This repo provides a jumpstart for your Rails API based on REST Api.
It contains everything you need to Start your API.
- fast_jsonapi (you can easily switch to any other serialization like active_model_serializers or jbuilder)
- pundit (Authorization)
- rspec (with jumpstart json helpers )
- rack-attack (Throttling Api and blacklisting)
- JsonWebToken (Authentication)
- rack-cors
- database_cleaner
- webmock and faker
- rspec-graphql_matchers
- rubocop
- better_errors
- graphiql-rails
- dotenv
- redis
- prepared capistrano
Rename the app
To fit your needs you can rename the app by using
rails rename:into YourNewAppName
- Ruby version
ruby '2.5.1'
- Rails
rails 5.2.1
- Configuration
From now you can decide which react framework you wanna choose (For example react_on_rails
or react-rails
- Database creation and initialize
rails db:migrate && rails db:setup && rails db:seed
- How to run the test suite
or rspec
- Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Create a user
User.create(name: "test", password:"test", password_confirmation:"test", email:"[email protected])
brew install httpie
apt-get install httpie
http POST :3000/signup [email protected] password=test password_confirmation=test name=test
Returns a token
http GET :3000/users Authorization:PUT_YOUR_TOKEN_HERE