- 📃 Document domains, services and messages from your OpenAPI files (example)
- 📊 Visualise your architecture (demo)
- ⭐ Download your OpenAPI files from EventCatalog (demo)
- 💅 Custom MDX components (read more)
- 🗄️ Auto versioning of your domains, services and messages
- ⭐ Discoverability feature (search, filter and more) (demo)
- ⭐ And much more...
EventCatalog is technology agnostic, meaning it can integrate with any schemas, specs or brokers.
EventCatalog supports generators. Generators are scripts are run to pre build to generate content in your catalog. Generators can use the EventCatalog SDK.
With this OpenAPI plugin you can connect your OpenAPI files to your catalog. This is done by defining your generators in your eventcatlaog.config.js
generators: [
services: [
{ path: [path.join(__dirname, 'openapi-files', 'petstore.yml'), id: 'pet-store' },
{ path: [path.join(__dirname, 'openapi-files', 'account-service.yml'), id: 'account-service' },
domain: { id: 'orders', name: 'Orders', version: '0.0.1' },
In this example the generator will read the petstore.yml
file and populate services and messages inside your catalog. It will add the service to the domain Orders
You can see an example in the eventcatalog-openapi-example repo
Make sure you are on the latest version of EventCatalog.
- Install the package
Configure your
file (see example) -
Run the generate command
npm run generate
- See your new domains, services and messages, run
npm run dev
Raise a GitHub issue on this project, or contact us on our Discord server.
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Sponsors help make EventCatalog sustainable, want to help the project? Get in touch! Or visit our sponsor page.
Interested in collaborating with us? Our offerings include dedicated support, priority assistance, feature development, custom integrations, and more.
Find more details on our services page.
If you have any questions, features or issues please raise any issue or pull requests you like. We will try my best to get back to you.
You can find the contributing guidelines here.
- Clone the repo
- Install required dependencies
pnpm i
- Run the examples `npx tsx examples/streelights-mqtt/index.ts
- Run tests
pnpm run tests
This project is governed by a dual-license. To ensure the sustainability of the project, you can freely make use of this software if your projects are Open Source. Otherwise for internal systems you must obtain a commercial license.
To obtain a commercial license or have any questions you can email us at [email protected]