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This custom shell is designed to support a variety of functionalities including command execution, piping, redirection, background and foreground process management, and more. The shell allows you to execute built-in commands as well as external commands with various options for redirection and background execution.


  • Command Execution: Execute external commands and built-in commands.
  • Piping: Support for piping between commands using |.
  • Redirection: Input and output redirection with <, >, and >>.
  • Background Jobs: Execute commands in the background using &.
  • Foreground Jobs: Bring background jobs to the foreground using fg.
  • Process Management: List and manage processes.
  • Custom Commands: Includes custom commands like hop, reveal, proclore, seek, log, iMan, activities, ping, and neonate.


Built-in Commands

  • hop: Changes the working directory. Usage: hop <path>
  • reveal: Displays information about the system or environment. Usage: reveal <options>
  • proclore: Lists current processes. Usage: proclore
  • seek: Searches for a pattern in files or directories. Usage: seek <pattern>
  • log: Handles log files. Usage: log <options>
  • iMan: Displays information about the manual. Usage: iMan <options>
  • activities: Lists recent activities. Usage: activities
  • ping: Pings a specified target. Usage: ping <target>
  • neonate: Creates a new neonate process. Usage: neonate -n <time>

External Commands

You can execute any external command using the shell. External commands are executed using the execvp system call.


  1. Starting the Shell: Compile the shell and run the executable.
  2. Executing Commands: Type commands directly into the shell prompt.
  3. Piping Commands: Use | to pipe output from one command to another.
  4. Redirecting Output: Use > to redirect output to a file and >> to append to a file.
  5. Redirecting Input: Use < to redirect input from a file.
  6. Background Execution: Append & to a command to run it in the background.
  7. Foreground Execution: Use fg <pid> to bring a background process to the foreground.

Prompt Function

File: prompt.h

Function: prompt

  • Purpose: Displays a shell prompt with the username, hostname, and current working directory, using color formatting.

  • Parameters:

    • char* home: User’s home directory for abbreviation.
  • Logic:

    1. Retrieve User/Host Info:
      • Uses getpwuid() for username and gethostname() for hostname.
    2. Handle CWD:
      • Retrieves the current directory using getcwd().
      • If inside home, abbreviates path with ~, else shows the full path.
    3. Display Prompt:
      • Uses ANSI color codes to style the username (blue), hostname (green), and directory (cyan).
    4. Error Handling:
      • Prints errors if fetching username, hostname, or CWD fails.
  • Color Reset: After each segment, terminal colors are reset using the RESET macro.

Hop Function

File: hop.h

Function: hop

  • Purpose: Changes the current working directory based on input arguments.

  • Parameters:

    • char* argum: The command input, e.g., hop or a directory path.
    • char* home: User’s home directory for ~ expansion.
    • char* pevcwd: Previous working directory, used for - option.
  • Logic:

    1. Default to Home:
      • If argum is "hop", changes to the home directory and prints the path.
    2. Process Arguments:
      • Splits argum using strtok_r().
      • Handles special cases:
        • "-": Switches to the previous directory.
        • "~": Switches to the home directory.
        • Otherwise, changes to the provided path.
    3. Update Previous Directory:
      • Stores the current working directory in pevcwd before changing to the new path.
    4. Error Handling:
      • Prints an error if directory change (chdir()) fails.
      • Prints the current directory on successful change.
  • Return: Returns the updated previous working directory (pevcwd).

Reveal Functions

File: reveal.h



  • Purpose: Lists files in a directory with optional hidden file filtering.
  • Parameters:
    • int hidden_flag: If set, includes hidden files.
    • const char* dir_path: Path of the directory to list.
    • char* home: User’s home directory for ~ expansion.
    • char* prevcd: Previous working directory for - option.
  • Logic:
    • Resolves - and ~ to proper paths.
    • Filters hidden files based on hidden_flag.
    • Prints directory contents with color-coding: Blue (directories), Green (executables), White (regular files).


  • Purpose: Prints detailed file info (permissions, owner, size, etc.).
  • Parameters:
    • const char* name: File name.
    • const struct stat* sb: File status info (metadata).


  • Purpose: Lists all files with detailed info, using print_file_info().
  • Parameters: Same as list.


  • Purpose: Parses and executes the list command, supporting flags like -a (show hidden) and -l (long format).
  • Parameters:
    • char* cmd: The full command input (e.g., ls -al).
    • char* home, char* prevcd: Same as list.

Log Functions

File: log.h



  • Purpose: Logs executed commands, avoiding duplicates.
  • Parameters:
    • char* cmd: Command to log.
    • const char* log_file: Log file path.


  • Purpose: Writes a command to the log file, maintaining a fixed log size.
  • Parameters: Same as logcmd.


  • Purpose: Clears the log file.
  • Parameters:
    • const char* log_file: Log file path.


  • Purpose: Manages log commands like viewing and purging.
  • Parameters:
    • char* cmd_token: The log command.
    • const char* log_file: Log file path.


  • Purpose: Retrieves and executes a command from the log by number.
  • Parameters:
    • int number: The command index.
    • const char* log_file: Log file path.
  • Returns: The command string at the specified log index.

Proclore Functions

File: proclore.h



  • Purpose: Retrieves and displays information about a process by its PID.
  • Parameters:
    • pid_t pid: The process ID to query.
  • Logic:
    1. Process Status: Reads from /proc/[pid]/status to extract:
      • Process state.
      • Process group ID (Tgid).
      • Virtual memory size (VmSize).
    2. Executable Path: Reads the symbolic link from /proc/[pid]/exe to display the path of the executable.
    3. Error Handling: Prints an error if the process does not exist or if it fails to read the executable path.


  • Purpose: Parses a command to print process information for a given or current PID.
  • Parameters:
    • char* cmd: Command input that optionally includes a PID.
  • Logic:
    • Extracts the PID from the command, defaults to the current process ID if no PID is provided.
    • Calls get_process_info() to display process details.

Code Explanation

Seek Functions


  • Purpose: Prints the file or directory name with a color based on its type (directory or file).
  • Parameters:
    • char *path: Path or name of the file/directory.
    • int is_dir: Flag to indicate if the path is a directory (prints blue) or a file (prints green).


  • Purpose: Compares a file name with a target file, accounting for possible extensions.
  • Parameters:
    • char *a: The base name to check.
    • char *target: The target file name.
  • Logic:
    • If the base name contains an extension, it checks for an exact match.
    • If the base name doesn't have an extension, it checks if the base name matches the beginning of the target name with a . added.


  • Purpose: Recursively searches through directories to find files or directories matching the target name.
  • Parameters:
    • char *base_path: The starting directory path.
    • char *target: The name of the file or directory to search for.
    • int search_files: Whether to search for files.
    • int search_dirs: Whether to search for directories.
    • int *found_count: Tracks the number of matches found.
    • char *invoke: The current working directory.
    • char *found_path: Stores the first found path.


  • Purpose: Parses the input command and initiates a search for a file or directory within the target directory.
  • Parameters:
    • char *command_string: The command input that includes options (-d, -f, -e), target file or directory, and search directory.
  • Flags:
    • -d: Search for directories only.
    • -f: Search for files only.
    • -e: Execute the found file or change directory to the found directory.

Process Management (activities.h)


  • Purpose: Adds a process to the process management system.
  • Parameters:
    • pid_t pid: The process ID of the process.
    • const char *command: The command associated with the process.


  • Purpose: Checks the status of all tracked processes, updating whether they are running, stopped, or terminated.
  • Logic:
    • Uses waitpid to check for process status changes and updates the internal process list accordingly.
    • Handles processes that have exited or have been stopped/continued.


  • Purpose: Helper function for sorting processes based on their command names.
  • Parameters:
    • Two Process structures to be compared.


  • Purpose: Brings a process to the foreground and resumes it if it was stopped.
  • Parameters:
    • pid_t pid: The process ID to bring to the foreground.
  • Logic:
    • Sets the terminal's foreground process group to the specified process.
    • Sends the SIGCONT signal to resume the process if it was stopped.


  • Purpose: Displays a list of all running and stopped processes, sorted by command name.
  • Logic:
    • Calls update_process_status to ensure process statuses are up-to-date.
    • Sorts the process list using qsort and compare_processes.
    • Displays each process, its PID, command, and whether it's stopped or running.

Code Explanation

Ping Functions


  • Purpose: Sends a signal to a process.
  • Parameters:
    • int pid: The process ID to which the signal will be sent.
    • int sig: The signal number to send (e.g., SIGKILL, SIGTERM).
  • Logic:
    • Uses the kill system call to send a signal to the process.
    • If the process doesn't exist or an error occurs, it prints an error message.
    • Otherwise, it prints a success message indicating that the signal was sent.


  • Purpose: Parses a command string and sends a signal to a process.
  • Parameters:
    • char *cmd: The command string, which includes the process ID and signal.
  • Logic:
    • The command string is split using strtok to extract the PID and signal number.
    • The ping function is called with these extracted values.

Neonate Functions


  • Purpose: Handles signals sent to the process.
  • Parameters:
    • int sig: The signal number (e.g., SIGUSR1).
  • Logic:
    • If the signal is SIGUSR1, it sets the running flag to 0, which can be used to terminate the loop in the child process.


  • Purpose: Retrieves the most recent PID from the system.
  • Logic:
    • Reads the /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max file to get the most recent PID.
    • If successful, returns the PID. Otherwise, returns -1.


  • Purpose: Captures a single character input from the user without echoing it to the screen.
  • Logic:
    • Uses tcgetattr and tcsetattr to modify terminal settings, disabling canonical mode and echo.
    • Returns the captured character.


  • Purpose: Continuously prints the most recent process ID at specified intervals until the user presses the 'x' key.
  • Parameters:
    • const char *time_arg: The time interval (in seconds) between prints.
  • Logic:
    • Parses the time argument, ensuring it's a valid positive integer.
    • Uses fork to create a child process:
      • Child Process:
        • Continuously fetches and prints the most recent PID every interval seconds until it receives a SIGUSR1 signal.
      • Parent Process:
        • Waits for user input. If the 'x' key is pressed, the parent sends a SIGUSR1 signal to the child process, terminating it.
    • If the fork fails, prints an error message.

IMAN Function



Sends an HTTP GET request to a given URL and prints the text content of the response while ignoring HTML tags, scripts, and styles.


  • const char *hostname: The hostname of the server to connect to.
  • const char *path: The path of the resource on the server.


  1. Prepare Address Info:

    • Initializes hints for getaddrinfo to handle both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and TCP stream sockets.
  2. Get Address Information:

    • Calls getaddrinfo to resolve the hostname into an address structure.
  3. Create Socket:

    • Creates a socket using the resolved address information.
  4. Connect to Server:

    • Connects the socket to the server's address.
  5. Prepare and Send HTTP GET Request:

    • Constructs an HTTP GET request string.
    • Sends the request using the socket.
  6. Receive and Process Response:

    • Receives the response in chunks.
    • Parses the response to extract and print text content, ignoring HTML tags, scripts, and styles.
  7. Close Socket:

    • Closes the socket after receiving the response.

Error Handling

  • Prints error messages if getaddrinfo, socket, connect, or send fail.
  • Prints an error message if receiving the response fails.



Constructs a URL path based on a command argument and fetches data from the URL using the fetch_data_from_url function.


  • char* cmd: The command string containing the argument for the URL path.


  1. Parse Command String:

    • Splits the command string into tokens using strtok.
    • Extracts the argument for the URL path.
  2. Construct URL Path:

    • Uses snprintf to create the URL path with the given argument.
  3. Fetch Data:

    • Calls fetch_data_from_url with the hostname ( and the constructed path.

Example Usage

If cmd is "manpage topic", it will construct the path /?topic=topic&section=all and fetch data from using this path.

Shell Functions and Signal Handlers

Signal Handlers


Purpose: Handles the SIGINT signal (usually generated by pressing Ctrl+C).


  • Sets the global flag ctrl_c_pressed.
  • Sends SIGINT to the foreground process if it exists.
  • Prints a new line if no foreground process is running.


Purpose: Handles the SIGTSTP signal (usually generated by pressing Ctrl+Z).


  • Sets the global flag ctrl_z_pressed.
  • Sends SIGTSTP to the foreground process if it exists.


Purpose: Handles the SIGCHLD signal, which is sent to a process when a child process terminates or stops.


  • Reaps all terminated child processes.
  • Prints status messages based on the termination status:
    • Exit Status: Prints when a background process exits normally.
    • Signal Termination: Prints when a background process is terminated by a signal.
    • Stopped: Prints when a process is stopped; adds the process to the background processes list.

Utility Functions


Purpose: Checks if a command is valid by verifying if it is a known command or if it exists in the system's PATH.


  • const char *command: The command to check.


  • 1 if the command is valid.
  • 0 otherwise.


Purpose: Extracts the part of a string before the first whitespace.


  • const char *str: The input string.
  • char *result: Buffer to store the result.


  • Copies the substring before the first whitespace into the result buffer.
  • If no whitespace is found, copies the entire string.


Purpose: Trims leading and trailing whitespace from a string.


  • char *str: The string to trim.


  • Removes leading and trailing spaces from the string.
  • Modifies the original string in place.


Purpose: Counts occurrences of a specific character in a string.


  • const char *str: The input string.
  • char ch: The character to count.


  • The number of occurrences of the specified character.


  • Global Variables:

    • volatile sig_atomic_t ctrl_c_pressed: Flag set when Ctrl+C is pressed.
    • volatile sig_atomic_t ctrl_z_pressed: Flag set when Ctrl+Z is pressed.
    • pid_t foreground_pid: Stores the PID of the foreground process.
  • Signal Handling:

    • Ensure proper handling of child processes and background tasks by implementing appropriate functions to manage process states and interactions.


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