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Boilerplate for Craft CMS projects

This project serves as a boilerplate to generate a new Craft CMS project through composer create-project. It is an opinionated configuration made specifically for how I like to build sites with Craft.

The boilerplate creates a Craft 4.x build with a DDEV configuration for local development. If you prefer a different local development environment than DDEV, you're free to adjust the setup process accordingly.

How to use the boilerplate

To generate a new Craft CMS project with this package, run the following, where <path> is the system path you want to be the project root:

composer create-project evanwarner/craft-boilerplate <path>

Note: As part of the project creation process this file will be renamed to, while the file will become, as it is intended to be the README file that lives on with the generated project.

Project Setup

The following should be completed immediately after generating a new project. Once complete, this file can be deleted.


  1. cd into the project root
  2. git init
  3. git commit --allow-empty -m "Initial commit"
  4. Add desired git remote (assuming named origin)
  5. git push -u origin master
  6. git checkout -b develop


  1. Rename /webroot to an appropriate name for this project (to match the production server)
    • Update the docroot config in /.ddev/config.yaml to match
    • Update the config.webroot variable in package.json to match
    • Update the * > aliases > @webroot path in /craft/config/general.php to match
    • Update the paths in .gitignore to match
    • Update the paths in the Getting Started section in to match
  2. (Optional) You may rename /craft to a preferred name for this project
    • Update the composer_root config in /.ddev/config.yaml to match
    • Update the web_environment > CRAFT_CMD_ROOT config in /.ddev/config.yaml to match
    • Update the config.craft variable in package.json to match
    • Update the shared bootstrap require path in /[webroot]/index.php to match:
      • require dirname(__DIR__) . '/[craft]/bootstrap.php';
    • Update the paths in .gitignore to match
    • Update the paths in the Getting Started section in to match
    • Update the paths in the File Organization section in to match
    • Be aware of this change as you follow the remaining steps in this setup
  3. Ensure permissions of these directories
    • chmod 774 /[craft]/storage
    • chmod 774 /[craft]/vendor
  4. Ensure permissions on the craft cli executable
    • chmod 755 /[craft]/craft

Project Configuration

  1. Edit the Project Name and Project Description in
  2. Edit the name config in /.ddev/config.yaml
  3. Set the name and description in package.json
  4. Set the name and description in /[craft]/composer.json
  5. Set the CRAFT_APP_ID in /[craft]/.env
  6. Set the SYSTEM_NAME in /[craft]/.env
  7. Set the SITE_NAME in /[craft]/.env
  8. Configure the project domains
    • Edit the project domain under the additional_fqdns config in /.ddev/config.yaml
    • Set the SITE_URL in /[craft]/.env
    • Set the start_url in /src/manifest.json to the production domain
  9. Set the SYSTEM_EMAIL in /[craft]/.env
  10. Set the SYSTEM_SENDER_NAME in /[craft]/.env
  11. Set the SYSTEM_REPLY_TO_EMAIL in /[craft]/.env
  12. Set the TEST_EMAIL in /[craft]/.env
  13. Comment out or delete the www and https rewrite settings in /src/.htaccess as desired

Environment Setup

  1. From the project root run npm run dev to compile source files and watch for changes


  1. Adjust the additional environment configs (versions, ports) in /.ddev/config.yaml as desired
  2. From the project root run ddev start

Craft Setup

  1. Create a CRAFT_SECURITY_KEY in /[craft]/.env
    • ddev craft setup/security-key (or generate one manually)
  2. Run the Craft installation at http://[local hostname]/manage
    • Set the Name of the primary site to $SITE_NAME
    • Set the URL of the primary site to $SITE_URL
  3. In Settings > General set the system Time Zone appropriately
  4. In Settings > Sites set the Name of the site group as desired

GIT Development Branch

  1. Delete this file.
  2. git add -A
  3. git commit -m "Add and configure site boilerplate"
  4. git push -u origin develop