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A simple server-side request filter, sanitizer and validator

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Table of Contents

  1. [Expresspay Refines]
    1. [Basic Usage]
    2. [Custom field types]
    3. [Writing custom rules]

Expresspay Refine

A simple server-side request filter, sanitizer and validator

Basic Usage

`Expay\Refine\Filter` does most of the work. Most calls to the class will only use the methods `addField` and `check`.

A field is defined with its key in the request and a value indicating its type. When this value is a string, its used to lookup a stored list of rules to filter the request value with.

use Expay\Refine\Filter;
use Expay\Refine\Rules;

$result = (new Filter())
	->addField("password", "string")
	->addField("email", "email")
	"email" => "[email protected]",
	"password" => "hackme"

	[status] => 0
	[message] => Success
	[output] => Array
			[password] => hackme
			[email] => [email protected]


Custom field types

Custom field types can be added by specifying the rules to apply to them. This can be done with the following code:

use Expay\Refine\Filter;
use Expay\Refine\Rules;

$result = (new Filter())
	// add a field type called boolean_value 
	->addRule("uppercase_bool", new Rules\Boolean('upper'))
	->addRules("email", [
		new Rules\Required,
		new Rules\PHPFilter([
	->addField("is_admin", "uppercase_bool")
	->addField("email", "email")
		"is_admin" => "true",
		"email" => "[email protected]"

	[status] => 0
	[message] => Success
	[output] => Array
			[is_admin] => TRUE
			[email] => [email protected]


A factory function can be used to avoid repeating definitions.

use Expay\Refine\Filter;
use Expay\Refine\Rules;

function filter() {
	return (new Filter())
	// add a field type called boolean_value 
	->addRule("uppercase_bool", new Rules\Boolean('upper'))
	->addRules("email", [
		new Rules\Required,
		new Rules\PHPFilter([

	"is_admin" => "true",
	"email" => "[email protected]"
	[status] => 0
	[message] => Success
	[output] => Array
			[email] => [email protected]


Writing custom rules

Custom rules can be written by sub-classing \Expay\Refine\Rules\Rule and implementing the apply method.

use Expay\Refine\Filter;
use Expay\Refine\Rules\Rule;
use Expay\Refine\Exceptions\InvalidField;

class CVV extends Rule
	public function apply($value, string $key, array $request): string
		if (preg_match("/^\d\d\d$/", $value))
			return $value;
		throw new InvalidField("Invalid cvv");

$result = (new Filter())
	->addRule("cvv", new CVV)
	->check(["cvv" => "123"]);

array(3) {
  'status' =>
  'message' =>
  string(7) "Success"
  'output' =>
  array(1) {
    'cvv' =>
    string(3) "123"

Writing validations

Validations can be written by adding the filter rule and validation rules.

Visit this github repository Rakit/Validation for more validation rule options you can use.

use Expay\Refine\Rules;
use Expay\Refine\Filter;
use Expay\Refine\Exceptions\ValidationError;

	$filter=new Filter;

	$fields=["email"=>[new Rules\Validate($vRules),new Rules\CleanTags]];
	$data=["email"=>"[email protected]"];

catch(ValidationError $e)

array(3) {
  string(7) "Success"
  array(1) {
    string(19) "[email protected]"

Writing Custom Validation Rules

Custom validation rules can be written by adding the filter rule, then add validation rules as first argument and key value pairs containing your custom validation rule names and their respective classes as a second argument to the filter rule.

Visit this github repository Rakit/Validation/Override/Rules for more custom validation rule options you can use.

use Expay\Refine\Rules;
use Expay\Refine\Filter;
use Expay\Refine\Exceptions\ValidationError;
use Rakit\Validation\Rule as ValidationRule;

 * ValidationRuleObjectProvider
class ValidationRuleObjectProvider extends ValidationRule
   * message
   * @var string
  protected $message = "";
   * __construct
   * @return void
  public function __construct()
    $this->message=":value is not a valid object";
   * check
   * @param  mixed $value
   * @return bool
  public function check($value) : bool
    return is_object($value);

	$filter=new Filter;

	$customRules=["object_value"=>new ValidationRuleObjectProvider];

	$fields=["obj_field"=>[new Rules\Validate($vRules,$customRules)]];

	$objData=new \stdClass();
	$objData->{"hello"}="hello sir";

catch(ValidationError $e)

array(3) {
  string(7) "Success"
  array(1) {
    object(stdClass)#900 (1) {
      string(9) "hello sir"