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How to publish an EVT edition on GitHub

Roberto Rosselli Del Turco edited this page Jan 21, 2022 · 2 revisions


  • a GitHub account
  • the git command-line program on your computer. See this tutorial about how to install git on your computer:
  • a release version of EVT or a custom build of the EVT development app.


New repository creation

  • Once you’ve signed in in GitHub, you’ll create a new repository to get started (Add > New repository).
  • On the new repository screen, you need to give this repository a special name which will also be used to generate your website. Your website’s files will live in a repository named (where “username” is your actual GitHub user name). You can also use a different name; in this case the final link to your GH Page will be slightly different (see below).
  • Then you need to set up your repository.

Repository and GH Pages Setup

If you already have a local version of your edition with EVT, you can follow the steps below:

  • from the terminal navigate to the main folder of your edition (the one containing the index.html)
  • edit the so that it describes your edition
  • then launch the following commands:
git init 
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin

The reference to the repository will depend on the name you choose

git push -u origin main
  • Now, navigate to repository in GitHub and cli open the "Settings tab". If you scroll down on the settings page, you’ll see the GitHub Pages section near the bottom.

  • Select the branch main as the source and save. Once saved you will be prompted with a message showing the link to your site (note that if you choose the same name of your GH account the link will be shorter).

  • Now if you navigate to that link you will see the text of the README you saved and pushed before.

  • Go back to the terminal and launch the following commands:

git add .

The "." is used to add every file that has changed. If you want to add a specific file, just indicate its path; you can also add more than one file by performing multiple git add path/to-file.fileExtension before the next command.

git commit -m "Add EVT edition"

You can customize the message as you prefer

git push

Wait one minute at least to give GH the time to update its cache, then reload the GH Page of your project, and you will have your edition published on the Web!

Update your EVT edition

To update the remote version, every time you perform a change to a file, just launch the three steps above (git add, git commit and git push) and the online version will be automatically updated.
