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syntax for pointers block
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zoep committed Sep 17, 2024
1 parent 11dffd9 commit 8eb0ca4
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Showing 7 changed files with 49 additions and 56 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/Act/Lex.x
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ tokens :-
iff $white+ in $white+ range { mk IFFINRANGE }
inRange { mk INRANGE }
iff { mk IFF }
pointers { mk POINTERS }
and { mk AND }
not { mk NOT }
or { mk OR }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ tokens :-
-- symbols
":=" { mk ASSIGN }
"=>" { mk ARROW }
"|->" { mk POINTSTO }
"==" { mk EQEQ }
"=/=" { mk NEQ }
">=" { mk GE }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -136,6 +138,8 @@ data LEX =
| OR
Expand Down
13 changes: 9 additions & 4 deletions src/Act/Parse.y
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import Act.Error
'iff in range' { L IFFINRANGE _ }
'inRange' { L INRANGE _ }
'iff' { L IFF _ }
'pointers' { L POINTERS _ }
'and' { L AND _ }
'not' { L NOT _ }
'or' { L OR _ }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,6 +77,7 @@ import Act.Error
-- symbols
':=' { L ASSIGN _ }
'=>' { L ARROW _ }
'|->' { L POINTSTO _ }
'==' { L EQEQ _ }
'=/=' { L NEQ _ }
'>=' { L GE _ }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,18 +165,20 @@ Contract : Constructor list(Transition) { Contract $1 $2 }

Transition : 'behaviour' id 'of' id
Ensures { Transition (posn $1) (name $2) (name $4)
$5 $6 $7 $8 }
$5 $6 $7 $8 $9 }

Constructor : 'constructor' 'of' id
Invariants { Definition (posn $3) (name $3)
$4 $5 $6 $7 $8 }
$4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 }

Ensures : optblock('ensures', Expr) { $1 }

Expand All @@ -184,6 +188,8 @@ Interface : 'interface' id '(' seplist(Decl, ',') ')' { Interface (name $2) $4 }

CInterface : 'interface' 'constructor' '(' seplist(Decl, ',') ')' { Interface "constructor" $4 }

Pointer : id '|->' id { PointsTo (posn $2) (name $1) (name $3) }

Cases : Post { Direct $1 }
| nonempty(Case) { Branches $1 }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,7 +288,6 @@ Expr : '(' Expr ')' { $2 }
| 'pre' '(' Entry ')' { EPreEntry $3 }
| 'post' '(' Entry ')' { EPostEntry $3 }
| 'create' id '(' seplist(Expr, ',') ')' { ECreate (posn $2) (name $2) $4 }
| Expr 'as' id { EAsContract (posn $2) $1 (name $3) }
| Expr '++' Expr { ECat (posn $2) $1 $3 }
-- | id '[' Expr '..' Expr ']' { ESlice (posn $2) $1 $3 $5 }
| 'CALLER' { EnvExp (posn $1) Caller }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -318,6 +323,6 @@ parseError ((L token pn):_) =
show token])

emptyConstructor :: Transition -> Definition
emptyConstructor (Transition _ _ c _ _ _ _) = Definition nowhere c (Interface "constructor" []) [] (Creates []) [] []
emptyConstructor (Transition _ _ c _ _ _ _ _) = Definition nowhere c (Interface "constructor" []) [] [] (Creates []) [] []

14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions src/Act/Print.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,9 +29,10 @@ prettyContract :: Contract t -> String
prettyContract (Contract ctor behvs) = unlines $ intersperse "\n" $ (prettyCtor ctor):(fmap prettyBehaviour behvs)

prettyCtor :: Constructor t -> String
prettyCtor (Constructor name interface pres posts invs initStore)
prettyCtor (Constructor name interface ptrs pres posts invs initStore)
= "constructor of " <> name
>-< "interface " <> show interface
<> prettyPtrs ptrs
<> prettyPre pres
<> prettyCreates initStore
<> prettyPost posts
Expand All @@ -52,9 +53,10 @@ prettyValueType = \case

prettyBehaviour :: Behaviour t -> String
prettyBehaviour (Behaviour name contract interface preconditions cases postconditions stateUpdates returns)
prettyBehaviour (Behaviour name contract interface ptrs preconditions cases postconditions stateUpdates returns)
= "behaviour " <> name <> " of " <> contract
>-< "interface " <> (show interface)
<> prettyPtrs ptrs
<> prettyPre preconditions
<> prettyCases cases
<> prettyStorage stateUpdates
Expand All @@ -69,6 +71,12 @@ prettyBehaviour (Behaviour name contract interface preconditions cases postcondi

prettyPtrs :: [(Pn, Id, Id)] -> String
prettyPtrs [] = ""
prettyPtrs ptrs = header "pointers" >-< block (prettyPtr <$> p)
prettyPtr (_, x, c) = x <> " |-> " <> c

prettyPre :: [Exp ABoolean t] -> String
prettyPre [] = ""
prettyPre p = header "iff" >-< block (prettyExp <$> p)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,7 +139,6 @@ prettyExp e = case e of

-- contracts
Create _ f ixs -> f <> "(" <> (intercalate "," $ fmap prettyTypedExp ixs) <> ")"
AsContract _ a c -> prettyExp a <> " as " <> c

ITE _ a b c -> "(if " <> prettyExp a <> " then " <> prettyExp b <> " else " <> prettyExp c <> ")"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -223,7 +230,6 @@ prettyInvPred = prettyExp . untime . fst
InRange p a b -> InRange p a (untime b)
LitBool p a -> LitBool p a
Create p f xs -> Create p f (fmap untimeTyped xs)
AsContract p a c -> AsContract p (untime a) c
IntEnv p a -> IntEnv p a
ByEnv p a -> ByEnv p a
ITE p x y z -> ITE p (untime x) (untime y) (untime z)
Expand Down
41 changes: 8 additions & 33 deletions src/Act/Syntax.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,15 +28,15 @@ invExp :: Annotated.InvariantPred -> Annotated.Exp ABoolean
invExp = uncurry (<>)

locsFromBehaviour :: Annotated.Behaviour -> [Annotated.StorageLocation]
locsFromBehaviour (Behaviour _ _ _ preconds cases postconds rewrites returns) = nub $
locsFromBehaviour (Behaviour _ _ _ _ preconds cases postconds rewrites returns) = nub $
concatMap locsFromExp preconds
<> concatMap locsFromExp cases
<> concatMap locsFromExp postconds
<> concatMap locsFromUpdate rewrites
<> maybe [] locsFromTypedExp returns

locsFromConstructor :: Annotated.Constructor -> [Annotated.StorageLocation]
locsFromConstructor (Constructor _ _ pre post inv initialStorage) = nub $
locsFromConstructor (Constructor _ _ _ pre post inv initialStorage) = nub $
concatMap locsFromExp pre
<> concatMap locsFromExp post
<> concatMap locsFromInvariant inv
Expand All @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ locsFromInvariant (Invariant _ pre bounds (predpre, predpost)) =

nameOfContract :: Contract t -> Id
nameOfContract (Contract (Constructor cname _ _ _ _ _) _) = cname
nameOfContract (Contract (Constructor cname _ _ _ _ _ _) _) = cname

behvsFromAct :: Agnostic.Act t -> [Behaviour t]
behvsFromAct (Act _ contracts) = behvsFromContracts contracts
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ locsFromExp = nub . go
IntEnv {} -> []
ByEnv {} -> []
Create _ _ es -> concatMap locsFromTypedExp es
AsContract _ x _ -> go x
ITE _ x y z -> go x <> go y <> go z
TEntry _ _ a -> locsFromItem a
Var {} -> []
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,7 +150,6 @@ createsFromExp = nub . go
IntEnv {} -> []
ByEnv {} -> []
Create _ f es -> [f] <> concatMap createsFromTypedExp es
AsContract _ x _ -> go x
ITE _ x y z -> go x <> go y <> go z
TEntry _ _ a -> createsFromItem a
Var {} -> []
Expand All @@ -167,7 +165,7 @@ createsFromContract (Contract constr behvs) =
createsFromConstructor constr <> concatMap createsFromBehaviour behvs

createsFromConstructor :: Typed.Constructor -> [Id]
createsFromConstructor (Constructor _ _ pre post inv initialStorage) = nub $
createsFromConstructor (Constructor _ _ _ pre post inv initialStorage) = nub $
concatMap createsFromExp pre
<> concatMap createsFromExp post
<> concatMap createsFromInvariant inv
Expand All @@ -182,43 +180,23 @@ createsFromUpdate update = nub $ case update of
Update _ item e -> createsFromItem item <> createsFromExp e

createsFromBehaviour :: Behaviour t -> [Id]
createsFromBehaviour (Behaviour _ _ _ _ preconds postconds rewrites returns) = nub $
createsFromBehaviour (Behaviour _ _ _ _ _ preconds postconds rewrites returns) = nub $
concatMap createsFromExp preconds
<> concatMap createsFromExp postconds
<> concatMap createsFromUpdate rewrites
<> maybe [] createsFromTypedExp returns

castsFromExp :: Exp a t -> [(Exp AInteger t, Id)]
castsFromExp = nub . go
go :: Exp a t -> [(Exp AInteger t, Id)]
go e = case e of
AsContract _ e' c -> [(e', c)]
_ -> []

castsFromUpdate :: StorageUpdate t -> [(Exp AInteger t, Id)]
castsFromUpdate update = nub $ case update of
Update _ _ e -> castsFromExp e

castsFromContract :: Contract t -> [(Exp AInteger t, Id)]
castsFromContract (Contract constr _) =
castsFromConstructor constr

castsFromConstructor :: Constructor t -> [(Exp AInteger t, Id)]
castsFromConstructor (Constructor _ _ _ _ _ initialStorage) = nub $ concatMap castsFromUpdate initialStorage

ethEnvFromBehaviour :: Behaviour t -> [EthEnv]
ethEnvFromBehaviour (Behaviour _ _ _ preconds cases postconds rewrites returns) = nub $
ethEnvFromBehaviour (Behaviour _ _ _ _ preconds cases postconds rewrites returns) = nub $
concatMap ethEnvFromExp preconds
<> concatMap ethEnvFromExp cases
<> concatMap ethEnvFromExp postconds
<> concatMap ethEnvFromUpdate rewrites
<> maybe [] ethEnvFromTypedExp returns

ethEnvFromConstructor :: Annotated.Constructor -> [EthEnv]
ethEnvFromConstructor (Constructor _ _ pre post inv initialStorage) = nub $
ethEnvFromConstructor (Constructor _ _ _ pre post inv initialStorage) = nub $
concatMap ethEnvFromExp pre
<> concatMap ethEnvFromExp post
<> concatMap ethEnvFromInvariant inv
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -275,7 +253,6 @@ ethEnvFromExp = nub . go
IntEnv _ a -> [a]
ByEnv _ a -> [a]
Create _ _ ixs -> concatMap ethEnvFromTypedExp ixs
AsContract _ a _ -> go a
TEntry _ _ a -> ethEnvFromItem a
Var {} -> []

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -339,7 +316,7 @@ nameFromEntry (EMapping _ e _) = nameFromEntry e
nameFromEntry (EField _ e _) = nameFromEntry e

nameFromBehv :: Annotated.Behaviour -> Id
nameFromBehv (Behaviour _ _ (Interface ifaceName _) _ _ _ _ _) = ifaceName
nameFromBehv (Behaviour _ _ (Interface ifaceName _) _ _ _ _ _ _) = ifaceName

getPosEntry :: Entry -> Pn
getPosEntry (EVar pn _) = pn
Expand All @@ -366,7 +343,6 @@ getPosn expr = case expr of
EMod pn _ _ -> pn
EExp pn _ _ -> pn
ECreate pn _ _ -> pn
EAsContract pn _ _ -> pn
EUTEntry e -> getPosEntry e
EPreEntry e -> getPosEntry e
EPostEntry e -> getPosEntry e
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -412,7 +388,6 @@ idFromRewrites e = case e of
EPreEntry en -> idFromEntry en
EPostEntry en -> idFromEntry en
ECreate p x es -> insertWith (<>) x [p] $ idFromRewrites' es
EAsContract p a c -> insertWith (<>) c [p] $ idFromRewrites a
ListConst a -> idFromRewrites a
ECat _ a b -> idFromRewrites' [a,b]
ESlice _ a b c -> idFromRewrites' [a,b,c]
Expand Down
19 changes: 10 additions & 9 deletions src/Act/Syntax/TimeAgnostic.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ import Data.Kind
import Act.Parse as Act.Syntax.TimeAgnostic (nowhere)
import Act.Syntax.Types as Act.Syntax.TimeAgnostic
import Act.Syntax.Timing as Act.Syntax.TimeAgnostic
import Act.Syntax.Untyped as Act.Syntax.TimeAgnostic (Id, Pn, Interface(..), EthEnv(..), Decl(..), SlotType(..), ValueType(..))
import Act.Syntax.Untyped as Act.Syntax.TimeAgnostic (Id, Pn, Interface(..), EthEnv(..), Decl(..), SlotType(..), ValueType(..), Pointer(..))

-- AST post typechecking
data Act t = Act Store [Contract t]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ type family InvariantPred (t :: Timing) = (pred :: Type) | pred -> t where
data Constructor t = Constructor
{ _cname :: Id
, _cinterface :: Interface
, _cpointers :: [Pointer]
, _cpreconditions :: [Exp ABoolean t]
, _cpostconditions :: [Exp ABoolean Timed]
, _invariants :: [Invariant t]
Expand All @@ -109,6 +110,7 @@ data Behaviour t = Behaviour
{ _name :: Id
, _contract :: Id
, _interface :: Interface
, _pointers :: [Pointer]
, _preconditions :: [Exp ABoolean t] -- if preconditions are not satisfied execution is reverted
, _caseconditions :: [Exp ABoolean t] -- if preconditions are satisfied and a case condition is not, some other instance of the bahaviour should apply
, _postconditions :: [Exp ABoolean Timed]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,7 +179,6 @@ _TExp expr = TExp sing expr
instance Eq (TypedExp t) where
TExp SType e1 == TExp SType e2 = eqS e1 e2

-- | Expressions parametrized by a timing `t` and a type `a`. `t` can be either `Timed` or `Untimed`.
-- All storage entries within an `Exp a t` contain a value of type `Time t`.
-- If `t ~ Timed`, the only possible such values are `Pre, Post :: Time Timed`, so each storage entry
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -218,7 +219,6 @@ data Exp (a :: ActType) (t :: Timing) where
ByEnv :: Pn -> EthEnv -> Exp AByteStr t
-- contracts
Create :: Pn -> Id -> [TypedExp t] -> Exp AContract t
AsContract :: Pn -> Exp AInteger t -> Id -> Exp AContract t
-- polymorphic
Eq :: Pn -> SType a -> Exp a t -> Exp a t -> Exp ABoolean t
NEq :: Pn -> SType a -> Exp a t -> Exp a t -> Exp ABoolean t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -268,7 +268,6 @@ instance Eq (Exp a t) where
Var _ _ _ a == Var _ _ _ b = a == b

Create _ a b == Create _ c d = a == c && b == d
AsContract _ a b == AsContract _ c d = a == c && b == d

_ == _ = False

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -321,7 +320,6 @@ instance Timable (Exp a) where
ByEnv p x -> ByEnv p x
-- contracts
Create p x y -> Create p x (go <$> y)
AsContract p x y -> AsContract p (go x) y

-- polymorphic
Eq p s x y -> Eq p s (go x) (go y)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -377,6 +375,7 @@ instance ToJSON (Constructor Timed) where
toJSON Constructor{..} = object [ "kind" .= String "Constructor"
, "contract" .= _cname
, "interface" .= toJSON _cinterface
, "pointers" .= toJSON _cpointers
, "preConditions" .= toJSON _cpreconditions
, "postConditions" .= toJSON _cpostconditions
, "invariants" .= listValue (\i@Invariant{..} -> invariantJSON i _predicate) _invariants
Expand All @@ -386,6 +385,7 @@ instance ToJSON (Constructor Untimed) where
toJSON Constructor{..} = object [ "kind" .= String "Constructor"
, "contract" .= _cname
, "interface" .= toJSON _cinterface
, "pointers" .= toJSON _cpointers
, "preConditions" .= toJSON _cpreconditions
, "postConditions" .= toJSON _cpostconditions
, "invariants" .= listValue (\i@Invariant{..} -> invariantJSON i _predicate) _invariants
Expand All @@ -396,6 +396,7 @@ instance ToJSON (Behaviour t) where
, "name" .= _name
, "contract" .= _contract
, "interface" .= toJSON _interface
, "pointers" .= toJSON _pointers
, "preConditions" .= toJSON _preconditions
, "case" .= toJSON _caseconditions
, "postConditions" .= toJSON _postconditions
Expand All @@ -414,6 +415,10 @@ instance ToJSON Decl where
, "abitype" .= toJSON abitype

instance ToJSON Pointer where
toJSON (PointsTo _ x c) = object [ "kind" .= String "PointsTo"
, "var" .= x
, "contract" .= c ]

invariantJSON :: ToJSON pred => Invariant t -> pred -> Value
invariantJSON Invariant{..} predicate = object [ "kind" .= String "Invariant"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -515,9 +520,6 @@ instance ToJSON (Exp a t) where
toJSON (Create _ f xs) = object [ "symbol" .= pack "create"
, "arity" .= Data.Aeson.Types.Number 2
, "args" .= Array (fromList [object [ "fun" .= String (pack f) ], toJSON xs]) ]
toJSON (AsContract _ addr c) = object [ "symbol" .= pack "as_contract"
, "arity" .= Data.Aeson.Types.Number 2
, "args" .= Array (fromList [toJSON addr, object [ "fun" .= String (pack c) ]]) ]

toJSON v = error $ "todo: json ast for: " <> show v

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -575,7 +577,6 @@ eval e = case e of
ITE _ a b c -> eval a >>= \cond -> if cond then eval b else eval c

Create _ _ _ -> error "eval of contracts not supported"
AsContract _ _ _ -> error "eval of contracts not supported"
_ -> empty

intmin :: Int -> Integer
Expand Down

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