Important directories :
for the jmeter scripts and csv datasources/output/
for all jmeter generated data (log file, csv/jtl files, reports, ...)
docker run -ti --rm -v /path/to/my/scripts:/scripts:ro -v /path/to/results:/output:rw \
exoplatform/jmeter:latest -n -t /scripts/myscript.jmx -o /output/result
docker run -ti --rm -v /path/to/my/scripts:/scripts:ro -v /path/to/results:/output:rw \
exoplatform/jmeter:latest -n -t /scripts/myscript.jmx -o /output/result/
WARNING: don't forget to pass the -n
parameter to run jmeter in no gui mode
docker run -ti --rm -v /path/to/results:/output:rw \
exoplatform/jmeter:latest -g /output/bench/benchmark.csv -o /output/report/
Any property prefixed with JMETERPROP_
will be passed to the jmeter script on a -j option.
For example, if you add the parameter -e JMETERPROP_param1=value1
to the docker command line, the option -Jparam1=value1
will be added to the jmeter command line
You can configure JMeter's JVM Heap with the HEAP
environment variable :
docker run -ti --rm -e HEAP="-Xms512m -Xmx512m" exoplatform/jmeter:latest
To avoid file permission problems when writting files in mounted directory from the host (ex: /output/
), you can specify the user UID to use to launch jmeter inside the container with the variable LOCAL_USER_ID
ex: laucnh JMeter with the same UID than the current user launching the container on the host :
docker run -ti --rm -e LOCAL_USER_ID=`id -u $USER` \
-v /path/to/my/scripts:/scripts -v /path/to/results:/output \
exoplatform/jmeter:latest -n -t /scripts/myscript.jmx -o /output/result