This is a FORKED Repository: Why?
This has been forked from Ra-Na original project. I did this because I couldn't obviously see how to push my enhancements to their repository.
This adds support above this in the original project as follows:
- Support for translatable=false
- Support to copy across comments verbatim
- Bugs exist as in the original as of 11th July 2018:
- <![CDATA[some stuff]]> tag is corrupted
- > is converted to url safe >
- content type header is stripped from file
ORIGINAL README Content below:
Provides python3.5 scripts that automate string resource file translations as needed for Android projects. As of July 2018, two translation services are implemented, namely DEEPL and GOOLGE TRANSLATE.
1.) For English German Italian French Spanish Dutch Polish Deepl yields better translations.
2.) The Google translate script should by now handle asian fonts correctly.