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WIP hevm init maps
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zoep committed Oct 1, 2024
1 parent a9dc1a3 commit 4f965ee
Showing 1 changed file with 33 additions and 35 deletions.
68 changes: 33 additions & 35 deletions src/Act/HEVM.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -645,41 +645,39 @@ checkAliasing _ _ _ _ = pure $ Success ()

-- mergeContractaps cmaps fresh ctor

-- -- | Create the initial contract state before analysing a contract
-- getInitContractState :: App m => Solvers -> Pointers -> ActT m (ContractMap, Int)
-- getInitContractState pointers =
-- let casts = (\(PointsTo _ x c) -> (x, c)) <$> pointers in
-- let casts' = groupBy (\x y -> fst x == fst y) casts in
-- let (cmaps, fresh''') = foldM l (\(maps, fresh') ptr -> do
-- (cmap, fresh'') <= getContractState fresh' (nub ptr)
-- pure (cmap : maps, fresh'')
-- ) ([], fresh) casts' in
-- let actstorage = flip addr pruneContractState $ M.empty in -- mergeContractaps cmaps fresh ctor in
-- pure (actstorage, fresh''')
-- | Create the initial contract state before analysing a contract
-- | Assumes that all calldata variables have unique names
getInitContractState :: App m => SolverGroup -> Interface -> [Pointer] -> [Exp ABoolean] -> ContractMap -> ActT m ContractMap
getInitContractState solvers iface pointers preconds cmap = do
let casts = (\(PointsTo _ x c) -> (x, c)) <$> pointers
let casts' = groupBy (\x y -> fst x == fst y) casts
cmaps <- mapM getContractState (fmap nub casts')
let finalmap = M.empty -- mergeContractaps (cmap : cmaps) fresh ctor in
pure $ pruneContractState initAddr finalmap

-- where

-- getContractState :: Int -> [(Id, Id)] -> m (Error String ((ContractMap, Int)))
-- getContractState [(x, cid)] = do
-- let addr = EVM.SymAddr $ T.pack x
-- case M.lookup cid codemap of
-- Just ((Contract Constructor _ ifface pointers preconds _ _ upds) _, _, bytecode) -> do
-- (icmap, fresh') <- getInitContractState pointers store codemap fresh
-- let actenv = ActEnv codemap fresh' (slotMap store) addr Nothing

-- let contract = EVM.C { EVM.code = EVM.RuntimeCode (EVM.ConcreteRuntimeCode bytecode)
-- , = EVM.ConcreteStore mempty
-- , EVM.balance = EVM.Lit 0
-- , EVM.nonce = Just 1
-- }
-- let (cmap, actenv') = flip runState actenv $ applyUpdates (M.insert addr contract icmap) (M.insert addr contract icmap) upds
-- let actstorage = abstractCmap cmap -- TODO can prune happen at the top-level?
-- checkAliasing solvers iface preconds (\k -> EVar AInteger <$> pointers) fresh
-- pure (actstorage, actenv'.fresh)
-- Nothing -> error $ "Internal error: Contract " <> cid <> " not found\n" <> show codemap
-- getContractState _ [] = error "Internal error: Cast cannot be empty"
-- getContractState _ _ = error "Error: Cannot have different casts to the same address"

getContractState :: App m => [(Id, Id)] -> ActT m ContractMap
getContractState [(x, cid)] = do
let addr = EVM.SymAddr $ T.pack x
codemap <- getCodemap
case M.lookup cid codemap of
Just (Contract (Constructor _ iface' pointers' preconds' _ _ upds) _, _, bytecode) -> do
icmap <- getInitContractState solvers iface' pointers' preconds' M.empty
let contract = EVM.C { EVM.code = EVM.RuntimeCode (EVM.ConcreteRuntimeCode bytecode)
, = EVM.ConcreteStore mempty
, EVM.balance = EVM.Lit 0
, EVM.nonce = Just 1
let icmap' = M.insert addr contract icmap
cmap' <- localCaddr addr $ applyUpdates icmap' icmap' upds
pure $ abstractCmap addr cmap'
Nothing -> error $ "Internal error: Contract " <> cid <> " not found\n" <> show codemap
getContractState [] = error "Internal error: Cast cannot be empty"
getContractState _ = error "Error: Cannot have different casts to the same address"

-- mergeContractMap ::
-- mergeContractMap cmaps

checkConstructors :: App m => SolverGroup -> ByteString -> ByteString -> Contract -> ActT m (Error String ContractMap)
checkConstructors solvers initcode runtimecode (Contract ctor _) = do
Expand All @@ -688,7 +686,7 @@ checkConstructors solvers initcode runtimecode (Contract ctor _) = do
let actinitmap = M.empty -- TODO getInitContractState ctor store codemap 0
let hevminitmap = translateCmap actinitmap
-- Create the Act state
-- let actenv = ActEnv codemap fresh (slotMap store) (EVM.SymAddr "entrypoint") Nothing -- = flip runState actenv $
-- let actenv = ActEnv codemap fresh (slotMap store) (EVM.SymAddr "entrypoint") Nothing -- = flip runState actenv $
-- Translate Act constructor to Expr
(actbehvs, calldata, sig) <- translateConstructor runtimecode ctor actinitmap
-- check is any addresses casted to contracts can be aliased
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -719,7 +717,7 @@ getContractMap _ = error "Internal error: unexpected shape of Act translation"
checkBehaviours :: forall m. App m => SolverGroup -> Contract -> ContractMap -> ActT m (Error String ())
checkBehaviours solvers (Contract _ behvs) actstorage = do
let hevmstorage = translateCmap actstorage
fresh <- getFresh
fresh <- getFresh
actbehvs <- translateBehvs actstorage behvs
(liftM $ concatError def) $ flip mapM actbehvs $ \(name,behvs',calldata, sig) -> do
solbehvs <- lift $ removeFails <$> getRuntimeBranches solvers hevmstorage calldata fresh
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