IMAGE CRUD is a simple proof-of-concept web application. The purpose of the app is to play around the new services in Eucalyptus 3.3 (AutoScaling, ELB, CloudWatch). The app allows you to upload, download, and delete photos to/on the service. For example, you can upload a photo to the service using the client tool:
./ ../sample/cat1.jpeg http://localhost/imagecrud/afdef75e0376bddfd
To upload the bulk of pictures in the sample directory: ./ -c 10 ../sample/ http://localhost/imagecrud/
You can browse the pictures by pointing your web browser at http://{IP_ADDRESS}/imagecrud/
There are two types of application data to manage:
- picture file: the file is stored in Walrus and the application simply returns <img> tag with the url pointing to the Walrus url
- picture metadata: name of the picture, Walrus URL of the picure, etc
While the picture file is stored in Walrus, the metadata is stored in EBS volume, which is made available via MySQL running on Eucalyptus VM. There can be multiple web services running the IMAGE CRUD (behind ELB), and each service will connect to MySQL instance runnning on a VM so that services can share the state in database.
* create a new EBS volume
euca-create-volume -s 10 -z PARTI00
* launch a VM instance (here we assume the Centos 6 as VM image) and attach the volume to the instance:
euca-run-instances -k mykey -t m1.large emi-144C36A2
euca-attach-volume -i i-D7F6416E -d /dev/vdf vol-1D4141B5
* mount the volume and create file system on it
fdisk /dev/vdb (use 'n' and 'w' to create a new partition on it)
mkfs.ext3 /dev/vdb1
mkdir /opt/mysql
mount /dev/vdb1 /opt/mysql/
* Install MySQL srever
yum install mysql-server
* Configure MySQL
Open /etc/my.cnf and update the setting as follows:
# Disabling symbolic-links is recommended to prevent assorted security risks
Create directories to store MySQL data
mkdir /opt/mysql/log
mkdir /opt/mysql/data
chown mysql:mysql /opt/mysql -R
* Start MySQL
/etc/init.d/mysql start
* Create a 'euca' user which will be user to connect from the web application
create user 'euca'@'%' identified by 'foobar';
grant all privileges on *.* to 'euca'@'%' with grant option;
flush privileges;
* Create a new 'eucapp' database to be used by application
create database eucapp
* Open mysql's port 3306 on the security group
euca-authorize -P tcp -p 3306 -s default
* You may want to create the EMI off the MySQL instance so that you can setup new VM quickly when the previous one dies.
use 'euca-bundle-vol' to do it.
* Launch a new Centos 6 VM
euca-run-instances -k mykey -z PARTI00 -t m1.small emi-144C36A2
* Log-in the VM and install Python-Django
yum install python-pip (epel repo)
pip-python install Django
* clone IMAGE CRUD from github at /opt/eucalyptopotamus
cd /opt
git clone
cd /opt/eucalyptopotamus/django/eucapp
* Change settings
Open eucapp/
Change HOST under DATABASES to point to the IP address of the MySQL instance
Also change Walrus URL, access_key and secret_key in IMAGECRUD dictionary (at the end of
* Install Apache, mod_wsgi, and MySQL python library
yum install httpd mod_wsgi MySQL-python
* Initialize database (create a bunch of Django default tables)
cd /opt/eucalyptopotamus/django/eucapp
python syncdb
* Symlink httpd.conf in the eucapp directory
mv /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.bkup
ln -s /opt/eucalyptopotamus/django/eucapp/httpd.conf /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
* Start httpd
/etc/init.d/httpd start
Under client directory, you will find the command lines to interact with the service:
./ -c 10 ../sample/ http://localhost/imagecrud/
You can point your browser at the {IP}/imagecrud/ to see the pictures. To delete them:
./ http://localhost/imagecrud/
When the stand-alone service is running, you can scale-out the service using AS group and ELB. Here're the simple steps to do it.
1. Create launch config
* Make sure httpd automatically starts when the VM boots
chkconfig httpd on
* Create a new EMI off the VM running Django (inside the VM)
euca-bundle-vol -e /mnt/ -p django-05 -d ./bundle -r x86_64 -s 4096 --kernel eki-2EF33B3E --ramdisk eri-D6AB387F
euca-upload-bundle -b django-05 -m ./bundle/django-05.manifest.xml
euca-register django-05/django-05.manifest.xml -n django05
* Create a launch config with the created EMI
euscale-create-launch-config -i emi-98B93CD6 -t m1.small --key mykey imagecrud
2. Create ELB
eulb-create-lb -l "lb-port=80, protocol=HTTP, instance-port=80" -z PARTI00 imagecrud
3. Create autoscaling group associated with the ELB
euscale-create-auto-scaling-group -l imagecrud -M 10 -m 1 --desired-capacity 1 --load-balancers imagecrud -z PARTI00 imagecrud
4. Make sure the new VMs are launched as part of the autoscaling group
5. Wait until the launched VMs are registered with ELB (done by ASG) and the health check becomes InService
eulb-describe-instance-health --show-long imagecrud
INSTANCE i-920744B3 InService
6. When they become service, you can access the service using the loadbalancer's URL
(Note that your DNS server should be configured to be able to resolve the loadbalancer's DNS)
7. To scale out the application, simply change the desired capacity of the autoscaling group
euscale-set-desired-capacity -c 2 imagecrud