Dem2Cut is a project initiated by Proessor Yoshinobu Miyamoto. The intent is to automatically create paper cut patterns that make relief models of any point on earth.
Further examples can be found here.
(SVG files can be zoomed in the browser)
Miyamoto's original model
Miyamoto's original base
Programmatically generated Fuji
Programmatically generated Fuji
Mt. Hood, a volcanic peak near Portland, Oregon, USA
Mt. Rainier, a volcanic peak near Seattle, Washington, USA
Steens Mountain, a fault-block mountain in barren land in SE Oregon, USA
Cosine Waves
A work-in-progress is included in this repository. Current state of the art can be seen here
A Ruby version is currently working, with some caveats.
NOTE: Use the following command to check out the repository; because it includes a submodule, Github's HTTP download won't run correctly.
git clone --recursive git://
-l, --link LINK Google maps link, showing an area within a single 1x1 degree square -o, --out_file OUT_FILE.svg Path to output file -d, --dem_file DEM_FILE DEM file. Extension must be one of [.hgt, .pgm, .asc] -t, --title TITLE Title for SVG -f, --frame If specified, output a second image for use as the frame for the cut pattern -s, --slices NUM Number of slices in cut pattern -p, --points_per_slice NUM Number of data points in each slice -c, --cardinal_dir [N|S|E|W] Cardinal direction -v, --vertical_scale FLOAT Vertical scale factor -h, --help Display this screen
Example DEM files in pgm format can be found here. You'll have to download them to your computer before using them with dem2cut.
Here's an example command line used to create this cut pattern and this base.
cd $PATH_TO/DEM2CUT/ruby ruby ./dem2cut.rb -l ",-121.698475&spn=0.081885,0.11982&z=13&vpsrc=6" -d "$HOME/Desktop/ASTGTM2_N45W122_dem.pgm" -o "$HOME/Desktop/cli_cut.svg" -f -t "Mt. Hood"