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evan361425 committed Jun 2, 2024
1 parent c351114 commit eef826a
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Showing 11 changed files with 575 additions and 135 deletions.
146 changes: 73 additions & 73 deletions docs/about/
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@@ -1,117 +1,117 @@
# 幫助 POS 系統
# Contributing to the POS System

大家好!很開心有人想幫助 POS 系統,你的幫忙會讓這應用程式更好的!
Hello everyone! We're thrilled that you're interested in helping improve the POS system. Your contributions will make this application even better!

POS 系統是一個開源的專案,並且由各方貢獻者一點一點把這產品建構起來。我們很高興有你的加入。無論你有多少時間和能力,你的付出我們都給予高度感謝。有很多種貢獻方式:
This POS system is an open-source project, built bit by bit by various contributors. We're excited to have you join us. Regardless of how much time or skill you can offer, we deeply appreciate your contributions. There are many ways to contribute:

- [改善文件](#改善文件)
- [回報程式害蟲](#如何回報程式害蟲)
- [提出新功能或改善功能](#提出新功能或改善功能)
- [設計外觀和整體架構](#調整使用者介面)
- 透過留言回應其他人的 [issue]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/issues)
- [直接撰寫程式碼改善 POS 系統](#怎麼提出程式碼上的異動)
- [Improve Documentation](#improve-documentation)
- [Report Bugs](#how-to-report-bugs)
- [Propose New Features or Enhancements](#propose-new-features-or-enhancements)
- [Design and Interface Improvements](#adjust-the-user-interface)
- Respond to other people's [issues]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/issues)
- [Directly Write Code to Improve the POS System](#how-to-submit-code-changes)

遵守以下的準則,會加速整個系統開發的流程和進度。當然,我們也會提供相應的幫助,如:確認 issue 的定位、確認改善和幫助完成最終的 PR。
Following the guidelines below will accelerate the development process. We also provide assistance, such as verifying issues, confirming improvements, and helping finalize pull requests (PRs).

> 什麼是 [PR](
> What is a [PR](
## 你需要任何幫助嗎?
## Need Any Help?

若你有任何不知道怎麼處理的事情並未涵蓋進本文章,歡迎[來信](mailto:{{ }})。或者你也可以直接[開一個 issue]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/issues/new) 來詢問,也許大家也有和你一樣的問題,我們一起來解決吧 😬。
If you encounter any issues not covered in this document, feel free to [email us](mailto:{{ }}). Alternatively, you can [open an issue]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/issues/new) to ask your question. Others might have the same question, and we can solve it together 😬.

## 改善文件
## Improve Documentation

也許你在閱讀文件時,覺得語意怪怪的,或唸起來卡卡的,這代表這段落可能不是那麼完美。你可以先看看有沒有[類似的 issue]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/labels/document)。如果沒有,請[提交相關的 issue]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&
If you find the documentation unclear or awkward while reading it, it likely needs improvement. First, check if there are any [related issues]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/labels/document). If not, please [submit a related issue]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&

In addition, consider improving the documentation if you:

- 有錯字。
- 需要增加一些圖,來幫助理解。
- 補充文件或外站連結。
- 當你添加新的功能時,也請記得補上相關的文件。
- 當你想要找某些資訊時,卻沒辦法在第一個尋找的地方找到,那我們就應該在那個地方補上這類文件資訊。
- Find typos.
- Think additional diagrams could help with understanding.
- Want to add supplementary documents or external links.
- Add new features and need to update the relevant documentation.
- Can't find information where you'd expect it, indicating the need to add it there.

在進行[程式異動](#怎麼提出程式碼上的異動)時要注意,在執行 `git checkout -b my-branch-name` 之前,應將主分支先切到 `gh-pages`,請執行 `git checkout gh-pages` 後在執行上述指令。並且,當你完成程式異動時,請記得在合併時同樣選擇 `gh-pages` 作為要求合併的分支。
When making [code changes](#how-to-submit-code-changes), remember to switch the main branch to `gh-pages` before creating a new branch with `git checkout -b my-branch-name`. Run `git checkout gh-pages` before the above command. When merging, select `gh-pages` as the base branch.

## 如何回報程式害蟲
## How to Report Bugs

哇哩咧,被你找到 bug 了!請先看看你找到的害蟲是否[已經被回報了]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/labels/bug)。如果還沒有類似的害蟲,請[提交相關的 issue]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&
Found a bug? First, check if it has [already been reported]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/labels/bug). If not, please [submit a related issue]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&

Here are some tips for writing a good bug report:

- 說明明確的問題(例如,「出現錯誤」和「製作產品菜單時,若設定相同名字仍可以建立成功」)。
- 你怎麼產生這個問題的?
- 你預期應該要有什麼結果卻得到什麼結果。
- 確保你已經使用最新版本的應用程式。
- 說明你使用的手機型號和版本。
- 一隻害蟲一個 issue,若你發現兩個問題,請發兩個 issue
- 就算你不知道該怎麼解決這些問題,幫助其他人重現問題可以加速問題的發現。
- 若你發現任何安全性的問題,請不要發 issue,相對的,請發信到 <[email protected]>,會有人來專門處理。
- Clearly describe the issue (e.g., "error occurs" vs. "creating a product menu allows identical names to be set successfully").
- Explain how you encountered the issue.
- State the expected outcome versus the actual result.
- Ensure you're using the latest version of the app.
- Specify your device model and OS version.
- Report one bug per issue; submit separate issues for multiple bugs.
- Even if you don't know how to fix the issue, helping others reproduce it can speed up resolution.
- For security issues, do not open an issue. Instead, email <[email protected]> for specialized handling.

## 提出新功能或改善功能
## Propose New Features or Enhancements

如果你發現任何希望要有的功能而本 POS 系統並沒有,那你可能並不孤單,很多人都想要有該功能。很多現有的功能都是透過使用者的回饋才慢慢增加的。
If you have an idea for a feature that the POS system lacks, you're likely not alone. Many features have been added based on user feedback.

我們非常歡迎提出新功能,但是思考一下是否該功能和 POS 系統是有關係的,你可以提出想法大家一起來討論看看本功能實作的價值。請提出足夠的細節和可行性,並且說明一下該功能試圖解決的問題。
We welcome new feature proposals. Ensure the feature relates to the POS system and provide enough detail and feasibility. Explain the problem the feature aims to solve.

再次感謝你提出想法幫助本產品更好,開始[建立相關的 issue]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/issues/new?assignees=&labels=& 吧!
Thank you for helping improve the product. Start [creating a related issue]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&!

## 調整使用者介面
## Adjust the User Interface

一個好的應用程式必須要有好的使用者介面,這包括應外觀設計和使用者操作順暢度。若你認為某區塊的顏色應該配上新的色彩,那我們就來試試看吧!請發出[相關的 issue]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&
A good application needs a well-designed user interface, including both aesthetics and user experience. If you think a particular section needs a color change, let's try it! Please submit a [related issue]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&

Consider the following:

- 由於外觀和顏色是較為主觀的東西,每次調整,可能都會需要部分使用者的支持,例如按讚,才會考慮。
- 請提供前後變更的相關截圖,幫助 PR 流程的進展。
- 調整顏色應設定於定值,而非在特定元件上的變數。
- Design changes are subjective; user support (e.g., likes) may be required for consideration.
- Provide before-and-after screenshots to aid the PR process.
- Set colors in constants rather than component-specific variables.

## 第一次嘗試貢獻
## First-Time Contribution

我們很開心你願意貢獻本專案。若你不確定如何開始做任何幫忙,建議你可以看看關於[good first issue]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22),來看看什麼是好的 issue。除此之外[help wanted]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3A%22help+wanted%22)也是一個對於不知如何幫忙的人下手的好地方。
We're delighted you want to contribute. If you're unsure where to start, check the [good first issue]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22) label for suitable issues. Also, the [help wanted]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3A%22help+wanted%22) label is a good place to find tasks needing assistance.

- Good first issues - 應該只會包含少數幾行程式碼的修正和一組單元測試。
- Help wanted issues - 可能會需要一些能力和經驗,但卻是一個特別需要大家幫忙的地方。
- Good first issues usually involve minor code changes and a unit test.
- Help wanted issues might require more skill and experience but are areas needing help.

> 歡迎你透過 issue 或信箱提出任何問題,大家都是從初學者開始的唷 😺
> Feel free to ask questions via issue or email. Everyone starts as a beginner 😺.
## 怎麼提出程式碼上的異動
## How to Submit Code Changes

Here are some guidelines for submitting code changes:

- 若你是製作外觀上的改變,請提供截圖說明改善前後的差異。
- 遵循 Flutter 程式碼[指南](
- 若你是改動使用者會接觸到的功能,請記得更新相關的文件。
- 每個 PR 應該執行一個功能或處理一個害蟲。若你有多個功能或害蟲,請提交多個 PR。
- 不要改變和你要做的事情沒關的檔案。
- [撰寫好的 commit 訊息](
- For UI changes, provide before-and-after screenshots.
- Follow the Flutter code [style guide](
- Update relevant documentation for any user-facing changes.
- Each PR should address one feature or bug. Submit separate PRs for multiple changes.
- Avoid modifying unrelated files.
- [Write good commit messages](

Steps for code changes:

- [Fork]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/fork) 並且複製本專案。
- 安裝必要檔案:`flutter pub get`
- 安裝輔助工具:`flutter run build_runner build`
- 確保你本地端可以正確執行:`flutter test`
- 建立新的分支:`git checkout -b my-branch-name`
- 改動你要改的地方,並建立測試。
- 推到你 fork 的專案後提交 PR:`git push -u origin my-branch-name`
- 你可以休息一下了 😆,會有人來處理你的 PR 並把他合併進主要分支。
- [Fork]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/fork) and clone the project.
- Install necessary dependencies: `flutter pub get`.
- Install helper tools: `flutter run build_runner build`.
- Ensure local tests pass: `flutter test`.
- Create a new branch: `git checkout -b my-branch-name`.
- Make your changes and add tests.
- Push to your fork and submit a PR: `git push -u origin my-branch-name`.
- Take a break 😆. Someone will review and merge your PR.

等不及想試試看提交你的第一個 PR 了嗎?你可以閱讀 GitHub 官方文件關於[如何貢獻 Open Source](
Excited to submit your first PR? Check out GitHub's [How to Contribute to Open Source]( guide.

## 如何準備本地端環境
## How to Set Up the Local Environment

See [Local Development](../maintenance/

## 如何進行測試
## How to Run Tests

See [Local Development](../maintenance/

## Code of conduct
## Code of Conduct

This project is governed by [the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct](../ By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.
This project follows the [Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct](../ By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.

## 其他有用資源
## Additional Resources

- [Contributing to Open Source on GitHub](
- [Using Pull Requests](
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