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Well-typed substitutions for singleton types
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zoep committed Dec 3, 2024
1 parent 1b7b8be commit 48a2009
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Showing 6 changed files with 53 additions and 40 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Act/Enrich.hs
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Expand Up @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ mkStorageBounds refs = concatMap mkBound refs
mkBound _ = []

-- TODO why only Pre items here?
fromItem :: TItem Storage AInteger -> Exp ABoolean
fromItem :: TItem AInteger Storage -> Exp ABoolean
fromItem item@(Item _ (PrimitiveType vt) _) = bound vt (TEntry nowhere Pre SStorage item)
fromItem (Item _ (ContractType _) _) = LitBool nowhere True

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44 changes: 26 additions & 18 deletions src/Act/HEVM.hs
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Expand Up @@ -223,10 +223,6 @@ applyUpdate readMap writeMap (Update typ (Item _ _ ref) e) = do
pure $ M.insert caddr' (updateStorage (EVM.SStore offset e') contract, cid) writeMap
SByteStr -> error "Bytestrings not supported"
-- isContract :: ValueType -> Bool
-- isContract (ContractType _) = True
-- isContract _ = False

updateStorage :: (EVM.Expr EVM.Storage -> EVM.Expr EVM.Storage) -> EVM.Expr EVM.EContract -> EVM.Expr EVM.EContract
updateStorage updfun (EVM.C code storage tstorage bal nonce) = EVM.C code (updfun storage) tstorage bal nonce
updateStorage _ (EVM.GVar _) = error "Internal error: contract cannot be a global variable"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -264,20 +260,32 @@ substUpds :: M.Map Id TypedExp -> [StorageUpdate] -> [StorageUpdate]
substUpds subst upds = fmap (substUpd subst) upds

substUpd :: M.Map Id TypedExp -> StorageUpdate -> StorageUpdate
substUpd subst (Update s item expr) = Update s (substItem subst item) (substExp subst expr)

substItem :: M.Map Id TypedExp -> TItem a k -> TItem a k
substItem subst (Item st vt sref) = Item st vt (substRef subst sref)

substRef :: M.Map Id TypedExp -> Ref k -> Ref k
substRef _ var@(SVar _ _ _) = var
substRef _ var@(CVar _ _ x) = undefined
-- case M.lookup x subst of
-- Just (TExp _ (TEntry _ _ _ item)) -> ref
-- Just _ -> error "Internal error: cannot access fields of non-pointer var"
-- Nothing -> error "Internal error: ill-formed substitution"
substRef subst (SMapping pn sref args) = SMapping pn (substRef subst sref) (substArgs subst args)
substRef subst (SField pn sref x y) = SField pn (substRef subst sref) x y
substUpd subst (Update s item expr) = case substItem subst item of
ETItem SStorage i -> Update s i (substExp subst expr)
ETItem SCalldata _ -> error "Internal error: expecting storage item"

-- | Existential packages to abstract away from reference kinds. Needed to
-- define subtitutions.
-- Note: it would be nice to have these abstracted in one date type that
-- abstracts the higher-kinded type, but Haskell does not allow partially
-- applied type synonyms
data ETItem t = forall k. ETItem (SRefKind k) (TItem t k)
data ERef = forall k. ERef (SRefKind k) (Ref k)

substItem :: M.Map Id TypedExp -> TItem a k -> ETItem a
substItem subst (Item st vt sref) = case substRef subst sref of
ERef k ref -> ETItem k (Item st vt ref)

substRef :: M.Map Id TypedExp -> Ref k -> ERef
substRef _ var@(SVar _ _ _) = ERef SStorage var
substRef subst (CVar _ _ x) = case M.lookup x subst of
Just (TExp _ (TEntry _ _ k (Item _ _ ref))) -> ERef k ref
Just _ -> error "Internal error: cannot access fields of non-pointer var"
Nothing -> error "Internal error: ill-formed substitution"
substRef subst (SMapping pn sref args) = case substRef subst sref of
ERef k ref -> ERef k $ SMapping pn ref (substArgs subst args)
substRef subst (SField pn sref x y) = case substRef subst sref of
ERef k ref -> ERef k $ SField pn ref x y

substArgs :: M.Map Id TypedExp -> [TypedExp] -> [TypedExp]
substArgs subst exps = fmap (substTExp subst) exps
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Act/SMT.hs
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Expand Up @@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ sType' (TExp t _) = sType $ actType t
--- ** Variable Names ** ---

-- Construct the smt2 variable name for a given storage item
nameFromSItem :: When -> TItem Storage a -> Id
nameFromSItem :: When -> TItem a Storage -> Id
nameFromSItem whn (Item _ _ ref) = nameFromSRef ref @@ show whn

nameFromSRef :: Ref Storage -> Id
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Act/Syntax.hs
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Expand Up @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ locsFromUpdate update = nub $ case update of
locFromUpdate :: StorageUpdate t -> StorageLocation t
locFromUpdate (Update _ item _) = _Loc item

locsFromItem :: SRefKind k -> TItem k a t -> [StorageLocation t]
locsFromItem :: SRefKind k -> TItem a k t -> [StorageLocation t]
locsFromItem SCalldata item = concatMap locsFromTypedExp (ixsFromItem item)
locsFromItem SStorage item = _Loc item : concatMap locsFromTypedExp (ixsFromItem item)

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39 changes: 20 additions & 19 deletions src/Act/Syntax/TimeAgnostic.hs
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Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}

Module : Syntax.TimeAgnostic
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,24 +124,24 @@ data Behaviour t = Behaviour

data StorageUpdate (t :: Timing) where
Update :: SType a -> TItem Storage a t -> Exp a t -> StorageUpdate t
Update :: SType a -> TItem a Storage t -> Exp a t -> StorageUpdate t
deriving instance Show (StorageUpdate t)

instance Eq (StorageUpdate t) where
Update SType i1 e1 == Update SType i2 e2 = eqS i1 i2 && eqS e1 e2
Update SType i1 e1 == Update SType i2 e2 = eqS' i1 i2 && eqS e1 e2

_Update :: SingI a => TItem Storage a t -> Exp a t -> StorageUpdate t
_Update :: SingI a => TItem a Storage t -> Exp a t -> StorageUpdate t
_Update item expr = Update sing item expr

data StorageLocation (t :: Timing) where
Loc :: SType a -> TItem Storage a t -> StorageLocation t
Loc :: SType a -> TItem a Storage t -> StorageLocation t
deriving instance Show (StorageLocation t)

_Loc :: TItem Storage a t -> StorageLocation t
_Loc :: TItem a Storage t -> StorageLocation t
_Loc item@(Item s _ _) = Loc s item

instance Eq (StorageLocation t) where
Loc SType i1 == Loc SType i2 = eqS i1 i2
Loc SType i1 == Loc SType i2 = eqS' i1 i2

-- | Distinguish the type of Refs to calladata variables and storage
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -169,8 +170,8 @@ pattern SRefKind :: () => (SingI a) => SRefKind a
pattern SRefKind <- Sing
{-# COMPLETE SRefKind #-}

-- | Compare equality of two things parametrized by types which have singletons.
eqKind :: forall (a :: RefKind) (b :: RefKind) f t t'. (SingI a, SingI b, Eq (f a t t')) => f a t t' -> f b t t' -> Bool
-- | Compare equality of two Items parametrized by different RefKinds.
eqKind :: forall (a :: RefKind) (b :: RefKind) f t t'. (SingI a, SingI b, Eq (f t a t')) => f t a t' -> f t b t' -> Bool
eqKind fa fb = maybe False (\Refl -> fa == fb) $ testEquality (sing @a) (sing @b)

-- | Reference to an item in storage or a variable. It can be either a
Expand All @@ -185,10 +186,10 @@ data Ref (k :: RefKind) (t :: Timing) where
deriving instance Show (Ref k t)

instance Eq (Ref k t) where
SVar _ c x == SVar _ c' x' = c == c' && x == x'
SVar _ c x == SVar _ c' x' = c == c' && x == x'
SMapping _ r ixs == SMapping _ r' ixs' = r == r' && ixs == ixs'
SField _ r c x == SField _ r' c' x' = r == r' && c == c' && x == x'
_ == _ = False
SField _ r c x == SField _ r' c' x' = r == r' && c == c' && x == x'
_ == _ = False

-- | Item is a reference together with its Act type. The type is
-- parametrized on a timing `t`, a type `a`, and the reference kind
Expand All @@ -198,12 +199,12 @@ instance Eq (Ref k t) where
-- referenced. Items are also annotated with the original ValueType
-- that carries more precise type information (e.g., the exact
-- contract type).
data TItem (k :: RefKind) (a :: ActType) (t :: Timing) where
Item :: SType a -> ValueType -> Ref k t -> TItem k a t
deriving instance Show (TItem k a t)
deriving instance Eq (TItem k a t)
data TItem (a :: ActType) (k :: RefKind) (t :: Timing) where
Item :: SType a -> ValueType -> Ref k t -> TItem a k t
deriving instance Show (TItem a k t)
deriving instance Eq (TItem a k t)

_Item :: SingI a => ValueType -> Ref k t -> TItem k a t
_Item :: SingI a => ValueType -> Ref k t -> TItem a k t
_Item = Item sing

-- | Expressions for which the return type is known.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -261,7 +262,7 @@ data Exp (a :: ActType) (t :: Timing) where
Eq :: Pn -> SType a -> Exp a t -> Exp a t -> Exp ABoolean t
NEq :: Pn -> SType a -> Exp a t -> Exp a t -> Exp ABoolean t
ITE :: Pn -> Exp ABoolean t -> Exp a t -> Exp a t -> Exp a t
TEntry :: Pn -> Time t -> SRefKind k -> TItem k a t -> Exp a t
TEntry :: Pn -> Time t -> SRefKind k -> TItem a k t -> Exp a t
-- Note: we could use a singleton types to avoid separating Entry and Var
deriving instance Show (Exp a t)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -366,7 +367,7 @@ instance Timable (Exp a) where
go :: Timable c => c Untimed -> c Timed
go = setTime time

instance Timable (TItem k a) where
instance Timable (TItem a k) where
setTime time (Item t vt ref) = Item t vt $ setTime time ref

instance Timable (Ref k) where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -470,7 +471,7 @@ instance ToJSON (StorageLocation t) where
instance ToJSON (StorageUpdate t) where
toJSON (Update _ a b) = object [ "location" .= toJSON a ,"value" .= toJSON b ]

instance ToJSON (TItem k a t) where
instance ToJSON (TItem a k t) where
toJSON (Item t _ a) = object [ "item" .= toJSON a
, "type" .= show t
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/Act/Syntax/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ instance TestEquality SType where
eqS :: forall (a :: ActType) (b :: ActType) f t. (SingI a, SingI b, Eq (f a t)) => f a t -> f b t -> Bool
eqS fa fb = maybe False (\Refl -> fa == fb) $ testEquality (sing @a) (sing @b)

-- | The same but when the higher-kinded type has two type arguments
eqS' :: forall (a :: ActType) (b :: ActType) f t t'. (SingI a, SingI b, Eq (f a t t')) => f a t t' -> f b t t' -> Bool
eqS' fa fb = maybe False (\Refl -> fa == fb) $ testEquality (sing @a) (sing @b)

-- Defines which singleton to retrieve when we only have the type, not the
-- actual singleton.
instance SingI 'AInteger where sing = SInteger
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