This tool generates VEE wallet file with 15-word seed phrase. The output is exported to 'wallet.dat' which is compatible with VEE wallet format specification 1.0 and can be used with full node, as well as a CSV file 'addresses.csv', which contains the list of all generated addresses with seeds, private keys and public keys.
$ java -jar walletgenerator.jar --help
VEE Wallet Generator 0.1.0
Usage: walletgenerator [options]
-a, --append append to existing wallet file
-c, --count <value> number of addresses to generate
-t, --testnet generate testnet addresses
-p, --password <value> wallet password
-f, --filter <value> filter addresses with a specific pattern
-s, --case-sensitive case sensitive filtering
-k, --seed <value> set wallet seed for account recovery
-d, --decrypt decrypt and print existing wallet file
-v, --csv print keys to csv file also
--help prints this help message
$ sbt
sbt:walletgenerator> run --testnet
$ sbt console
scala> WalletGenerator.main(Array("--testnet", "--count", "10"))
Generate testnet addresses. Output to screen, wallet.dat and addresses.csv (optional).
sbt:walletgenerator> run --testnet --count 3
[info] Running WalletGenerator --testnet --count 3
seed : welcome scheme bargain boring enable include slogan announce girl rough mention thought ski script vague
address # : 0
address : AU347Rei2RW5MiQqvj5kfxx8WAz9zv1oTWx
public key : C7yKso5wS8G4JS9sHwBZ52UBQwJsoSCeJU77njYcBL3o
private key : 26HceeeMgFFaTE1g3D8K3LXwZ8js5z2c4wLjE3BZpWX4
account seed : JBRfQrMGW3icaPwQaBpYfqFzv33GhCmtvM5KX6X1s7ux
address # : 1
address : AUCmiawWqFGKcrtCvqtyfL7sG5koEgWewQi
public key : wa1UaGrtXDeFp2gZf26kZfoR3F3nnsrKGcJH3GRkmuv
private key : AAvMzq7PZLYSwSwHfEDE6rLr6qSRTwmZSF3V5oPxhAUU
account seed : YQv859RZvuqaTwjs4kSZCA3WymWYEo7FcG8HiuuKMtr
address # : 2
address : AU9iHwZKDejoJYk46YRe5jiHp5ENwTT4vYG
public key : 47CYYUrgUESuw1amJEmtHcMVvMhabW6vt8cPJE5ZKz5m
private key : DS1NNXwnez3RBjiHKbG2PrdKPTxi1j13YujSQYKh2drJ
account seed : D1SMMbPYV9f4g11qJScdz6JCe6mxfdppa7EvCqq9LNFZ
Recover wallet with a seed phrase.
sbt:walletgenerator> run --testnet --count 3 --seed "welcome scheme bargain boring enable include slogan announce girl rough mention thought ski script vague"
Decrypt and print JSON wallet (with empty password).
sbt:walletgenerator> run --decrypt
Generate 100 mainnet addresses. Output to screen, wallet.dat (encrypted with 'mypassword') and addresses.csv
$ java -jar walletgenerator.jar -c 100 -p mypassword
Generate 100 addresses. Output to screen, append to existing wallet.dat (encrypted with 'mypassword') and addresses.csv
$ java -jar walletgenerator.jar -a -c 100 -p mypassword
Recovery 10 addresses by input seed. Output to screen, wallet.dat (encrypted with 'mypassword') and addresses.csv
$ java -jar walletgenerator.jar -c 10 -p mypassword -k "stem extra father tail struggle dinner uphold sight canoe draw moon swim amused grab mule gadget bubble hub"