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This project serves educational purposes and is focused on demonstrating the use of Hugging Face Transformers for tasks like Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Sentiment Analysis. Here, you'll find guidelines to set up the environment and execute various tasks.

Setup Environment

Ensure to execute this notebook in the course's Python environment to install all the prerequisites:

!pip install tensorflow

!pip install torch

!pip install keras

!pip install transformers

!pip install datasets

!pip install sentencepiece

!pip install evaluate

!pip install nltk

!pip install rouge_score

Sentiment Analysis with Transformers

Explore sentiment analysis with Hugging Face Transformers.

  • Reviewing the pipeline

import transformers from transformers.pipelines import PIPELINE_REGISTRY

  • Predicting Sentiment with Default Model

from transformers import pipeline import os

  • Using a Custom Model

sentiment_classifier = pipeline(task="sentiment-analysis", model="finiteautomata/bertweet-base-sentiment-analysis")

Named Entity Recognition

Explore basic and enhanced Named Entity Recognition using Transformers.

  • Basic NER

import transformers from transformers import pipeline

  • Enhanced NER

from transformers import AutoTokenizer, TFAutoModelForTokenClassification