap iface args

let upds' = substUpds subst upds
applyUpdates upds' (M.insert freshAddr contract cmap)
applyUpdates (M.insert freshAddr contract readMap) (M.insert freshAddr contract writeMap) upds'
Nothing -> error "Internal error: constructor not found"
createContract _ _ _ = error "Internal error: constructor call expected"
createContract _ _ _ _ = error "Internal error: constructor call expected"

-- | Substitutions

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -583,11 +583,11 @@ checkConstructors :: App m => SolverGroup -> ByteString -> ByteString -> Store -
checkConstructors solvers initcode runtimecode store (Contract ctor _) codemap = do
let actenv = ActEnv codemap 0 (slotMap store) (EVM.SymAddr "entrypoint") Nothing
let ((actbehvs, calldata, sig), actenv') = flip runState actenv $ translateConstructor runtimecode ctor
traceM "Act"
traceM (showBehvs actbehvs)
-- traceM "Act"
-- traceM (showBehvs actbehvs)
solbehvs <- removeFails <$> getInitcodeBranches solvers initcode calldata
traceM "Solidity"
traceM (showBehvs solbehvs)
-- traceM "Solidity"
-- traceM (showBehvs solbehvs)
showMsg "\x1b[1mChecking if constructor results are equivalent.\x1b[m"
checkResult calldata (Just sig) =<< checkEquiv solvers solbehvs actbehvs
showMsg "\x1b[1mChecking if constructor input spaces are the same.\x1b[m"
Expand All @@ -607,6 +607,10 @@ checkBehaviours solvers (Contract _ behvs) actenv cmap = do
flip mapM_ actbehvs $ \(name,behvs',calldata, sig) -> do
solbehvs <- removeFails <$> getRuntimeBranches solvers hevmstorage calldata
showMsg $ "\x1b[1mChecking behavior \x1b[4m" <> name <> "\x1b[m of Act\x1b[m"
traceM "Act"
-- traceM (showBehvs behvs')
-- traceM "Solidity"
-- traceM (showBehvs solbehvs)
-- equivalence check
showMsg $ "\x1b[1mChecking if behaviour is matched by EVM\x1b[m"
checkResult calldata (Just sig) =<< checkEquiv solvers solbehvs behvs'
Expand Down

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