Tools to help you improve performance of your Vue application.
If we want to know how many times that (one of or all of) watch
or computed
has been updated or how long does they take. We can use whyDidYouUpdate
For example, We have a demo project. And the major component is:
<script setup lang="ts">
import { watch, computed, ref } from "@vue/composition-api";
const sleep = (n: number) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, n))
const msg = ref(0);
const plusOne = computed(() => {
return msg.value + 1;
const plusTwo = ref(msg.value);
() => plusOne.value,
(one) => {
plusTwo.value = one + 1;
const plusTwoAfterOneSecond = ref(msg.value);
() => plusOne.value,
async (one) => {
await sleep(1000)
plusTwoAfterOneSecond.value = one + 1;
<div class="hello">
<p>value: {{ msg }}</p>
<p>value plus one: {{ plusOne }}</p>
<p>value plus two: {{ plusTwo }}</p>
<p>value plus two after one second: {{ plusTwoAfterOneSecond }}</p>
<button @click="msg++">Plus</button>
If we click Start
in devtools panel. And then click Plus
button a few times. And then click End
in devtools panel. We can see the result:
In above table, you can see how many times watch
or computed
has been called and how long it has been running. We can use those information to find out which watch
or computed
has useless/repeated/unexpected calls and which watch
or computed
is the bottleneck of performance.
You can also use Reload and Start
(in the dropdown) to monit your app when it first render.
yarn add babel-plugin-why-did-you-update
.- add
to your babel config file.
// babel.config.js
module.exports = {
presets: ["@vue/cli-plugin-babel/preset"],
plugins: ["why-did-you-update"],
- Install Chrome extension WhyDidYouUpdate
- For nightly version, youcan unzip extension and load it in Chrome.
- You can download nightly build of Chrome extension at CI artifacts.
- For nightly version, youcan unzip extension and load it in Chrome.
- Build or serve your project.
- Open your project with Chrome.
- Open
why did you update
tab in Chrome devtools. - Click
- Do something in your page.
- Click
. - Here we go.