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zoep committed Sep 17, 2024
1 parent d2af737 commit 43aafd3
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Showing 3 changed files with 60 additions and 35 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Act/Print.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -71,11 +71,11 @@ prettyBehaviour (Behaviour name contract interface ptrs preconditions cases post

prettyPtrs :: [(Pn, Id, Id)] -> String
prettyPtrs :: [Pointer] -> String
prettyPtrs [] = ""
prettyPtrs ptrs = header "pointers" >-< block (prettyPtr <$> p)
prettyPtrs ptrs = header "pointers" >-< block (prettyPtr <$> ptrs)
prettyPtr (_, x, c) = x <> " |-> " <> c
prettyPtr (PointsTo _ x c) = x <> " |-> " <> c

prettyPre :: [Exp ABoolean t] -> String
prettyPre [] = ""
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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions src/Act/Syntax.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -187,6 +187,18 @@ createsFromBehaviour (Behaviour _ _ _ _ _ preconds postconds rewrites returns) =
<> maybe [] createsFromTypedExp returns

pointersFromContract :: Typed.Contract -> [Id]
pointersFromContract (Contract constr behvs) =
nub $ pointersFromConstructor constr <> concatMap pointersFromBehaviour behvs

pointersFromConstructor :: Typed.Constructor -> [Id]
pointersFromConstructor (Constructor _ _ ptrs _ _ _ _) =
map (\(PointsTo _ _ c) -> c) ptrs

pointersFromBehaviour :: Behaviour t -> [Id]
pointersFromBehaviour (Behaviour _ _ _ ptrs _ _ _ _ _) =
map (\(PointsTo _ _ c) -> c) ptrs

ethEnvFromBehaviour :: Behaviour t -> [EthEnv]
ethEnvFromBehaviour (Behaviour _ _ _ _ preconds cases postconds rewrites returns) = nub $
concatMap ethEnvFromExp preconds
Expand Down
77 changes: 45 additions & 32 deletions src/Act/Type.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,15 +54,15 @@ typecheck' (U.Main contracts) = Act store <$> traverse (checkContract store cons
<* noDuplicateContracts
<* noDuplicateBehaviourNames
<* noDuplicateInterfaces
<* traverse noDuplicateVars [creates | U.Contract (U.Definition _ _ _ _ creates _ _) _ <- contracts]
<* traverse noDuplicateVars [creates | U.Contract (U.Definition _ _ _ _ _ creates _ _) _ <- contracts]
store = lookupVars contracts
constructors = lookupConstructors contracts

transitions = concatMap (\(U.Contract _ ts) -> ts) contracts

noDuplicateContracts :: Err ()
noDuplicateContracts = noDuplicates [(pn,contract) | U.Contract (U.Definition pn contract _ _ _ _ _) _ <- contracts]
noDuplicateContracts = noDuplicates [(pn,contract) | U.Contract (U.Definition pn contract _ _ _ _ _ _) _ <- contracts]
$ \c -> "Multiple definitions of Contract " <> c

noDuplicateVars :: U.Creates -> Err ()
Expand All @@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ typecheck' (U.Main contracts) = Act store <$> traverse (checkContract store cons
noDuplicateInterfaces :: Err ()
noDuplicateInterfaces =
[(pn, contract ++ "." ++ (makeIface iface)) | U.Transition pn _ contract iface _ _ _ <- transitions]
[(pn, contract ++ "." ++ (makeIface iface)) | U.Transition pn _ contract iface _ _ _ _ <- transitions]
$ \c -> "Multiple definitions of Interface " <> c

noDuplicateBehaviourNames :: Err ()
noDuplicateBehaviourNames =
[(pn, contract ++ "." ++ behav) | U.Transition pn behav contract _ _ _ _ <- transitions]
[(pn, contract ++ "." ++ behav) | U.Transition pn behav contract _ _ _ _ _ <- transitions]
$ \c -> "Multiple definitions of Behaviour " <> c

-- Generic helper
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ topologicalSort (Act store contracts) =
else if OM.member v visited then pure visited
let (ws, code) = adjacent v in
let stack' = Set.insert v stack \in
let stack' = Set.insert v stack in
(OM.|<) (v, code) <$> foldValidation (dfs stack') visited ws

adjacent :: Id -> ([Id], Contract)
Expand All @@ -128,22 +128,21 @@ topologicalSort (Act store contracts) =

-- map a contract name to the list of contracts that it calls and its code
findCreates :: Contract -> (Id, ([Id], Contract))
findCreates c@(Contract (Constructor cname _ _ _ _ _) _) = (cname, (createsFromContract c, c))
findCreates c@(Contract (Constructor cname _ _ _ _ _ _) _) = (cname, (createsFromContract c <> pointersFromContract c, c))

--- Finds storage declarations from constructors
lookupVars :: [U.Contract] -> Store
lookupVars = foldMap $ \case
U.Contract (U.Definition _ contract _ _ (U.Creates assigns) _ _) _ ->
U.Contract (U.Definition _ contract _ _ _ (U.Creates assigns) _ _) _ ->
Map.singleton contract . Map.fromList $ addSlot $ snd . fromAssign <$> assigns
addSlot :: [(Id, SlotType)] -> [(Id, (SlotType, Integer))]
addSlot l = zipWith (\(name, typ) slot -> (name, (typ, slot))) l [0..]

lookupConstructors :: [U.Contract] -> Map Id [AbiType]
lookupConstructors = foldMap $ \case
U.Contract (U.Definition _ contract (Interface _ decls) _ _ _ _) _ ->
U.Contract (U.Definition _ contract (Interface _ decls) _ _ _ _ _) _ ->
Map.singleton contract (map (\(Decl t _) -> t) decls)

-- | Extracts what we need to build a 'Store' and to verify that its names are unique.
Expand All @@ -160,6 +159,7 @@ data Env = Env
, store :: Map Id SlotType -- ^ This contract's storage entry names and their types.
, theirs :: Store -- ^ Mapping from contract names to a map of their entry names and their types.
, calldata :: Map Id AbiType -- ^ The calldata var names and their types.
, pointers :: Map Id Id -- ^ Maps address calldata variables to their contract type.
, constructors :: Map Id [AbiType] -- ^ Interfaces of contract contructors (we only allow constructor calls ATM)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,40 +188,46 @@ mkEnv contract store constructors = Env
, store = fst $ fromMaybe mempty (Map.lookup contract store)
, theirs = store
, calldata = mempty
, pointers = mempty
, constructors = constructors

-- add calldata to environment
addCalldata :: Env -> [Decl] -> Env
addCalldata env decls = env{ calldata = abiVars }
addCalldata :: [Decl] -> Env -> Env
addCalldata decls env = env{ calldata = abiVars }
abiVars = Map.fromList $ map (\(Decl typ var) -> (var, typ)) decls

-- add pointers to environment
addPointers :: [Pointer] -> Env -> Env
addPointers decls env = env{ pointers = ptrs }
ptrs = Map.fromList $ map (\(PointsTo _ x c) -> (x, c)) decls

checkContract :: Store -> Map Id [AbiType] -> U.Contract -> Err Contract
checkContract store constructors (U.Contract constr@(U.Definition _ cid _ _ _ _ _) trans) =
checkContract store constructors (U.Contract constr@(U.Definition _ cid _ _ _ _ _ _) trans) =
Contract <$> checkDefinition env constr <*> (concat <$> traverse (checkTransition env) trans) <* namesConsistent
env :: Env
env = mkEnv cid store constructors

namesConsistent :: Err ()
namesConsistent =
traverse_ (\(U.Transition pn _ cid' _ _ _ _) -> assert (errmsg pn cid') (cid == cid')) trans
traverse_ (\(U.Transition pn _ cid' _ _ _ _ _) -> assert (errmsg pn cid') (cid == cid')) trans

errmsg pn cid' = (pn, "Behavior must belong to contract " <> show cid <> " but belongs to contract " <> cid')

-- checks a transition given a typing of its storage variables
checkTransition :: Env -> U.Transition -> Err [Behaviour]
checkTransition env (U.Transition _ name contract iface@(Interface _ decls) iffs cases posts) =
checkTransition env (U.Transition _ name contract iface@(Interface _ decls) ptrs iffs cases posts) =
traverse (checkPointer env) ptrs *>
noIllegalWilds *>
-- constrain integer calldata variables (TODO: other types)
fmap fmap (makeBehv <$> checkIffs env' iffs <*> traverse (checkExpr env' SBoolean) posts)
<*> traverse (checkCase env') normalizedCases
env' = addCalldata env decls
env' = addPointers ptrs $ addCalldata decls env

noIllegalWilds :: Err ()
noIllegalWilds = case cases of
Expand All @@ -241,24 +247,33 @@ checkTransition env (U.Transition _ name contract iface@(Interface _ decls) iffs
negation = U.ENot nowhere $
foldl (\acc (U.Case _ e _) -> U.EOr nowhere e acc) (U.BoolLit nowhere False) rest
in rest `snoc` (if isWild lastCase then U.Case pn negation post else lastCase)
-- TODO ensure non-overlapping and exhaustiveness (maybe with elaboration and mandatory wildcard?)

-- | split case into pass and fail case
makeBehv :: [Exp ABoolean Untimed] -> [Exp ABoolean Timed] -> ([Exp ABoolean Untimed], [StorageUpdate], Maybe (TypedExp Timed)) -> Behaviour
makeBehv iffs' postcs (if',storage,ret) = Behaviour name contract iface iffs' if' postcs storage ret
makeBehv iffs' postcs (if',storage,ret) = Behaviour name contract iface ptrs iffs' if' postcs storage ret

checkDefinition :: Env -> U.Definition -> Err Constructor
checkDefinition env (U.Definition _ contract (Interface _ decls) iffs (U.Creates assigns) postcs invs) =
checkDefinition env (U.Definition _ contract (Interface _ decls) ptrs iffs (U.Creates assigns) postcs invs) =
_ <- traverse (checkPointer env) ptrs
stateUpdates <- concat <$> traverse (checkAssign env') assigns
iffs' <- checkIffs (env'{ store = mempty }) iffs
_ <- traverse (validStorage env') assigns
ensures <- traverse (checkExpr env' SBoolean) postcs
invs' <- fmap (Invariant contract [] []) <$> traverse (checkExpr env' SBoolean) invs
pure $ Constructor contract (Interface contract decls) iffs' ensures invs' stateUpdates
pure $ Constructor contract (Interface contract decls) ptrs iffs' ensures invs' stateUpdates
env' = addCalldata env decls
env' = addPointers ptrs $ addCalldata decls env

checkPointer :: Env -> U.Pointer -> Err ()
checkPointer Env{theirs,calldata} (U.PointsTo p x c) =
maybe (throw (p, "Contract " <> c <> " is not a valid contract type")) (\_ -> pure ()) (Map.lookup c theirs) *>
case Map.lookup x calldata of
Just AbiAddressType -> pure ()
Just _ -> throw (p, "Variable " <> x <> " does not have an address type")
Nothing -> throw (p, "Unknown variable " <> x)

-- | Check if the types of storage variables are valid
validStorage :: Env -> U.Assign -> Err ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -372,7 +387,7 @@ checkStorageExpr env entry expr =

validContractType :: Pn -> ValueType -> SType a -> Exp a t -> Err ()
validContractType p (ContractType c) SContract e =
validContractType p (ContractType c) SInteger e =
let c' = contractId e in
assert (p, "Expression is expected to be a contract " <> show c <> " but it is a contract " <> show c') (c == c')
validContractType _ _ _ _ = pure ()
Expand All @@ -394,6 +409,7 @@ genInRange t e@(Div _ e1 e2) = [InRange nowhere t e] <> genInRange t e1 <> genIn
genInRange t e@(Mod _ e1 e2) = [InRange nowhere t e] <> genInRange t e1 <> genInRange t e2
genInRange t e@(Exp _ e1 e2) = [InRange nowhere t e] <> genInRange t e1 <> genInRange t e2
genInRange t e@(IntEnv _ _) = [InRange nowhere t e]
genInRange _ (Create _ _ _) = []
genInRange _ (IntMin _ _) = error "Internal error: invalid range expression"
genInRange _ (IntMax _ _) = error "Internal error: invalid range expression"
genInRange _ (UIntMin _ _) = error "Internal error: invalid range expression"
Expand All @@ -411,7 +427,6 @@ typedExp env e = findSuccess (throw (getPosn e, "Cannot find a valid type for ex
[ TExp SInteger <$> checkExpr env SInteger e
, TExp SBoolean <$> checkExpr env SBoolean e
, TExp SByteStr <$> checkExpr env SByteStr e
, TExp SContract <$> checkExpr env SContract e

andExps :: [Exp ABoolean t] -> Exp ABoolean t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -444,11 +459,9 @@ checkExpr env@Env{constructors} typ e = case (typ, e) of
(SInteger, U.EExp p v1 v2) -> Exp p <$> checkExpr env SInteger v1 <*> checkExpr env SInteger v2
(SInteger, U.IntLit p v1) -> pure $ LitInt p v1
-- Constructor calls
(SContract, U.ECreate p c args) -> case Map.lookup c constructors of
(SInteger, U.ECreate p c args) -> case Map.lookup c constructors of
Just typs -> Create p c <$> checkIxs env p args (fmap PrimitiveType typs)
Nothing -> throw (p, "Unknown constructor " <> show c)
-- Contract casting
(SContract, U.EAsContract p v c) -> AsContract p <$> checkExpr env SInteger v <*> pure c
-- Control
(_, U.EITE p v1 v2 v3) ->
((,) <$> checkExpr env typ v2 <*> checkExpr env typ v3) `bindValidation` (\(e1, e2) -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -482,8 +495,8 @@ checkExpr env@Env{constructors} typ e = case (typ, e) of
[ cons pn SInteger <$> checkExpr env SInteger v1 <*> checkExpr env SInteger v2
, cons pn SBoolean <$> checkExpr env SBoolean v1 <*> checkExpr env SBoolean v2
, cons pn SByteStr <$> checkExpr env SByteStr v1 <*> checkExpr env SByteStr v2
, ((,) <$> checkExpr env SContract v1 <*> checkExpr env SContract v2) `bindValidation` (\(e1,e2) ->
cons pn SContract e1 e2 <$ assert (pn, "Contract type of operands do not match") (contractId e1 == contractId e2))
-- , ((,) <$> checkExpr env SContract v1 <*> checkExpr env SContract v2) `bindValidation` (\(e1,e2) ->
-- cons pn SContract e1 e2 <$ assert (pn, "Contract type of operands do not match") (contractId e1 == contractId e2))

checkTime :: forall t0. Typeable t0 => Pn -> Err (Exp a t0 -> Exp a t)
Expand All @@ -505,17 +518,17 @@ checkExpr env@Env{constructors} typ e = case (typ, e) of

-- | Find the contract id of an expression with contract type
contractId :: Exp AContract t -> Id
-- TODO fix
contractId :: Exp AInteger t -> Id
contractId (ITE _ _ a _) = contractId a
contractId (Var _ _ _ _) = error "Internal error: calldata variables cannot have contract types"
contractId (Var _ _ _ _) = error "Internal error: calldata variables cannot have contract types"
contractId (Create _ c _) = c
contractId (AsContract _ _ c) = c
contractId (TEntry _ _ (Item _ (ContractType c) _)) = c
contractId (TEntry _ _ (Item _ _ _)) = error "Internal error: entry does not have contract type"

-- | Check that if both branches of an ITE have a contract type then it is the same contract type
checkITE :: Pn -> SType a -> Exp a t -> Exp a t -> Err ()
checkITE p SContract e1 e2 =
checkITE p SInteger e1 e2 =
assert (p, "Contract type of if then else branches do not match") (contractId e1 == contractId e2)
checkITE _ _ _ _ = pure ()

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