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hevm: refector compiles
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zoep committed Oct 18, 2023
1 parent 7b3d0c3 commit 6eb73b3
Showing 1 changed file with 63 additions and 58 deletions.
121 changes: 63 additions & 58 deletions src/HEVM.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ data ActEnv = ActEnv

type ActM a = State ActEnv a

getCodemap :: () -> ActM CodeMap
getCodemap _ = do
getCodemap :: ActM CodeMap
getCodemap = do
env <- get
pure env.codemap

Expand All @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ getFresh = do
pure fresh

getLayout :: ActM Layout
getLayout _ = do
getLayout = do
env <- get
pure env.layout

Expand All @@ -125,22 +125,22 @@ localCaddr caddr m = do

translateActConstr :: CodeMap -> Store -> Contract -> BS.ByteString -> ([EVM.Expr EVM.End], Calldata)
translateActConstr codemap store (Contract ctor _) bytecode =
fst $ runState env $ translateConstructor ctor bytecode
fst $ flip runState env $ translateConstructor bytecode ctor
env = ActEnv codemap fresh (slotMap store) (EVM.SymAddr "entrypoint")
fresh = 0

translateActBehvs :: CodeMap -> Store -> [Behaviour] -> BS.ByteString -> ContractMap -> [(Id, [EVM.Expr EVM.End], Calldata)]
translateActBehvs codemap store behvs bytecode cmap =
fst $ runState env $ translateBehvs bytecode cmap behvs
translateActBehvs :: CodeMap -> Store -> [Behaviour] -> ContractMap -> [(Id, [EVM.Expr EVM.End], Calldata)]
translateActBehvs codemap store behvs cmap =
fst $ flip runState env $ translateBehvs cmap behvs
env = ActEnv codemap fresh (slotMap store) (EVM.SymAddr "entrypoint")
fresh = 0 -- this is OK only because behaviours do not call constructors

translateConstructor :: BS.ByteString -> Constructor -> ActM ([EVM.Expr EVM.End], Calldata)
translateConstructor bytecode (Constructor cid iface preconds _ _ upds _) = do
preconds' <- mapM toProp preconds
(cmap, _) <- updatesToExpr cid upds (initmap, []) -- TODO remove caller preconditions from the return type if not needed
translateConstructor bytecode (Constructor _ iface preconds _ _ upds _) = do
preconds' <- mapM (toProp initmap) preconds
cmap <- updatesToExpr upds initmap
pure $ ([EVM.Success (snd calldata <> preconds' <> symAddrCnstr (nonce cmap)) mempty (EVM.ConcreteBuf bytecode) cmap], calldata)
calldata = makeCtrCalldata iface
Expand All @@ -161,8 +161,8 @@ translateConstructor bytecode (Constructor cid iface preconds _ _ upds _) = do
Just (EVM.GVar _) -> error "Internal error: unexpected GVar"
Nothing -> error "Internal error: init contract not found"

translateBehvs :: BS.ByteString -> ContractMap -> [Behaviour] -> ActM [(Id, [EVM.Expr EVM.End], Calldata)]
translateBehvs bytecode cmap behvs = do
translateBehvs :: ContractMap -> [Behaviour] -> ActM [(Id, [EVM.Expr EVM.End], Calldata)]
translateBehvs cmap behvs = do
let groups = (groupBy sameIface behvs) :: [[Behaviour]]
mapM (\behvs' -> do
exprs <- mapM (translateBehv cmap) behvs'
Expand All @@ -179,28 +179,30 @@ translateBehvs bytecode cmap behvs = do
behvName [] = error "Internal error: behaviour groups cannot be empty"

translateBehv :: ContractMap -> Behaviour -> ActM (EVM.Expr EVM.End)
translateBehv cmap (Behaviour _ cid _ preconds caseconds _ upds ret) = do
preconds' <- mapM toProp preconds
translateBehv cmap (Behaviour _ _ _ preconds caseconds _ upds ret) = do
preconds' <- mapM (toProp cmap) preconds
caseconds' <- mapM (toProp cmap) caseconds
ret' <- returnsToExpr cmap ret
state <- rewritesToExpr cid cmap upds
pure $ EVM.Success (preconds' <> caseconds) mempty ret' state
store <- rewritesToExpr cmap upds
pure $ EVM.Success (preconds' <> caseconds') mempty ret' store

rewritesToExpr :: Id -> ContractMap -> [Rewrite] -> ActM ContractMap
rewritesToExpr cid cmap rewrites = foldM (rewriteToExpr cid initAddr) cmap rewrites
rewritesToExpr :: ContractMap -> [Rewrite] -> ActM ContractMap
rewritesToExpr cmap rewrites = foldM rewriteToExpr cmap rewrites

rewriteToExpr :: Id -> EVM.Expr EVM.EAddr -> ContractMap -> Rewrite -> ActM ContractMap
rewriteToExpr _ _ cmap (Constant _) = cmap
rewriteToExpr cid caddr cmap (Rewrite upd) = do
(cmap', _) <- updateToExpr cid caddr upd (cmap, [])
rewriteToExpr :: ContractMap -> Rewrite -> ActM ContractMap
rewriteToExpr cmap (Constant _) = pure cmap
rewriteToExpr cmap (Rewrite upd) = do
cmap' <- updateToExpr upd cmap
pure cmap'

updatesToExpr :: Id -> EVM.Expr EVM.EAddr -> [StorageUpdate] -> ContractMap -> ActM ContractMap
updatesToExpr cid caddr upds initmap = foldM (flip $ updateToExpr cid caddr) initmap upds
updatesToExpr :: [StorageUpdate] -> ContractMap -> ActM ContractMap
updatesToExpr upds initmap = foldM (flip updateToExpr) initmap upds

updateToExpr :: Id -> StorageUpdate -> ContractMap -> ActM ContractMap
updateToExpr cid (Update typ (Item _ _ ref) e) (cmap, conds) = do
updateToExpr :: StorageUpdate -> ContractMap -> ActM ContractMap
updateToExpr (Update typ (Item _ _ ref) e) cmap = do
caddr' <- baseAddr cmap ref
offset <- refOffset cmap ref
let contract = fromMaybe (error "Internal error: contract not found") $ M.lookup caddr' cmap
case typ of
SInteger -> do
e' <- toExpr cmap e
Expand All @@ -215,10 +217,7 @@ updateToExpr cid (Update typ (Item _ _ ref) e) (cmap, conds) = do
cmap' <- localCaddr freshAddr $ createContract cmap freshAddr e
pure $ M.insert caddr' (updateNonce (updateStorage (EVM.SStore offset (EVM.WAddr freshAddr)) contract)) cmap'
e' = toExpr cmap e

contract = fromMaybe (error "Internal error: contract not found") $ M.lookup caddr' cmap

updateStorage :: (EVM.Expr EVM.Storage -> EVM.Expr EVM.Storage) -> EVM.Expr EVM.EContract -> EVM.Expr EVM.EContract
updateStorage updfun c'@(EVM.C _ _ _ _) = c' { = updfun c'.storage }
updateStorage _ (EVM.GVar _) = error "Internal error: contract cannot be a global variable"
Expand All @@ -230,22 +229,22 @@ updateToExpr cid (Update typ (Item _ _ ref) e) (cmap, conds) = do

createContract :: ContractMap -> EVM.Expr EVM.EAddr -> Exp AContract -> ActM ContractMap
createContract cmap freshAddr (Create _ cid args) = do
case M.lookup cid cmap of
Just (Contract (Constructor _ iface preconds _ _ upds _) _, _, bytecode) -> do
codemap <- getCodemap
case M.lookup cid codemap of
Just (Contract (Constructor _ iface _ _ _ upds _) _, _, bytecode) -> do
let contract = EVM.C { EVM.code = EVM.RuntimeCode (EVM.ConcreteRuntimeCode bytecode)
, = EVM.ConcreteStore mempty
, EVM.balance = EVM.Lit 0
, EVM.nonce = Just 1
let subst = makeSubstMap iface args

preconds' <- mapM (toProp cmap) $ fmap (substExp subst) preconds
let upds' = substUpds subst upds
-- trace "Before" $
-- traceShow preconds $
-- trace "After" $
-- traceShow (fmap (substExp subst) preconds) $
updatesToExpr cid upds' (M.insert freshAddr contract cmap)
updatesToExpr upds' (M.insert freshAddr contract cmap)
Nothing -> error "Internal error: constructor not found"
createContract _ _ _ = error "Internal error: constructor call expected"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,14 +335,14 @@ typedExpToBuf cmap expr =
case expr of
TExp styp e -> expToBuf cmap styp e

expToBuf :: forall a. Layout -> EVM.Expr EVM.EAddr -> ContractMap -> SType a -> Exp a -> ActM (EVM.Expr EVM.Buf)
expToBuf :: forall a. ContractMap -> SType a -> Exp a -> ActM (EVM.Expr EVM.Buf)
expToBuf cmap styp e = do
case styp of
SInteger -> do
e' <- toExpr layout e
e' <- toExpr cmap e
pure $ EVM.WriteWord (EVM.Lit 0) e' (EVM.ConcreteBuf "")
SBoolean -> do
e' <- toExpr layout e
e' <- toExpr cmap e
pure $ EVM.WriteWord (EVM.Lit 0) e' (EVM.ConcreteBuf "")
SByteStr -> toExpr cmap e
SContract -> error "Internal error: expecting primitive type"
Expand All @@ -362,9 +361,7 @@ refOffset _ (SVar _ cid name) = do
let slot = getSlot layout cid name
pure $ EVM.Lit (fromIntegral slot)
refOffset cmap (SMapping _ ref ixs) = do
layout <- getLayout
caddr <- getCaddr
let slot = refOffset layout caddr cmap ref
slot <- refOffset cmap ref
foldM (\slot' i -> do
buf <- typedExpToBuf cmap i
pure (EVM.keccak (buf <> (wordToBuf slot')))) slot ixs
Expand All @@ -374,17 +371,17 @@ refOffset _ (SField _ _ cid name) = do
pure $ EVM.Lit (fromIntegral slot)

baseAddr :: ContractMap -> StorageRef -> ActM (EVM.Expr EVM.EAddr)
baseAddr cmap (SVar _ _ _) = getCaddr
baseAddr _ (SVar _ _ _) = getCaddr
baseAddr cmap (SField _ ref _ _) = refAddr cmap ref
baseAddr cmap (SMapping _ ref _) = refAddr cmap ref

-- | find the contract that is stored in the given reference of contract type
refAddr :: ContractMap -> StorageRef -> ActM (EVM.Expr EVM.EAddr)
refAddr cmap (SVar _ c x) = do
caddr <- getCaddr
case M.lookup caddr cmap of
Just (EVM.C _ storage _ _) -> do
layout <- getLayout
caddr <- getCaddr
let slot = EVM.Lit $ fromIntegral $ getSlot layout c x
case simplify (EVM.SLoad slot storage) of
EVM.WAddr symaddr -> pure symaddr
Expand All @@ -402,7 +399,7 @@ refAddr cmap (SField _ ref c x) = do
_ -> error "Internal error: did not find a symbolic address"
Just _ -> error "Internal error: unepected GVar "
Nothing -> error "Internal error: contract not found"
refAddr _ _ _ (SMapping _ _ _) = error "Internal error: mapping address not suppported"
refAddr _ (SMapping _ _ _) = error "Internal error: mapping address not suppported"

ethEnvToWord :: EthEnv -> EVM.Expr EVM.EWord
ethEnvToWord Callvalue = EVM.TxValue
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -435,25 +432,29 @@ toProp cmap = \case
(LEQ _ e1 e2) -> op2 EVM.PLEq e1 e2
(GEQ _ e1 e2) -> op2 EVM.PGEq e1 e2
(Syntax.Annotated.GT _ e1 e2) -> op2 EVM.PGT e1 e2
(LitBool _ b) -> EVM.PBool b
(LitBool _ b) -> pure $ EVM.PBool b
(Eq _ SInteger e1 e2) -> op2 EVM.PEq e1 e2
(Eq _ SBoolean e1 e2) -> op2 EVM.PEq e1 e2
(Eq _ _ _ _) -> error "unsupported"
(NEq _ SInteger e1 e2) -> EVM.PNeg $ op2 EVM.PEq e1 e2
(NEq _ SBoolean e1 e2) -> EVM.PNeg $ op2 EVM.PEq e1 e2
(NEq _ SInteger e1 e2) -> do
e <- op2 EVM.PEq e1 e2
pure $ EVM.PNeg e
(NEq _ SBoolean e1 e2) -> do
e <- op2 EVM.PEq e1 e2
pure $ EVM.PNeg e
(NEq _ _ _ _) -> error "unsupported"
(ITE _ _ _ _) -> error "Internal error: expecting flat expression"
(Var _ _ _ _) -> error "TODO"
(TEntry _ _ _) -> error "TODO" -- EVM.SLoad addr idx
(InRange _ t e) -> toProp cmap (inRange t e)
op2 :: forall a b. (EVM.Expr (ExprType b) -> EVM.Expr (ExprType b) -> ActM a) -> Exp b -> Exp b -> ActM a
op2 :: forall a b. (EVM.Expr (ExprType b) -> EVM.Expr (ExprType b) -> a) -> Exp b -> Exp b -> ActM a
op2 op e1 e2 = do
e1' <- toExpr cmap e1
e2' <- toExpr cmap e2
pure $ op e1' e2'

pop2 :: forall a. (EVM.Prop -> EVM.Prop -> ActM a) -> Exp ABoolean -> Exp ABoolean -> ActM a
pop2 :: forall a. (EVM.Prop -> EVM.Prop -> a) -> Exp ABoolean -> Exp ABoolean -> ActM a
pop2 op e1 e2 = do
e1' <- toProp cmap e1
e2' <- toProp cmap e2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -506,8 +507,12 @@ toExpr cmap = \case
(Eq _ SBoolean e1 e2) -> op2 EVM.Eq e1 e2
(Eq _ _ _ _) -> error "unsupported"

(NEq _ SInteger e1 e2) -> EVM.Not $ op2 EVM.Eq e1 e2
(NEq _ SBoolean e1 e2) -> EVM.Not $ op2 EVM.Eq e1 e2
(NEq _ SInteger e1 e2) -> do
e <- op2 EVM.Eq e1 e2
pure $ EVM.Not $ e
(NEq _ SBoolean e1 e2) -> do
e <- op2 EVM.Eq e1 e2
pure $ EVM.Not $ e
(NEq _ _ _ _) -> error "unsupported"

(ITE _ _ _ _) -> error "Internal error: expecting flat expression"
Expand All @@ -527,7 +532,7 @@ toExpr cmap = \case
e -> error $ "TODO: " <> show e

op2 :: forall b c. (EVM.Expr (ExprType c) -> EVM.Expr (ExprType c) -> ActM b) -> Exp c -> Exp c -> ActM b
op2 :: forall b c. (EVM.Expr (ExprType c) -> EVM.Expr (ExprType c) -> b) -> Exp c -> Exp c -> ActM b
op2 op e1 e2 = do
e1' <- toExpr cmap e1
e2' <- toExpr cmap e2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -598,10 +603,10 @@ getContractMap :: [EVM.Expr EVM.End] -> ContractMap
getContractMap [EVM.Success _ _ _ m] = m
getContractMap _ = error "Internal error: unexpected shape of Act translation"

checkBehaviours :: SolverGroup -> VeriOpts -> ByteString -> Store -> Contract -> CodeMap -> ContractMap -> IO ()
checkBehaviours solvers opts bytecode store (Contract _ behvs) codemap cmap = do
checkBehaviours :: SolverGroup -> VeriOpts -> Store -> Contract -> CodeMap -> ContractMap -> IO ()
checkBehaviours solvers opts store (Contract _ behvs) codemap cmap = do
let (actstorage, hevmstorage) = createStorage cmap
let actbehvs = translateActBehvs codemap store behvs bytecode actstorage
let actbehvs = translateActBehvs codemap store behvs actstorage
flip mapM_ actbehvs $ \(name,behvs',calldata) -> do
-- traceM "Act storage:"
-- traceShowM actstorage
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -688,8 +693,8 @@ checkInputSpaces solvers opts l1 l2 = do

-- | Checks whether all successful EVM behaviors are withing the
-- interfaces specified by Act
checkAbi :: SolverGroup -> VeriOpts -> Contract -> BS.ByteString -> ContractMap -> IO ()
checkAbi solver opts contract bytecode cmap = do
checkAbi :: SolverGroup -> VeriOpts -> Contract -> ContractMap -> IO ()
checkAbi solver opts contract cmap = do
putStrLn "\x1b[1mChecking if the ABI of the contract matches the specification\x1b[m"
let (_, hevmstorage) = createStorage cmap
let txdata = EVM.AbstractBuf "txdata"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -724,9 +729,9 @@ checkContracts solvers opts store codemap =
-- Constructor check
cmap <- checkConstructors solvers opts initcode bytecode store contract codemap
-- Behavours check
checkBehaviours solvers opts bytecode store contract codemap cmap
checkBehaviours solvers opts store contract codemap cmap
-- ABI exhaustiveness sheck
checkAbi solvers opts contract bytecode cmap
checkAbi solvers opts contract cmap
) (M.toList codemap)

Expand Down

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