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Fadri Furrer edited this page Jan 19, 2016 · 1 revision

System Related Parameters

  • system/v_max: Maximal translational speed (double, default: 0.25m/s)
  • system/dyaw_max: Maximal yaw-rate (double, default: 0.5rad/s)
  • system/camera/pitch: Pitch of the camera sensor (double, default: 15deg)
  • system/camera/horizontal: Horizontal opening of the field of view of the camera sensor (double, default: 90deg)
  • system/camera/vertical: Vertical opening of the field of view of the camera sensor (double, default: 60deg)
  • system/bbx/x: Vehicle bounding box for collision avoidance, dimension in x-direction (double, default: 0.5m)
  • system/bbx/y: Vehicle bounding box for collision avoidance, dimension in y-direction (double, default: 0.5m)
  • system/bbx/z: Vehicle bounding box for collision avoidance, dimension in z-direction (double, default: 0.3m)
  • system/bbx/overshoot: Extension for collision check, that is added to the nominal length of the path segment (double, default: 0.5m)

Occupancy Map Parameters

  • tf_frame: The frame which will be used for the planning (string, default: world)
  • resolution: The voxel edge length size (double, default: 0.15m)
  • visualize_min_z: Minimal height of octomap to display. This does only influence the publishing and not the building of the octomap (double, default: -DBL_MAX)
  • visualize_max_z: Maximal height of octomap to display. This does only influence the publishing and not the building of the octomap (double, default: DBL_MAX)
  • sensor_max_range: Maximum distance from the camera for points to be integrated into the octomap (double, default: 5.0m)
  • map_publish_frequency: Frequency to publish the octomap for visualization (double, default: 0.0Hz)
  • probability_hit: Probability of a hit (double, default: 0.65)
  • probability_miss: Probability of a miss (double, default: 0.4)
  • threshold_min: Minimum probability clamping threshold (double, default: 0.12)
  • threshold_max: Maximum probability clamping threshold (double, default: 0.97)
  • filter_speckles: Whether to filter (bool, default: true)
  • pcl_throttle: Minimum time between pointcloud insertions (double, default: 0.0)

Gain Computation Parameters

  • nbvp/gain/free: Gain for visible free volumes (double, default: 1.0)
  • nbvp/gain/occupied: Gain for visible occupied volumes (double, default: 0.0)
  • nbvp/gain/unmapped: Gain for visible unmapped volumes (double, default: 0.0)
  • nbvp/gain/area: Gain for visible unmapped area (double, default: 1.0)
  • nbvp/gain/probabilistic: Gain for mapped volume, scaled with the prabability to be occupied according to some custom function (double, default: 0.0)
  • nbvp/gain/range: Maximum distance of volumes to be considered for the gain computation (double, default: 1.0)
  • nbvp/gain/zero: Value for no gain (double, default: 0.0)
  • nbvp/gain/degressive_coeff: Weighting parameter for the summation of the node specific gains along the branches of the tree. A high coefficient punishes distance more (double, default: 0.25)
  • inspection_throttle: Minimum time between updates of inspected surface by vehicle pose (double, default: 0.0)

Path Planning Parameters

  • nbvp/tree/extension_range: Maximum extension range for new tree branches when sampling for a holonomic system (double, default: 1.0m)
  • nbvp/tree/initial_iterations: Initial number of iterations to build an RRT. If the best gain is zero, the same number of iterations is performed again, in an extended sampling space (int, default: 15)
  • nbvp/tree/cuttoff_iterations: Maximal number of iterations, when the exploration task is considered to be completed when no gain has been found (int, default: 200)
  • nbvp/tree/exact_root: Whether to start the new tree from the previous end point (true) or the current pose at the time of service call (false) (bool, default: true)
  • nbvp/dt: Time step for path sampling (double, default: 0.1)

Logging Parameters

  • nbvp/log/throttle: Time interval to log values (double, default: 0.5)
  • nbvp/log/on: Logging exploration data if true (bool, default: false)

Scenario Parameters

  • bbx/minX: Minimum x-coordinate value of the scenario. This only bounds the gain computation and not the path planning (double, required)
  • bbx/minY: Minimum y-coordinate value of the scenario. This only bounds the gain computation and not the path planning (double, required)
  • bbx/minZ: Minimum z-coordinate value of the scenario. This only bounds the gain computation and not the path planning (double, required)
  • bbx/maxX: Maximum x-coordinate value of the scenario. This only bounds the gain computation and not the path planning (double, required)
  • bbx/maxY: Maximum y-coordinate value of the scenario. This only bounds the gain computation and not the path planning (double, required)
  • bbx/maxZ: Maximum z-coordinate value of the scenario. This only bounds the gain computation and not the path planning (double, required)
  • bbx/softBound: If false, the scenario bounding box also bounds the path planning and not only the gain computation (bool, default: false)
  • stl_file_path: Path of ascii STL mesh file to load the surface model to inspect (string, default: no file loaded)
  • mesh_resolution: Threshold of the area (m^2) of the triangular facets, until where they are divided in smaller pieces for inspection evaluation (double, default: no default)