This addon is only for eXo Platform 6.5.x ! In 6.6.x and above, this code is present in the product.
This addon allows to extends default eXo SAML behaviour. In some context, the user identifier is not in the subject which contains named-id with a persistent format, or with a transient format. In such case, the user identifier is present in assertion attributes.
Launch this commands :
cd ${EXO_HOME}
./addon install exo-saml-extensions
This addon requires exo-saml addon. It must be installed after exo-saml addon.
Add these properties in exo.properties
Property | Description | Default Value |
gatein.sso.saml.use.namedid | To define if eXo must use nameid to identify the user | true |
gatein.sso.saml.subject.attribute | If previous property is set to false, which attribute must be used to identity the user | uid |