(eng. nightingale)
Fun side-project just to play with Yandex translator API. Why Yandex? because it's easier to obtain API key from them than from Google.
The idea was to create a small program to check how translator changes the input after a specific number of translations. All you have to do is to run a program and feed a word or a phrase into the system! It will then translate it a bunch of times and will return you translated stuff. Fun thing - you'll see every translation which happened along the way (with input/output languages)! (ie. pl->de, de->ru, ru->gb) and at the end it will translate it back to the input language.
0. You obtain API key from Yandex Translate (https://tech.yandex.com/translate/), create api_key.py and create a variable inside named api_key which will hold you API key value preceded by '?key='. Example:
api_key = "?key=your_key_goes_here"
1. Run main_functionality.py
2. Follow the instructions.
3. ???
4. Profit!
Hope y'all like it :)