This is a fast way to create and configure an Algorand node and start developing.
You will need to install Docker, instructions are available here.
Use the sandbox command to interact with the Algorand Sandbox.
sandbox commands:
up [mainnet||testnet||betanet] [-s||--skip-snapshot]
-> spin up the sandbox environment, uses testnet by default.
Optionally provide -s to skip initializing with a snapshot.
down -> tear down the sandbox environment
restart -> restart the sandbox
enter -> enter the sandbox container
clean -> stops and deletes containers and data directory
test -> runs some tests to make sure everything is working correctly
algorand commands:
logs -> stream algorand logs with the carpenter utility
status -> get node status
goal (args) -> run goal command like 'goal node status'
dryrun (tx) -> run 'goal clerk dryrun -t tx' to test a transaction
introduction -> learn how to get Algos on testnet and create a transaction