Users and Project Memberships Service (A Coding Exercise Solution)
Required components for running the application in development mode
Building the project requires Java 9 or higher.
In addition, the project can also be built into a Docker image and run using Docker. Doing so requires Docker.
Exact installation instructions for Java and Docker depend on your operating system and choice of package managers. If you are using homebrew on OSX:
brew cask install java
brew cask install docker
Otherwise, instructions for installing a JDK can be found at
And instructions for installing Docker can be found at
Start the internal application in development mode
Clone the git repo:
$ git clone
$ cd user-service
Run the tests and assemble the JAR:
$ ./gradlew test assemble
Run the service:
$ java -jar build/libs/user-service-1.0.0.jar
To see the output of the endpoint, visit http://localhost:8080/users in a web browser, or send an HTTP GET request to that URL using your favorite HTTP tool, such as Postman, SoapUI, or curl:
curl http://localhost:8080/users
Optionally, you can build and Run the service as a Docker image (Requires Docker)
$ ./gradlew assemble
$ docker build -t user-service .
$ docker run -p 8080:8080 user-service
If you run the docker container as shown here, the instructions for seeing the output of the endpoint are the same as given above. If you would like, however, you could run the service on a different port, by changing the -p argument accordingly.
The problem description does not define requirements for the proper handling of some potential edge cases, so I have done
what seems reasonable, and left relevant comments in the code.
If the same user (same "id" value) appears in both the /registeredusers and /unregisteredusers data from the external API we
are taking our input from, only the registered one will appear in our output. This case does not occur because the external
service is a mock returning static data, but in the real world this condition could arise due to the underlying data changing
as the two sets are being retrieved.
If a project membership relationship returned by the /projectmemberships API references a userId that does not correspond to a
user seen in either /registeredusers data or the /unregisteredusers data, that project membership will not be reflected in our
Having no information about the expected volume of requests to this endpoint, nor any means of being notified when the data
from the backing API changes, and having no business rules given about how fresh our results must be in the event of such
changes, I have opted not to implement any cacheing. Each request to the /users endpoint will result in data being fetched
from the three backing API endpoints to compose the response. Given that our backing API is a static mock, I suppose the data
will never change, but I'm trying to imagine the real-world implications here.