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WIP: substitutions
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zoep committed Sep 13, 2023
1 parent 07dcb08 commit ec4d6d7
Showing 1 changed file with 76 additions and 4 deletions.
80 changes: 76 additions & 4 deletions src/HEVM.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,10 +11,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

module HEVM where

import Prelude hiding (GT, LT)

import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.List
import Data.Containers.ListUtils (nubOrd)
Expand All @@ -30,10 +33,13 @@ import Data.DoubleWord
import Data.Maybe
import System.Exit ( exitFailure )
import Control.Monad.ST (stToIO)
import Data.Type.Equality (TestEquality(..), (:~:)(..))
import Data.Singletons

import Syntax.Annotated
import Syntax.Untyped (makeIface)
import Syntax
import Syntax.Types

import qualified EVM.Types as EVM hiding (Contract(..))
import EVM.Expr hiding (op2, inRange)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,7 +130,7 @@ translateActConstr codemap store (Contract ctor _) bytecode = translateConstruct

translateConstructor :: CodeMap -> Layout -> Constructor -> BS.ByteString -> (Id, [EVM.Expr EVM.End], Calldata)
translateConstructor codemap layout (Constructor cid iface preconds _ _ upds _) bytecode =
("Test", [EVM.Success (snd calldata <> (fmap (toProp layout) $ preconds)) mempty (EVM.ConcreteBuf bytecode) (updatesToExpr codemap layout cid initAddr upds initmap)],
("Test", [EVM.Success (snd calldata <> (fmap (toProp layout) $ preconds) <> symAddrCnstr) mempty (EVM.ConcreteBuf bytecode) cmap],
calldata = makeCtrCalldata iface
Expand All @@ -134,6 +140,14 @@ translateConstructor codemap layout (Constructor cid iface preconds _ _ upds _)
, EVM.nonce = Just 1
initmap = M.fromList [(initAddr, initcontract)]
symAddrCnstr = fmap (\i -> EVM.PNeg (EVM.PEq (EVM.WAddr (EVM.SymAddr $ "freshSymAddr" <> (T.pack $ show $ fromIntegral i))) (EVM.Lit 0))) [1..nonce-1]
cmap = updatesToExpr codemap layout cid initAddr upds initmap
nonce = case M.lookup initAddr cmap of
Just (EVM.C _ _ _ n') -> case n' of
Just n -> n
Nothing -> error "Internal error: expecing nonce"
Nothing -> error "Internal error: init contract not found"

translateBehvs :: CodeMap -> Layout -> BS.ByteString -> [Behaviour] -> [(Id, [EVM.Expr EVM.End], Calldata)]
translateBehvs codemap layout bytecode behvs =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -199,7 +213,7 @@ updateToExpr codemap layout cid caddr upd@(Update typ i@(Item _ _ ref) e) cmap =
EVM.C _ _ _ _ -> error "Internal error: nonce must be a number"
EVM.GVar _ -> error "Internal error: contract cannot be a global variable"

freshAddr = EVM.SymAddr $ "freshSymAddr" <> "1" -- TODO this loops: T.pack (show (fromIntegral nonce))
freshAddr = EVM.SymAddr $ "freshSymAddr1" -- TODO this loops: T.pack (show (fromIntegral nonce))

updateNonce :: EVM.Expr EVM.EContract -> EVM.Expr EVM.EContract
updateNonce c'@(EVM.C _ _ _ (Just n)) = c' { EVM.nonce = Just (n + 1) }
Expand All @@ -215,12 +229,70 @@ createContract codemap layout freshAddr cmap (Create pn cid args) =
, EVM.balance = EVM.Lit 0
, EVM.nonce = Just 1
} in
let upds' = upds in -- TODO subst args iface upds in
let upds' = substUpds (makeSubstMap iface args) upds in -- TODO subst args iface upds in
updatesToExpr codemap layout cid freshAddr upds' (M.insert freshAddr contract cmap)
Nothing -> error "Internal error: constructor not found"
createContract _ _ _ _ _ = error "Internal error: constructor call expected"

-- | Substitutions

makeSubstMap :: Interface -> [TypedExp] -> M.Map Id TypedExp
makeSubstMap (Interface _ decls) args =
M.fromList $ zipWith (\(Decl _ x) texp -> (x, texp)) decls args

substUpds :: M.Map Id TypedExp -> [StorageUpdate] -> [StorageUpdate]
substUpds map upds = fmap (substUpd map) upds

substUpd :: M.Map Id TypedExp -> StorageUpdate -> StorageUpdate
substUpd map (Update s item exp) = Update s (substItem map item) (substExp map exp)

substItem :: M.Map Id TypedExp -> TStorageItem a -> TStorageItem a
substItem = undefined

substExp :: M.Map Id TypedExp -> Exp a -> Exp a
substExp map exp = case exp of
And pn a b -> And pn (substExp map a) (substExp map b)
Or pn a b -> Or pn (substExp map a) (substExp map b)
Impl pn a b -> Impl pn (substExp map a) (substExp map b)
Neg pn a -> Neg pn (substExp map a)
LT pn a b -> LT pn (substExp map a) (substExp map b)
LEQ pn a b -> LEQ pn (substExp map a) (substExp map b)
GEQ pn a b -> GEQ pn (substExp map a) (substExp map b)
GT pn a b -> GT pn (substExp map a) (substExp map b)
LitBool _ _ -> exp

Add pn a b -> Add pn (substExp map a) (substExp map b)
Sub pn a b -> Sub pn (substExp map a) (substExp map b)
Mul pn a b -> Mul pn (substExp map a) (substExp map b)
Div pn a b -> Div pn (substExp map a) (substExp map b)
Mod pn a b -> Mod pn (substExp map a) (substExp map b)
Exp pn a b -> Exp pn (substExp map a) (substExp map b)
LitInt _ _ -> exp
IntEnv _ _ -> exp

IntMin _ _ -> exp
IntMax _ _ -> exp
UIntMin _ _ -> exp
UIntMax _ _ -> exp
InRange _ _ _ -> exp

Cat pn a b -> Cat pn (substExp map a) (substExp map b)
Slice pn a b c -> Slice pn (substExp map a) (substExp map b) (substExp map c)
ByStr _ _ -> exp
ByLit _ _ -> exp
ByEnv _ _ -> exp

Eq pn st a b -> Eq pn st (substExp map a) (substExp map b)
NEq pn st a b -> NEq pn st (substExp map a) (substExp map b)

ITE pn a b c -> ITE pn (substExp map a) (substExp map b) (substExp map c)
TEntry _ _ _ -> exp
Var pn st abi x -> case M.lookup x map of
Just (TExp st' exp') -> maybe (error "Internal error: type missmatch") (\Refl -> exp') $ testEquality st st'
Nothing -> exp

Create pn a b -> undefined

createContract _ _ _ _ _ = error "Internal error: constructor call expected"

returnsToExpr :: Layout -> Maybe TypedExp -> EVM.Expr EVM.Buf
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