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d-xo committed Nov 9, 2023
2 parents 7d334eb + 3d8ad0b commit c3fc344
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Showing 32 changed files with 5,512 additions and 2,820 deletions.
54 changes: 36 additions & 18 deletions flake.lock

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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions flake.nix
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
gitignore = pkgs.nix-gitignore.gitignoreSourcePure [ ./.gitignore ];
myHaskellPackages = pkgs.haskellPackages.override {
myHaskellPackages = pkgs.haskellPackages.override {
overrides = self: super: rec {
hevm = hevmUpstream.packages.${system}.noTests;
hevm = hevmUpstream.packages.${system}.noTests;
act = (myHaskellPackages.callCabal2nixWithOptions "act" (gitignore ./src) "-fci" {})
.overrideAttrs (attrs : {
buildInputs = attrs.buildInputs ++ [ pkgs.z3 pkgs.cvc5 ];
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
withHoogle = true;
shellHook = ''
export PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="${libraryPath}"
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="${libraryPath}"
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/CLI.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -238,10 +238,10 @@ hevm actspec cid sol' code' initcode' solver' timeout debug' = do

bytecodes :: Text -> Text -> IO (BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString)
bytecodes cid src = do
(json, path) <- solidity' src
json <- solc Solidity src
let (Contracts sol', _, _) = fromJust $ readStdJSON json
pure $ ((fromJust . Map.lookup (path <> ":" <> cid) $ sol').creationCode,
(fromJust . Map.lookup (path <> ":" <> cid) $ sol').runtimeCode)
pure $ ((fromJust . Map.lookup ("hevm.sol" <> ":" <> cid) $ sol').creationCode,
(fromJust . Map.lookup ("hevm.sol" <> ":" <> cid) $ sol').runtimeCode)

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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Coq.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ reachable constructor behvs = inductive

-- | non-recursive constructor for the reachable relation
baseCase :: Constructor -> T.Text
baseCase (Constructor name i@(Interface _ decls) conds _ _ _ _) =
baseCase (Constructor name i@(Interface _ decls) conds _ _ _ ) =
T.pack name <> baseSuffix <> " : " <> universal <> "\n" <> constructorBody
baseval = parens $ T.pack name <> " " <> envVar <> " " <> arguments i
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,15 +113,15 @@ reachableStep (Behaviour name _ i conds cases _ _ _) =

-- | definition of a base state
base :: Store -> Constructor -> T.Text
base store (Constructor name i _ _ _ updates _) =
base store (Constructor name i _ _ _ updates) =
definition (T.pack name) (envDecl <> " " <> interface i) $
stateval store name (\_ t -> defaultSlotValue t) updates

transition :: Store -> Behaviour -> Fresh T.Text
transition store (Behaviour name cname i _ _ _ rewrites _) = do
name' <- fresh name
return $ definition name' (envDecl <> " " <> stateDecl <> " " <> interface i) $
stateval store cname (\ref _ -> storageRef ref) (updatesFromRewrites rewrites)
stateval store cname (\ref _ -> storageRef ref) rewrites

-- | inductive definition of a return claim
-- ignores claims that do not specify a return value
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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/Decompile.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -157,7 +157,6 @@ mkConstructor cs
, _cpostconditions = mempty
, _invariants = mempty
, _initialStorage = updates
, _cstateUpdates = mempty -- TODO
_ -> error "Internal Error: mkConstructor called on a non Success branch"
| otherwise = Left "TODO: decompile constructors with multiple branches"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,7 +194,7 @@ mkBehvs c = concatMapM (\(i, bs) -> mapM (mkbehv i) (Set.toList bs)) (Map.toList
, _preconditions = nub pres
, _caseconditions = mempty -- TODO: what to do here?
, _postconditions = mempty
, _stateUpdates = fmap Rewrite rewrites
, _stateUpdates = rewrites
, _returns = ret
mkbehv _ _ = error "Internal Error: mkbehv called on a non Success branch"
Expand Down
35 changes: 21 additions & 14 deletions src/Enrich.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,36 +18,36 @@ enrich (Act store contracts) = Act store (enrichContract <$> contracts)

-- |Adds type bounds for calldata , environment vars, and external storage vars as preconditions
enrichConstructor :: Constructor -> Constructor
enrichConstructor ctor@(Constructor _ (Interface _ decls) pre _ invs _ storageUpdates) =
enrichConstructor ctor@(Constructor _ (Interface _ decls) pre _ invs _) =
ctor { _cpreconditions = pre'
, _invariants = invs' }
pre' = pre
<> mkCallDataBounds decls
<> mkStorageBounds storageUpdates
<> mkEthEnvBounds (ethEnvFromConstructor ctor)
invs' = enrichInvariant ctor <$> invs

-- | Adds type bounds for calldata, environment vars, and storage vars as preconditions
enrichBehaviour :: Behaviour -> Behaviour
enrichBehaviour behv@(Behaviour _ _ (Interface _ decls) pre _ _ stateUpdates _) =
enrichBehaviour behv@(Behaviour _ _ (Interface _ decls) pre cases _ stateUpdates _) =
behv { _preconditions = pre' }
pre' = pre
<> mkCallDataBounds decls
<> mkStorageBounds stateUpdates
<> mkStorageBoundsLoc (concatMap locsFromExp (pre <> cases))
<> mkEthEnvBounds (ethEnvFromBehaviour behv)

-- | Adds type bounds for calldata, environment vars, and storage vars
enrichInvariant :: Constructor -> Invariant -> Invariant
enrichInvariant (Constructor _ (Interface _ decls) _ _ _ _ _) inv@(Invariant _ preconds storagebounds (predicate,_)) =
enrichInvariant (Constructor _ (Interface _ decls) _ _ _ _) inv@(Invariant _ preconds storagebounds (predicate,_)) =
inv { _ipreconditions = preconds', _istoragebounds = storagebounds' }
preconds' = preconds
<> mkCallDataBounds decls
<> mkEthEnvBounds (ethEnvFromExp predicate)
storagebounds' = storagebounds
<> mkStorageBounds (Constant <$> locsFromExp predicate)
<> mkStorageBoundsLoc (locsFromExp predicate)

mkEthEnvBounds :: [EthEnv] -> [Exp ABoolean]
mkEthEnvBounds vars = catMaybes $ mkBound <$> nub vars
Expand All @@ -74,17 +74,24 @@ mkEthEnvBounds vars = catMaybes $ mkBound <$> nub vars
Nonce -> AbiUIntType 256

-- | extracts bounds from the AbiTypes of Integer values in storage
mkStorageBounds :: [Rewrite] -> [Exp ABoolean]
mkStorageBounds refs = catMaybes $ mkBound <$> refs
mkStorageBounds :: [StorageUpdate] -> [Exp ABoolean]
mkStorageBounds refs = concatMap mkBound refs
mkBound :: Rewrite -> Maybe (Exp ABoolean)
mkBound (Constant (Loc SInteger item)) = Just $ fromItem item
mkBound (Rewrite (Update SInteger item _)) = Just $ fromItem item
mkBound _ = Nothing
mkBound :: StorageUpdate -> [Exp ABoolean]
mkBound (Update SInteger item _) = [fromItem item]
mkBound _ = []

fromItem :: TStorageItem AInteger -> Exp ABoolean
fromItem item@(Item _ (PrimitiveType vt) _) = bound vt (TEntry nowhere Pre item)
fromItem (Item _ (ContractType _) _) = LitBool nowhere True
-- TODO why only Pre items here?
fromItem :: TStorageItem AInteger -> Exp ABoolean
fromItem item@(Item _ (PrimitiveType vt) _) = bound vt (TEntry nowhere Pre item)
fromItem (Item _ (ContractType _) _) = LitBool nowhere True

mkStorageBoundsLoc :: [StorageLocation] -> [Exp ABoolean]
mkStorageBoundsLoc refs = concatMap mkBound refs
mkBound :: StorageLocation -> [Exp ABoolean]
mkBound (Loc SInteger item) = [fromItem item]
mkBound _ = []

mkCallDataBounds :: [Decl] -> [Exp ABoolean]
mkCallDataBounds = concatMap $ \(Decl typ name) -> case fromAbiType typ of
Expand Down
11 changes: 2 additions & 9 deletions src/HEVM.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ translateActConstr (Act store [Contract ctor _]) bytecode = translateConstructor
translateActConstr (Act _ _) _ = error "TODO multiple contracts"

translateConstructor :: Layout -> Constructor -> BS.ByteString -> (Id, [EVM.Expr EVM.End], Calldata, Sig)
translateConstructor layout (Constructor cid iface preconds _ _ upds _) bytecode =
translateConstructor layout (Constructor cid iface preconds _ _ upds) bytecode =
(cid, [EVM.Success (snd calldata <> (fmap (toProp layout) $ preconds)) mempty (EVM.ConcreteBuf bytecode) (updatesToExpr layout cid upds initmap)],
calldata, ifaceToSig iface)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,10 +160,7 @@ ifaceToSig (Interface name args) = Sig (T.pack name) (fmap fromdecl args)

translateBehv :: Layout -> BS.ByteString -> Behaviour -> EVM.Expr EVM.End
translateBehv layout bytecode (Behaviour _ cid _ preconds caseconds _ upds ret) =
EVM.Success (fmap (toProp layout) $ preconds <> caseconds) mempty (returnsToExpr layout ret) (rewritesToExpr layout cid upds bytecode)

rewritesToExpr :: Layout -> Id -> [Rewrite] -> BS.ByteString -> ContractMap
rewritesToExpr layout cid rewrites bytecode = foldl (flip $ rewriteToExpr layout cid) initmap rewrites
EVM.Success (fmap (toProp layout) $ preconds <> caseconds) mempty (returnsToExpr layout ret) (updatesToExpr layout cid upds initmap)
initcontract = EVM.C { EVM.code = EVM.RuntimeCode (EVM.ConcreteRuntimeCode bytecode)
, = EVM.AbstractStore initAddr
Expand All @@ -172,10 +169,6 @@ rewritesToExpr layout cid rewrites bytecode = foldl (flip $ rewriteToExpr layout
initmap = M.fromList [(initAddr, initcontract)]

rewriteToExpr :: Layout -> Id -> Rewrite -> ContractMap -> ContractMap
rewriteToExpr _ _ (Constant _) cmap = cmap
rewriteToExpr layout cid (Rewrite upd) cmap = updateToExpr layout cid upd cmap

updatesToExpr :: Layout -> Id -> [StorageUpdate] -> ContractMap -> ContractMap
updatesToExpr layout cid upds initmap = foldl (flip $ updateToExpr layout cid) initmap upds

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