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Tools and services to troubleshoot and support SSL setup

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  1. redirector redirector Public

    Sinatra app for handling multiple SSL Endpoints on Heroku

    Ruby 1

  2. wildcard-install wildcard-install Public

    Install a single ExpeditedSSL Wildcard cert onto multiple different app-instances on the Heroku EU zone.


  3. iso_country_codes iso_country_codes Public

    Forked from alexrabarts/iso_country_codes

    A Ruby library that provides ISO 3166-1 country codes/names and ISO 4217 currencies


  4. expedited-cdn-static expedited-cdn-static Public

    A static HTML site for testing Expedited CDN



Showing 4 of 4 repositories
  • expedited-cdn-static Public

    A static HTML site for testing Expedited CDN

    expeditedssl/expedited-cdn-static’s past year of commit activity
    Hack 0 0 0 0 Updated Jun 10, 2021
  • iso_country_codes Public Forked from alexrabarts/iso_country_codes

    A Ruby library that provides ISO 3166-1 country codes/names and ISO 4217 currencies

    expeditedssl/iso_country_codes’s past year of commit activity
    Ruby 0 63 0 0 Updated Jun 29, 2020
  • wildcard-install Public

    Install a single ExpeditedSSL Wildcard cert onto multiple different app-instances on the Heroku EU zone.

    expeditedssl/wildcard-install’s past year of commit activity
    Ruby 0 0 0 0 Updated Jul 22, 2015
  • redirector Public

    Sinatra app for handling multiple SSL Endpoints on Heroku

    expeditedssl/redirector’s past year of commit activity
    Ruby 0 1 1 0 Updated Jun 17, 2015

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